Funny Character Experiences


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Have you ever had that one (or more than one) character interaction that was just so funny, that it made a great memory?

Here's some of mine:

One time when I was little (about 6 or 7), I got my picture made with Aladdin and Jasmine in Epcot. Afterwards Aladdin called me a midget. I acted like I was offended, but I knew that it was pretty funny.

Another one was from last year at 1900 Park Fare, the Mad Hatter came over to our table and saw my Alice t-shirt. He started complaining that everybody had an Alice shirt so I told him that I would wear one of him if I had one. Then he noticed my mini Johnny Depp Mad Hatter hat and said "Oh there I am! Oh wait, it's "The Depp"." I told him that Depp's version was a lot scarier than him. He said "Oh my goodness I was petrified. I was like 'what happened to my hair, my face!' ". It was pretty funny.

There was this one time when I was about 5 or 6 and I was meeting Mickey at the special meet and greet and Innoventions. After we got my picture taken, Mickey held my hand and began walking off with me. The CM told Mickey that he couldn't leave, and Mickey acted sad. I actually just remembered that. :)

So what are your funny character experiences?


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Years ago when we took my grandma on the trip with us, we were sitting on a bench under the BAH. She was looking toward the GMR, and Pluto walks up from the other side and sits right next to her and puts his snout right up by her face. She didn't realize, and when she turned around and saw him, she let out a weird sound. It wasn't that loud, but it was different. Needless to say we all got a good laugh. :p

That was the story of how Pluto nearly gave my grandmother a heart attack... :cool:


Last October we took our son on a Happy 2nd Birthday trip...good gravy...that's one funny kid.
1. He asked Rapunzel if he could live with her.
2. He told Woody to move over, he was just a cowboy.
3. He told Pluto that dogs go in the cage.
4. *The BEST*...we were taking pics in front of the castle and a photographer was handing us back our photopasses and asked my son if Cinderella Castle was 'Mickey's House' son looked him in the face and said "NO. That's Uncle Walt. His house."


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On our honeymoon a few years back, we went to have our photo taken with Mickey and Minnie in the judges tent. Minnie acted all P.O.'ed at Mickey because they were not engaged let alone married.. kept pointing at her finger. After all our photos she stormed off. It was cute.

Our daughter has a great imagination but is also very "matter of fact". I guess as matter of fact as a 2 year old can be. We were in enchanted tales with Belle, she was the fork and spoon. Afterwards when they called her over to get her bookmark, she looked at Belle and very sadly asked her where her father was. Belle had no idea what she was saying so she smiled and nodded. DD asked her again "What happened to your father" and Belle said something along the lines of Have a nice Day. Darn kids are too much.


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On our honeymoon a few years back, we went to have our photo taken with Mickey and Minnie in the judges tent. Minnie acted all P.O.'ed at Mickey because they were not engaged let alone married.. kept pointing at her finger. After all our photos she stormed off. It was cute.

Our daughter has a great imagination but is also very "matter of fact". I guess as matter of fact as a 2 year old can be. We were in enchanted tales with Belle, she was the fork and spoon. Afterwards when they called her over to get her bookmark, she looked at Belle and very sadly asked her where her father was. Belle had no idea what she was saying so she smiled and nodded. DD asked her again "What happened to your father" and Belle said something along the lines of Have a nice Day. Darn kids are too much.
That Belle needs to work on her improv! :P


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That Belle needs to work on her improv! :p
Hahha. Unfortunately, being two, not many people understand your dialect other than Mom & Dad so I don't blame Belle. But you are right because Rapunzel and Aurora did a really awesome job getting on her level and doing their best to understand her. She is a chatty little one and wanted to know about "Punzel's" tower and if her and Cinderella were friends. They played along real well but do you have any idea what all that sounds like coming out of a 2 year old's mouth?!? Hahah, it was cute though.


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Terrifying experience with a Jamboree bear...I was about 5 and my parents wanted to take a picture of me with the character. I was not a character kid and preferred going on the rides instead. However, I reluctantly stood there and could feel the bear's paws slowly tighten around my neck and at the time it felt like he was trying to strangle me! I still have the picture and you see my obvious discomfort. No more character pics for me :eek:


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My DW and I were visiting the world back in. 2005 and we were in EPCOT. This was back in the day what they had characters on holiday. When the bus pulled up, out popped Goofy and Max. We went to get photos and autographs from them when Max decided to get a little amorous with my DW. He took her in his arms and dipped her as if he was going to plant a big kiss on her. It was a great memory to be sure. It's a meet and greet we will always remember.


