Funny childhood moments at WDW


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Original Poster
Long time lurker here! Im getting so excited for my trip this month, so i had to make a post to get my disney 'fix.' Also, this is a non-controversial post! yay!!!

So the subject is funny/embarassing things you did or remember at the world when you were a youngin'

I remember waiting in the looooong line to see the Voyage of the Little Mermaid when i was probably 8. Now Im a big wuss who will do spinning, go upside down, but CANNOT do drops. of any kind. I won't go on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, dont laugh! I scream on Pirates for the .00005 ft drop. So we're waiting in this long line and i had no clue what the show was gonna be, and my parents didnt know either, so i work myself into a massive panic attack imagining what the ride would intail. I had this vision of people sitting in dumbo-like cars on a giant ursula in a big pool of water, but non kid friendly at all. Like water flying everywhere and us all screaming and shooshing and being thrown around. Dumbo on crack, basically. Needless to say, i was suprised and delighted when i saw the show!

Secong memory- Being in line for the Alien Extraterrorestrial encounter and again, we had no clue was the ride was. Ah, the days before message boards- those days made the visits more exciting because I knew less, so everythign new was a suprise, yet i cannot seems to stop looking at this site! So anyways, I can see the TTA above me in line, so my brother and father and I start screaming at the people on it, "IS THIS THE ALIEN RIDE???" for about 40 minutes. Needless to say, we probably ticked off EVERYONE in line, but it was funny looking back. And when i saw the show room, I thought the seats were all gonna spin around, with each row going a different way. The real thing was much scarier!

Third memory- My mom says that the first time i went on the Haunted Mansion when i was 5, it was the first ride of the trip, so I spent the rest of the trip worrying out loud that ghost were following me. I guess I took the warning at the end a little too seriously! I remember being in line at Jungle Cruise and looking behind me every 4 seconds.

Ah, one more- In high school, I took my cousin's 5 year old to disney. Her grandmother, her father, and I all wanted to go on Dinosaur. I would have stayed behind for the 5 year old, but everyone said to not worry about it. They strapped her into the ride and told her it was the same thing as IASM!!! She was on a catatonic state the whole time. And of course, the ride broke down for a few minutes and she refused to open her eyes. As soon as the ride ended, she bawled. I felt so bad. Her perents arent the best when it comes to stuff like that. Also, she didn't want to see Playhouse Disney (she probably didnt trust us anymore!) so they made her do it anyways... whats the point of a 16 year old, and 30 year old, and a 50 year old seeing a show they didnt want to see for the child who didnt even want to go! For the record, i got up and danced and clapped for her.
And when we went to the Rainforest Cafe, she sat down and started screaing once she saw the animatronic elephants inside.
Andy when we would be on rides together, I would stick my arm outside the ride to scare her, and she would violently pull my arm and scream YOURE NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THAT!! I stuck my arms out the window where the people play chess in the queue for Pirates and screamed 'THEY'RE PULLING ME IN! HELP!' oh my god, no wonder the poor girl was traumatized. Oh yes, last thing, i promise- on the escalator in The Living seas, we got on holding hands, but she got nervous and didnt take the first step onto it- and she wont step on the stairs and wont let go of me, and falls on her bum and cried the whole was down. poor girl. good thing she doesnt remember any of these things now!

Ack, long post. Im just excited and nice to meet you all finally! :wave:

ooh, quick question- any tips for cheap flights???? or good sites???


New Member
Long time lurker here! Im getting so excited for my trip this month, so i had to make a post to get my disney 'fix.' Also, this is a non-controversial post! yay!!!

So the subject is funny/embarassing things you did or remember at the world when you were a youngin'

I remember waiting in the looooong line to see the Voyage of the Little Mermaid when i was probably 8. Now Im a big wuss who will do spinning, go upside down, but CANNOT do drops. of any kind. I won't go on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, dont laugh! I scream on Pirates for the .00005 ft drop. So we're waiting in this long line and i had no clue what the show was gonna be, and my parents didnt know either, so i work myself into a massive panic attack imagining what the ride would intail. I had this vision of people sitting in dumbo-like cars on a giant ursula in a big pool of water, but non kid friendly at all. Like water flying everywhere and us all screaming and shooshing and being thrown around. Dumbo on crack, basically. Needless to say, i was suprised and delighted when i saw the show!

Secong memory- Being in line for the Alien Extraterrorestrial encounter and again, we had no clue was the ride was. Ah, the days before message boards- those days made the visits more exciting because I knew less, so everythign new was a suprise, yet i cannot seems to stop looking at this site! So anyways, I can see the TTA above me in line, so my brother and father and I start screaming at the people on it, "IS THIS THE ALIEN RIDE???" for about 40 minutes. Needless to say, we probably ticked off EVERYONE in line, but it was funny looking back. And when i saw the show room, I thought the seats were all gonna spin around, with each row going a different way. The real thing was much scarier!

Third memory- My mom says that the first time i went on the Haunted Mansion when i was 5, it was the first ride of the trip, so I spent the rest of the trip worrying out loud that ghost were following me. I guess I took the warning at the end a little too seriously! I remember being in line at Jungle Cruise and looking behind me every 4 seconds.

