Guess That Disney Classic!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
All right, following the suggestion of my good friend Spider-Man, I've compiled the names of some of the Disney Classics as they're named down here in Brazil so you can try to guess which one is which. I've excluded the ones that have the same name, like Dumbo and Robin Hood.
If you guys like it, then we can move on to Chit Chat and maybe give other movies a try. ;)

Here it goes:

A Bela e a Fera
A Dama e o Vagabundo
A Espada Era a Lei
A Gata Borralheira
A Nova Onda do Imperador
A Pequena Sereia
Alice no País das Maravilhas
As Peripécias do Ratinho Detetive
Bela Adormecida
Bernardo e Bianca
Bernardo e Bianca na Terra dos Cangurus
Branca de Neve e os Sete Anões
Mogli, o Menino Lobo
Monstros S.A.
O Caldeirão Mágico
O Cão e a Raposa
O Corcunda de Notre Dame
O Rei Leão
Oliver e Sua Turma
Planeta do Tesouro
Procurando Nemo
Vida de Inseto


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MKCustodial


Bernardo e Bianca--THE RESCUERS

Bernardo e Bianca na Terra dos Cangurus--THE RESCUERS DOWN UNDER

Monstros S.A.--MONSTERS, INC.


Planeta do Tesouro--TREASURE PLANET?



New Member
Maybe not the literal translation, but I'll guess some semi-obvious yet may totally be wrong ones (I'll skip sandjhookers guesses and need to think on others):

Alice no País das Maravilhas - Alice in Wonderland?
As Peripécias do Ratinho Detetive - Great Mouse Detective?
Mogli, o Menino Lobo - The Jungle Book ???
Oliver e Sua Turma - Oliver and Company?
Procurando Nemo - Finding Nemo?
Vida de Inseto - Bug's Life (I'm for sure on this one)

OK So I took the easy route and looked for names. :lol:


Well-Known Member
My Best Guesses

A Bela e a Fera = Beauty and the Beast
A Dama e o Vagabundo = Lady and the Tramp
A Nova Onda do Imperador = Emperor's New Grove (not sure about this one)
A Pequena Sereia = The Litte Mermaid
Alice no País das Maravilhas = Alice in Wondrland
Aristogatos = AritoCats
As Peripécias do Ratinho Detetive = Great Mouse Detective
Bela Adormecida = Sleeping Beauty
Bernardo e Bianca =The Rescuers
Bernardo e Bianca na Terra dos Cangurus = Rescuers Down Under
Branca de Neve e os Sete Anões = Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Mogli, o Menino Lobo = The Jungle Book
Monstros S.A. = Monters Inc
O Caldeirão Mágico = The Black Cauldon
O Corcunda de Notre Dame = Hunchback of Notre Dame
O Rei Leão = The Lion King
Oliver e Sua Turma = Oliver and Co.
Planeta do Tesouro = Treasure Plnet
Procurando Nemo = Finding Nmo
Vida de Inseto = A Bug' Life


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Guess That Disney Classic!

Originally posted by spider-man
OK So I took the easy route and looked for names. :lol:
And I didn't? No way in the world I would have known them without catching something in the title for help.:)


New Member
Originally posted by MKCustodial
A Gata Borralheira
Bela Adormecida

I have no idea what the first one is... I can´t think of any other movie -at least in Spanish- with that animal :D

I loved how you say "La bella durmiente"!

I can catch almost all of them! :) :animwink:

Cool! :cool:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Congrats, you guys got it all right! :sohappy:

As for "A Gata Borralheira", that was a little trick of mine. It's Cinderella, and down here it's Cinderella too, but that's the other name for the story... :D

Are there any left with no guesses?


New Member
Originally posted by MKCustodial
As for "A Gata Borralheira", that was a little trick of mine. It's Cinderella, and down here it's Cinderella too, but that's the other name for the story... :D

Aaahhh... so you mean "Cenicienta"! :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Maria
Aaahhh... so you mean "Cenicienta"! :animwink:

You know, you should post yours. They're probably more different than mine! I know because some of our DVDs down here come with the SPanish name written on the disc besides the Portuguese and English ones.


New Member
Here it goes:

A Bela e a Fera = La Bella y la Bestia = Beauty and the Beast
A Dama e o Vagabundo = La Dama y el Vagabundo = Lady and the Tramp
A Espada Era a Lei = La espada en la piedra = The sword in the stone
A Gata Borralheira = Cenicienta = Cinderella
A Pequena Sereia = La Sirenita = The Little Mermaid
Alice no País das Maravilhas = Alicia en el País de las Maravillas = Alice in Wonderland
Aristogatos = Los Aristogatos = The Aristocats
Bela Adormecida = La Bella Durmiente = Sleeping Beauty
Bernardo e Bianca = Bernardo y Bianca = The rescuers
Branca de Neve e os Sete Anões = Blanca Nieves y los siete enanos = Snow White and the seven dwarves
Mogli, o Menino Lobo = El Libro de la Selva = The jungle book
Monstros S.A. = Monsters Inc. (we used the English name)
O Corcunda de Notre Dame = El jorobado de Notre Dame = The hunchback of Notre Dame
O Rei Leão = El Rey León = The Lion King
Planeta do Tesouro = El Planeta del Tesoro = Treasure Planet
Vida de Inseto = Bichos = It´s tough to be a bug

Those are the ones I remember in Spanish from your list, Rodrigo! :animwink:

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