Gay Days?

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Ok we're gonna be in Disney the whole week of gay week. I dont have anything against gays, but was wondering if its appropriate for kids to be there? I dont want to have to explain to my preschoolers the whole situation ya know? So will I go there and see a bunch of people making out or is it normally all under control?

this isnt meant to offend anyone!! Just curious cause i have no idea how to explain to my kids if they see something ya know?


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Your kids will never notice. And you won't either unless you're looking. Just say away from Magic Kingdom on the 5th and you'll be fine. :) Go to for information on where they will be, so you can go somewhere else that day. They have a schedule on their site.
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Original Poster
Its not that I dont want to explain, but I dont know how. Do you have suggestions? I would love to inform my kids and I dont want them to be sheltered. They are ages 3 & 5.
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DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Just explain to them that just like you and daddy love each other those two boys/girls love each other. I'm sure your kids will understand and it's best to do at that age before certain unwanted opinions form in their heads.
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New Member
Well, Disney isn't exactly the best place to have conversations like that... Especially at that age...

Anyways, I've heard both bad and good stories from Gay Days... some with families who became friends with couples, and others with families who had... well... terrible experiences...

So, its up to you... It shouldn't be too bad, but be careful... Mostly, the parks are kept under control- its the planned activities that become wild (check the site to avoid them)... But, remember- if you see anything illegal (drugs, nudity, etc...), report it... just because its "Gay Days" doesn't mean they're above both the law and Disney's rules :)

Heres an article about CAN's views of the festivities... Remember, its VERY biased, as its against Gay Days, but nothing in that article is made up...

Oh... and of course, don't pack anything red :)
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New Member
For some reason I doubt you'll be seeing lots of making out and group fornication by the tea cups. Gay people do have some tact :p :hammer:

I assume you'll see a lot of hand holding and an occassional kiss, but nothing as blatant and extreme and "inappropriate" as what you see from tons of straight couples in public.

Just avoid the nightclubs and parties that will be taking place and you should be fine. And don't wear red :lookaroun :p
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New Member
This may not have much to do with the thread, but I've been looking for somewhere to post this. Disney should bar Gay Days activities from the parks. If at all possible, they should ban Gay Days all together. Gay is not the image Disney should want to show. Finally, isn't 3-5 at least a little bit young for exposure to the idea of gayness?
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New Member
Originally posted by SIR90210
This may not have much to do with the thread, but I've been looking for somewhere to post this. Disney should bar Gay Days activities from the parks. If at all possible, they should ban Gay Days all together. Gay is not the image Disney should want to show. Finally, isn't 3-5 at least a little bit young for exposure to the idea of gayness?

Let the arguments begin... :brick:
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by nicholas
Let the arguments begin... :brick:

Oh boy, here we go. :mad:

Being gay isn't an illness. It's a lifestyle. And it ISN'T a choice either. Banning gay people at Disney would be like banning a whole race of people. Disney does not discriminate against ANYONE. If you don't want to be there on those day, don't go. But let me just tell you that there are a HUGE amount of males working at WDW that are gay. You just don't know it.

Get over it. We're here, we're queer, and we're not going away.

*steps down off my soap box...until someone says otherwise*
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New Member
Originally posted by raven
But let me just tell you that there are a HUGE amount of males working at WDW that are gay.

I have to admit I was about to post the same thing, but decided against it because I figured I would get backlash. But since you've opened the can of worms....why not....

Yeah, if you want to ban gay people from Disney, then you're going to have to rehire a substantial percentage of the cast members. So, for your comfort and peace of mind, until this is accomplished, perhaps you should avoid Disney during Gay Days, and every other day of the year too.
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Let me put it this way...

Walt would.

Walt had an idea of what to conform society to. Gay was not included in that idea. Nor was any type of beard, long hair, multiple rings, pierced anything but ears on Women, etc.