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When I was 5 we met BrerFox. He took a liking to me and kept tickling me. Everytime since, my parents would tease me about how I loved BrerFox and it was always our mission to find him. Each time we found him, my parents would "remind" him and the cycle would start over again. We have pictures of me and that silly fox from 12 different ages. Now I'm 30 and am bringing my 3 year old and 1 year old in September and hoping to continue the tradition!!! :p


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I'm one of those people who isn't afraid of characters in costume (far from phobic that's for sure), but they give me the heeby jeebies! I don't know what it is, but I find them creepy and always have. Somehow, I always got the feeling they picked up on this... when I was 10, my aunt insisted there HAD to be SOME pictures of me with characters, I refused to wait in lines, so when we saw one without too many people around, this was her chance.... Baloo used my head as a bongo drum (I was not impressed), tigger did the same 2 years later as did brer fox....not sure what it was about my head, but can't say I loved having them stand behind me where I couldn't see them and tap on my head while I'm trying to fake happy for a picture.... and of course, who could forget that classic me being chased by rafikis, he wanted a hug and I was having none of it... my aunt was about dying of laughter because he wouldn't give up and I wouldn't give in!

In 09 when I went with a friend as an adult, I told her no character photo ops, with the exception of her birthday, which we started the day at the crystal palace...


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Since I've always loved meeting the characters, I've had a few funny character stories.
When I was about 4-5, I went to meet Aladdin and Jasmine. They were (and still are), my favorite couple, so I was quite excited to meet them. And..I'm a very ticklish person. So Aladdin thought it be funny to CONSTANTLY TICKLE ME throughout the whoooole time. :P
Then, last year, I met Phineas and Ferb for the first time. They were so funny! I had my Goofy hat on the majority of the trip, so while I met them, They started to make me dance with them..and then Ferb stole my Goofy hat and put it on him and danced around.

Also, as I've said this in another thread, I met Prince Charming in 1900 Park Fare.
So, he came around to me, said "pleasure to meet you Little Princess." and kissed my, if he did that to me now, I would die, but back then..I was weird. Bear in mind I was 4.
So, after he left, I said (Very Loudly) "MOM HET THE ANTIBACTERIAL SOAP". And when he came back around, he smiled and I just had my hands wrapped in the napkin. :P


Lady Tremaine and the stepsisters can be very funny. On our first family trip, they very intently started asking about which of our boys had a trust and was rich ($$$) because they would want to marry that one.

Chip N' Dale wandering through a building near the Character Spot during a rainstorm was a great surprise for our boys on our first day of our first visit. Hugs, hijinks, and photos.

Last trip, we got a great picture of my oldest right after getting Stitch's autograph. My son was holding the pen to take it back but Stitch wouldn't let go - quite the surprise and laugh from my son!

During the afternoon parade at MK, my son and I were standing by a trash can on the curb when Stitch (that trickster again!) darted over to stick his head in the trash can right in front of us!

And, a personal favorite of mine was miming blowing the smoke off of invisible six shooters with Woody as a mutual exchange of greetings.


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We always have a blast with Chip and Dale but our funny interaction last trip was with Belle. She asked my kids what they did for fun and they mentioned baseball. Of course, living in France, she didn't understand the game. They started to explain, "you hit a ball with the bat.." She exclaimed, "but doesn't that hurt the poor bat!" Talk about two nine year olds getting flustered trying to talk their way out of that!


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i've had a good one today with Baloo. He was out at Camp Minnie Mickey. He gave me the biggest bear hug, and then got me to scratch his back! I've never met him before either.
Chip n Dale were out today. They were playing up with all the Moms and Dads but I don't know, maybe it's because it's just me and my husband and we have no kids yet but this time they didn't really play us up. Last trip on our honeymoon, one of them tried to run off with me, and they were fighting over me lol.

We went round all the characters who were out at Camp Minnie Mickey. Donald was out too but we had to go into the Festival of the Lion King and by the time we came out there was a thunderstorm hanging around so I didn't get to meet him as they'd all gone in. Hope I do at some point this holiday!


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I had a blast with Vanellope Von Schweetz and Ralph at the studios in January. They were awesome, let me spend a ton of time with them, and Vanellope even foot raced me to the other side of the set. I think we wore out the photo pass guy's camera. Ralph was very cool and my wife had to drag me outa there.



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during the jammin jungle parade at AK, Pluto kept getting in my way while I was recording the parade.
as I was laughing, I told him "someone dropped a bone down the path." he took off after that. :)

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