I decided to look back on some old posts on this forum and I found this
"First, it would make use of Tom sawyer island. Being the first addition to Liberty Square since MK opened (I think, not sure) A bridge would be built between the liberty belle boats and Mike finks keel boats. The bridge would be retractable, and traffic across it would be stopped while the bridge was retracted so the liberty boats could sail through, the mike finks boats would easily move underneath it. tom sawyer island wouldn't be detroyed. The bridge leading over to the fort area, and the forst area itself would be kept intact, and maybe the few things on the first half would be moved over to the fort island.
The rest of Tom sawyer island would be appropriatley renamed 'Sleepy Hollow' Aunt polly's resteraunt would be renamed 'Sleepy Hollow Tavern' or something to that effect, and a gift shop (that also serves as the ride's exit) would be named 'the inn' and would be constructed. But the main focus would fall on the Sleepy Hollow Chapel, that would stand in between looming oak trees. built with dark stone, and accented by stained glass windows, this would be the main attraction here. Upon entering the church, guests would immedietly notice that a party of sorts is happening. Looking at the attached picture, you would see the que line weaves around infront of
a block labeled 'AA Stage' this stage would have AA muscians on it, playing songs from the old colonial days, resembling an old church fellowship gathering. IN between the songs, they would talk, and observant guests would hear them telling the tales of old Ichiabod <sp?> Crane, and how he was killed by the headless horseman...The band members would chuckle it off treating it like a fairy tale though, but it is definetly a foreshadow of things to come. Anyway, after you reach the end of the line, you exit to the side of the stage, where you would find yourself outside the back of the church, on a 'porch' like structure. If you look at the attached picture, you'll see there are two stages, one labeled 'S1' and the other 's2'. S1 would feature the band members wishing you a good and safe trip home before heading out. Then, the audiences attention would be grabbed by some noise at S2. A ghost would appear! But clearly a friendly ghost, if not a little clumsy. He would ask what you're doing here and why you are even ATTEMPTING to walk home, ecspecially tonight, when the headless horseman is riding, he assures you that the tales are true and that you have to get out of there, and fast. He starts to panic, trying to find some way to get you home, and fast.
He spots an old carriage, and with a few magic words, it jumps to life,(ala cinderella, but without the time limit) with no horses or anything. The ghost informs you that the carriage will take you home as fast as he can, and that he will follow for as far as he can go. The ghost tells you that the horseman can follow you to the bridge, but the ghost can only go to the graveyard. You hurry on to the next room, the loading area. You board you carriages, and they take off. Now, on the map, green blocks represent AA's and red lines represent pauses or stops in the cars track, where the car will stop for a moment or for a long time, depending on the scene. I'll explain other symbols later. The blue line represents the track that your car follows. As you enter the first scene,"Forest Scene" The first AA you reach is the Ghost, telling you that you have to move quickly, before the HH finds you..SO your buggy moves along, sparkling dots (Like the ones above your head in norway when the trolls cast that spell on you) guide your car through the forest. As you move, the clopping of hooves can be heard, and your car slows down, creeping through the woods, when suddenly, and AA horseman rears up, swinging a sword above him, cackling! Your car drives off, trying to dodge him, and as you can see in the next scene, "Running form the horseman" you run into quite a few AA's. The next scene is sort of a weird abstract scene. In "Warped out horror" You enter a narrow forest passage, trees surrounding it, and a mountain at the end with a cave under it. Suddenly, glowing eyes are visible in the trees and brush. The horseman appear atop the mountain, and one of those rotating lights (that they use in buzz lightyear) starts spinning an errie green glow. The eyes are suddenly lit up with black lights, that show they are really grinning pumpkins, you go closer and closer to the cliff, the horseman perched above, until you enter into the cave, driving through it to emerge on the otherside, In a graveyard. You stop and your ghost guide tells you thta this is as far as he can guide you, but the cart will take you over the bridge. Your car moves foward, into the next scene,"Bridge over troubled pumpkins"-Don't ask me why I named it that- So you enter into this scene, and see the Bridge looming in the distance, and you also hear the horseman clopping up, running faster, your cart drives onward moving towards the bridge. It stops suddenly as your the horseman appears, only to move faster over the bridge while the AA actually FOLLOWS you! The AA would be on a rod, much like briar rabbit in Splash mountain and owuld chase you until it reaches the green blob on the map, which is a tree or bush. The your car would be over the bridge and would do a u-turn, facing the bridge again, then, you would see the horseman, a different AA, that would rear up and through a pumpkin that would fly towards the cart and exlode as your car veers off, barely escaping the flames! Then you would drive off into the unloading area! "