Sure, maybe that wouldn't work in today's age. However, I know some of you are gay and would say "Well, Walt said this or that." Don't count on Walt to be on your side if you're gay. ;) Or if you have a pony tail and you're male. Or if you have long sideburns. Or... well, you get the idea. Walt had strict ideas about how society should be.

Anyway, that's just a thought. Thought I'd add it in to the debate. Hee hee.

As for Gay days, I've been there on Gay Days... no, I'm not Gay. But I was there, and honestly, unless you're really looking, you don't really notice them.
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Bill

Let me put it this way...

Walt would.

Ever heard of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy? Seems to take effect in every company nowadays.

So being gay isn't a pictire "perfect" way of life? I guess some people still support Bush even after he tore this country apart.
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New Member
Methinks that this thread is not going to keep the even keel of the last Gay Day thread and it will go down hill and joining the other pile of banned threads.

ToyStoryMA - personally I would take Bill's advice and avoid MK on that day as it will be PACKED, and only because it will be packed. Go to one of the other parks instead.
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Account Suspended
Originally posted by raven
Ever heard of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy? Seems to take effect in every company nowadays.

So being gay isn't a pictire "perfect" way of life? I guess some people still support Bush even after he tore this country apart.

Walt was a staunch Republican. ;) And honestly, I don't see this country torn apart. It still looks fine to me. We're just in a war. So what? It happens. Look at Israel.:hammer:
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New Member
Thanks, Raven and Nicholas. You said everything that I would've.
Not to repeat, but here I go....

Disney is a place people go to relax and escape reality. To be free and to be themselves.

Do I think that homosexual people should show public displays of affection while at Disney World? Well, no, but I don't want to see heterosexual people doing that either! haha

Homosexuals face enough in their everyday lives in terms of discrimination...believe me, my best friend is gay and has to deal with narrow minded people on an almost daily basis. Can't Disney World be somewhere that they can escape this?

Until the gay people start to riot and have group *love* on It's a Small World, let them have their event. If you don't like it, do some research, find out when it is, and don't go during that week. It's as simple as that.

What's next? Banning Brazilian tour groups from organizing events at Disney World because we all of a sudden don't like Brazil?.....

edit: Oh, and Disney doesn't sponsor Gay Days so how can they "ban" it?
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New Member
Originally posted by SIR90210
This may not have much to do with the thread, but I've been looking for somewhere to post this. Disney should bar Gay Days activities from the parks. If at all possible, they should ban Gay Days all together. Gay is not the image Disney should want to show. Finally, isn't 3-5 at least a little bit young for exposure to the idea of gayness?

So Disney should discriminate? Get a grip! To be quite honest, I see more HETEROSEXUAL handholding, making out in lines, and total inappropriate behavior, than gay behavior. Who wants to watch ANYONE making out in line??? There will not be anything out of the ordinary during gay days except more boys holding hands. Contrary to popular belief, gays don't have ______ in public every chance they get..... and they will not try to recuit you or your spouse! If you are there on gay days, enjoy yourself, treat each other with some respect and maybe learn something new about an alternate lifestyle from talking to the people who are there. LETS SHOW EACH OTHER SOME RESPECT! :)
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Active Member
I wasn't going to open my mouth but I guess I'm going to have to now.

One of my cousins is gay and both he and his partner are two of the coolest guys I have ever known. A few of my male friends are gay as well and I usually end up having more fun hanging out with them than I do my straight friends.

For Disney to ban gays from their parks would be the equivalent of not allowing blacks or Asian or Mormons or people who don't have blue eyes or whatever. It's not right. America is about freedom. Yes, Disney is a private company, but that company thrives on tourism and all the previously mentioned groups are crucial in being said tourists so the company can make money.

Most gay people have more common sense and tact than alot of straight people I know. Certain TV shows overplay and blow the whole gay "stereotype" out of proportion. Yes, some gays can really be like that, but most are not. And I see nothng wrong with the whole "lifestyle" overall. But what they do behind closed doors is none of my business, nor do I really want to know.
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