Guest Speaks Out on The Animator's Behalf


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Original Poster
I was off today, so i decided to go to the studios, and this was the first time i had been in the animation tour since the animators left. on a side note, the mushu bit is hilarious.

anyway - first of all, let me say, i almost had a tear roll down my cheek seeing how empty this place was. many of the guests did not know what they were seeing was a tragedy, UNTIL -

one elderly lady right beside me spoke up during question and answer time, and asked the cm, something along the lines of, where did all the animators go? where they fired, or transferred..(she already knew the answer)

the cm replied that most were let go, and a few moved to california, but many didn't want to make that move -

the gues replied back with a 'yeah right' attitude saying, they were done unfairly, and it was a sad sight for disney to lose so many of it's talented animators, and that we should stick with what walt started as traditional animation.

this got guest asking all sorts of questions... AND TO MY SURPRISE (keeping my mouth shut) the CM answering the questions said, (not a direct quote) something to the effect of Eisner being cheap, ... then guests started asking other quesitions, but the topic changed somehow, and i left - didn't care to hear anymore - too depressing.

but - kudos to that guest who was brave enough to ask - and kudos to the cm, for halfway telling the truth.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mkepcotmgmak
I was off today, so i decided to go to the studios, and this was the first time i had been in the animation tour since the animators left. on a side note, the mushu bit is hilarious.

anyway - first of all, let me say, i almost had a tear roll down my cheek seeing how empty this place was. many of the guests did not know what they were seeing was a tragedy, UNTIL -

one elderly lady right beside me spoke up during question and answer time, and asked the cm, something along the lines of, where did all the animators go? where they fired, or transferred..(she already knew the answer)

the cm replied that most were let go, and a few moved to california, but many didn't want to make that move -

the gues replied back with a 'yeah right' attitude saying, they were done unfairly, and it was a sad sight for disney to lose so many of it's talented animators, and that we should stick with what walt started as traditional animation.

this got guest asking all sorts of questions... AND TO MY SURPRISE (keeping my mouth shut) the CM answering the questions said, (not a direct quote) something to the effect of Eisner being cheap, ... then guests started asking other quesitions, but the topic changed somehow, and i left - didn't care to hear anymore - too depressing.

but - kudos to that guest who was brave enough to ask - and kudos to the cm, for halfway telling the truth.

I have a cousin who is an animator out in California. I'm gonna see him in late March because we have wedding in the family. I want to see how he and coworkers reacted to this, and how it affected things out there. It really is a shame that Disney is just destroying the thing they were built on. :(


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Original Poster
i think doing new things with the computer industry is a GREAT idea, Walt was all about using technology, and being a leader in the industry, but at the same time, Walt also knew the value of certain things, like Marceline, where he grew up - hence Main Streets around the world - we grew up on hand drawn animation - and it should remain a big contender. I was glad to hear that Disney is venturing out ont eh new 'chicken little' project, in computer animation - although sadly without pixar. but - i don't know all the details to make a judgment whether or not my opinion is good on keeping or dropping pixar? anyway - still a sad situation in my book.


Well-Known Member
What do you think Disney is going to do about all the guests who ask about the animators during the tour? I can imagine that every day the guides will be confronted with questions regarding the closure of the studio and the mass layoffs that occured tehre earlier. And to have these concerned animation fans speak up against the layoffs during the tour, informing other unknowing guests of the sad situation, should no doubt be a problem for the park's management. It has to be bad when the CMs are confronted with questions like "Why did Disney fire all these talented people?" day after day after day....


Well-Known Member
Bravo or brava as the case may be to that spunky lady. I only wish I were there. That's what we need. More people like her to stand up and speak the truth. If only all those who feel Disney is losing sight of its essence would do the same.

"Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

Margaret Mead

Pixie Duster

New Member
I know and understand that Walt was definately into innovation, but there is no way in heck he would have fired all those talented people. He would have used there skills to contunue traditional animation and trained some that were itnerested in knowing the new CG animation style.
The Florida studio made three incredible movies and were part of some great TV shows as well. Instead of closing it they should have revamped it, but what do I know about business I actually have a heart :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Pixie Duster
I know and understand that Walt was definately into innovation, but there is no way in heck he would have fired all those talented people. He would have used there skills to contunue traditional animation and trained some that were itnerested in knowing the new CG animation style.
The Florida studio made three incredible movies and were part of some great TV shows as well. Instead of closing it they should have revamped it, but what do I know about business I actually have a heart :)

something some people lack, a heart. - the films florida did were amazing! - it's sad to see them leave!


New Member
When my family and I were there in December, none of the animators were there. They were in the pre-layoff stages I guess you could say. Well my family decided they wanted to do the drawing part of the new tour, so we waited around to do that. The CM, an older gentlemen, started telling us all about how Disney was more than likely going to lay off all the animators and he wasn't happy about it. He spoke about Eisner with a very sarcastic tone. He said that none of the CM's could sign the petition over at because apparently they had a subtle threat against them. A theat that they would basically be fired if they did.

I think walking around Disney World since Roy left, you get a feeling that all isn't well. I kinda felt it in the air, maybe it was me. But, you can definately tell that at least some CM's are not happy, but they can't speak out, for fear of losing their jobs.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
i'm feeling provocative. anyone in the mood to go to MGM tomorrow?

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