Ah, one more- In high school, I took my cousin's 5 year old to disney. Her grandmother, her father, and I all wanted to go on Dinosaur. I would have stayed behind for the 5 year old, but everyone said to not worry about it. They strapped her into the ride and told her it was the same thing as IASM!!! She was on a catatonic state the whole time. And of course, the ride broke down for a few minutes and she refused to open her eyes. As soon as the ride ended, she bawled. I felt so bad. Her perents arent the best when it comes to stuff like that. Also, she didn't want to see Playhouse Disney (she probably didnt trust us anymore!) so they made her do it anyways... whats the point of a 16 year old, and 30 year old, and a 50 year old seeing a show they didnt want to see for the child who didnt even want to go! For the record, i got up and danced and clapped for her.
And when we went to the Rainforest Cafe, she sat down and started screaing once she saw the animatronic elephants inside.
Andy when we would be on rides together, I would stick my arm outside the ride to scare her, and she would violently pull my arm and scream YOURE NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THAT!! I stuck my arms out the window where the people play chess in the queue for Pirates and screamed 'THEY'RE PULLING ME IN! HELP!' oh my god, no wonder the poor girl was traumatized. Oh yes, last thing, i promise- on the escalator in The Living seas, we got on holding hands, but she got nervous and didnt take the first step onto it- and she wont step on the stairs and wont let go of me, and falls on her bum and cried the whole was down. poor girl. good thing she doesnt remember any of these things now!

Ack, long post. Im just excited and nice to meet you all finally! :wave:

ooh, quick question- any tips for cheap flights???? or good sites???

Download DING! from Southwest. I'm in NY, and every so often I see flights from here to Orlando for $44-49 each way.


New Member
My trip before last I was like 11 or 12, my Dad, sister and I were going on Tower of Terror. I was freaked out already, but by the time we got to the final room before getting on the elevators (that freaky boiler room) I couldn't take it and bolted out of there. I smashed through an emergency exit (broke the chain that was holding the door shut) and ran outside and waited. Yeah.

Last time, I went on it, and it was fine. Granted I was yelling throughout the drop (to the point where my mom was like "SHUT UP" but I didn't care, it was fun freaking out) and had a great, horrified time. The second time around, I could handle it without yelling myself hoarse. Good ride.


Well-Known Member
I remember seeing HISTA for the first time and screaming bloody murder when I felt the mice tails underneith the seat...I was traumatized! Still can't talk me into that one...ITTBAB is another one that I just can't do. No matter how cute the bugs are, they're still bugs!


Well-Known Member
My moment isn't all that funny, but when I look back on it, it sort of is. First time I was at Disney when I was 7, I got lost twice on one vacation. Once was in Epcot after UoE let out I got lost in a sea of people, luckily a nice family was going to take me to guest relations, but I found my parents on the way there. The second time was at MK. There was a large crowd of people near Big Thunder Mountain, and couldn't find my parents for about 5 minutes and I flipped out and started crying, but found them again. It's pretty terrifying when you're that young, and now when I look back on it, it was pretty dumb considering they were probably not even that far away.
On one of my first trips to Disney my Mom mistook a regular guest for a cast member and yelled at him. He was wearing a Disney nametag that you used to be able to get at Guest Relations and my Mom didn't know it. She asked him a question about when the next show time was while we were in line and with a confused look said he didn't know. My Mom then replied,"...well, you were a big help...aren't you supposed to know when the show times are?" When we finally were seated in the theater we told her about the mistake and she felt bad. However, I thought it was funny as hell!!":lol:

"There's a great big beautiful tomorrow shining at the end of everyday."


New Member
I took my ds(5?) to the hoop dee doo and just before the show he says we have to go to the mens room we get in there he starts to look around and says do you think well be safe in here????? after a little bit he tells me he cant go in hes afarid of the bad cowboys boy was he glad we finilly did go in:lol: :lol: :lol:


When I was little, probably 2-5, I didn't use to cry if I got scared, I used to randomly whispering the word "Home" whenever I was scared. My dad told me it occured in the Haunted Mansion, and other areas, but I believe he told me the first ever event of "home" was in the Hydrolators. If I didn't get out fast I eventually went ballistic:lol:

Also, one time at MGM when I was probably 8, I saw a guy that I thought was my dad, so I ran up to him and asked him where we were going next and what to do and stuff like that. The guy simply replied with "Hey little buddy unfortunately I'm not your dad" :eek: Fortunately my dad was about 50 ft behind me and I found him without a problem.


New Member
I know I'm gonna hear about this one...

The last time we went to Disney, prolly four years ago... we were on the sea cabs thingers in Epcot and three of us had squeezed into one... BIG MISTAKE.... my dad figured it wouldn't be a big deal to hop up into the felt covered floor running next to the cabs and run forward into the empty one infront of us... not realizing of course that they are sensored and immediately shut the ride down when activated.

SO.... they guy running the ride comes by and is like, ok who got out... and everyone kinda looks around... and my dad pipes up and goes: "will that person be kicked out?" The kids goes.... prolly not... so my dad told him that he did it... the guy goes, ok, just stay in your seat from now on sir... and walks off....

My dad looks back at our whole family and goes: " I'm pretty sure I have underwear older than that kid" (a typical saying from my father... lol)

No harm no foul... altho I'm sure the ppl further behind us were ed that the ride momentarily stopped... lol :)

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