Future Of Disney Dvd


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First of all Hi!--I was one of the first 200 members of this site in its early days, but I have been gone for a while. I just rejoined and can't believe that there are sooooo many more members-THAT'S GREAT!!!

My inquiry is that with all of the movies going to IMAX, will there be a Plantinuim DVD of it in the following months? What is the future timetable for IMAX and/or Platinium Edition DVDs?


"Well... quite a glittering assemblidge Kig Stephen, royalty...nobility....the gentry...and,..ah yes... even the rabble.":fork: :goodnevil :


New Member
BATB was released on DVD about 1 year after going to IMAX. Lion King will be released some time late 2003/early 2004. I think there was a list of 10 movies (including BATB and LK) that would be released in IMAX. I would imagine that a DVD will follow in the year after the IMAX release.


I'm not sure if Aladdin is going to IMAX, but i think it's official that there's an aladdin platinum DVD coming out late 2004.


Well-Known Member
I have just checked out that link.

I don't know if any of you know that a company called Anchor Bay has acquired the rights to MANY of the Walt Disney Company's older live-action films. They are releasing many of them on DVD without the Disney name (like, The Black Hole, Napoleon and Samantha, Charlie the Lonesome Cougar, Candleshoe, The Happiest Millionnaire...)

It looks like in some ways Anchor Bay is more interested in Disney's glorious past than Disney is. The good thing is that these movies are being released. The drawback is that they are mostly released without many extras that might be more apt to be available from Disney if they released it themselves (although other Disney releases, such as "Rascal" and "The Biscuit-Eater" have not proven that). The other drawback, of course, is the lack of the Disney name. I rented "The Black Hole" (from Anchor Bay) and did not find the transfer to be exquisite, although it was passable. Their website (www.anchorbayent.com) seemed to indicate that they pride themselves in high-quality digital transfers of otherwise forgotten films from other studios.

Does it bother anyone else that it seems like Disney has pawned off its past? They used to know how to continually market and maintain their older films. Their name alone, and always-high-quality Technicolor film-preservation made the timeless family/children's stories go for generation after generation.

I wish they would realize the value of their own vault under their own name! Some crappy titles, but many gems that have always appealed to repeat generations.

This sounds a lot like the trends found on The (non)-Disney Channel.


New Member
Hi prberk! Let's add to that list the following: Unidentified Flying Oddball, The North Avenue Irregulars, The Cat from Outer Space and The Littlest Horse Thieves. What do all these movies have in common? They are just plain poor movies. Every film that Disney makes is not great. Some of them stink to high heaven. If you are a collector, count yourself lucky that Anchor Bay decided to take a chance on these less than good Disney products. I can assure you that Buena Vista Home Entertainment has much better things to do than put this type of low quality junk on a DVD. Also consider the fact that Disney has many other titles that even Anchor Bay wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.


Well-Known Member
Hi Woody!

Yes, there is some crap out there, but I enjoyed a lot of it as child.

I just wish they would keep more of it available, especially to collectors. DVD is the easy-to-produce way to do that. Along the way, the Disney name itself would bring new generations to most of them. And since many of the early live-action Disney films are period pieces (costume dramas), they are useful for children of any generation, because they are not really dated.

On a personal level, though, I would like to see some of my favorites from childhood available with any special features they could find... like the Jody Foster movies (Freaky Friday, yeah!).

I would also like to see DVD used for some of the old MMC and Wonderful World episodes. I loved Spin and Marty and Annette on MMC. They would make cool DVDs.

I think Disney stores would well to stock some of this type of merchandise that attracts collectors, as opposed to the same mass market stuff that you can buy at Wal-Mart.


Well-Known Member
Also, Walt Disney World should have some specialty shops for this type of thing, too. Things that might be available there for the big Disney fans, like these specialty DVDs.

Don't tell me that it would be cost-prohibitive, because DVDs are not expensive to produce, and the technology actually exists to even produce them on demand right there at Walt Disney World.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by prberk
I have just checked out that link.

I don't know if any of you know that a company called Anchor Bay has acquired the rights to MANY of the Walt Disney Company's older live-action films. They are releasing many of them on DVD without the Disney name (like, The Black Hole, Napoleon and Samantha, Charlie the Lonesome Cougar, Candleshoe, The Happiest Millionnaire...)

It looks like in some ways Anchor Bay is more interested in Disney's glorious past than Disney is. The good thing is that these movies are being released. The drawback is that they are mostly released without many extras that might be more apt to be available from Disney if they released it themselves (although other Disney releases, such as "Rascal" and "The Biscuit-Eater" have not proven that). The other drawback, of course, is the lack of the Disney name. I rented "The Black Hole" (from Anchor Bay) and did not find the transfer to be exquisite, although it was passable. Their website (www.anchorbayent.com) seemed to indicate that they pride themselves in high-quality digital transfers of otherwise forgotten films from other studios.

I'm glad you posted this information! I was going to ask about this company b/c I had never heard of them before the holidays. I found the disney movie, "Return to Oz" at Best Buy just before the holidays and wanted to know why it didn't have the "DisneyDVD" signature or anything involving Disney anywhere but in the movie.

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