If you can come up with a reasonable discussion, other then wishful thinking, of how EPCOT Ctr. can be connected to EPCOT, I'd be glad to listen but to make a park that they thought might be able to stay ahead of or at least in time with constant advances in technology was not a thing that was possible. They thought it was, but, it wasn't. It wasn't a community just a showcase for new ideas, not necessarily a working idea, just a new one and in order to have that businesses had to be willing to pay the price to display their new ideas. Timing and the computer age stopped that from happening. It was no longer, after a few years, able to compete with the Internet to get ideas out. However, that was the only really slim connection that it had to Walt's plan and dream.
The only thing that resembled what he had in mind was the name EPCOT. It wasn't EPCOT and never would be close to being it. It was a borrowed name that connected Walt to the park, not the concept. For the record, even Walt's plan didn't have the chance of a snowball in hell of succeeding over the long haul. It could be said that Walt passed away at the right time to prevent The Disney Company from being a company that used to be. The idea relied to much on the need of business to showcase their products. It turned out later to not be necessary at all. The internet took care of that.