I just received a survey today as a follow up to a survey that I was given at MGM a couple of weeks ago. I was asked if I'd be interested in being part of future survey groups and I replied that I would. I took a survey today with the following questions:
Consider an environmentally themed resort with the following attributes:
Using materials that have a lower impact on the environment than traditional materials
Improved insulation, efficient air conditioning systems, solar panels and low flow water devices
Adjusted to reduce the impact on the environment through changes in the cleaning supplies, washing standards, and recycling programs
Efficient use of water and electricity
Environmental learning and play area
Educational signage about hotel construction and operations
What is your interest level in staying at a resort like the one described above?
Extremely Interested
Neither Interested nor Uninterested
Extremely Uninterested
How well does the hotel described above fit in with your image of a Disney resort hotel?
Very Well
Not Much
Not At All
Don't Know/Not Sure
I know, I know- it's only market research, but I just thought it was interesting and wanted to share.
Who knows...
Consider an environmentally themed resort with the following attributes:
Using materials that have a lower impact on the environment than traditional materials
Improved insulation, efficient air conditioning systems, solar panels and low flow water devices
Adjusted to reduce the impact on the environment through changes in the cleaning supplies, washing standards, and recycling programs
Efficient use of water and electricity
Environmental learning and play area
Educational signage about hotel construction and operations
What is your interest level in staying at a resort like the one described above?
Extremely Interested
Neither Interested nor Uninterested
Extremely Uninterested
How well does the hotel described above fit in with your image of a Disney resort hotel?
Very Well
Not Much
Not At All
Don't Know/Not Sure
I know, I know- it's only market research, but I just thought it was interesting and wanted to share.
Who knows...