Anyone ever own these?
I've looked at the reviews online but I'm much rather hear from someone who has owned one. I had an Olympus D-395 (Cammedia) but the BF just informed me he bought this for me for my birthday, the FUJI A340 It's 4.0 megapixels as opposed to 3.2 and the shutterspeed is a little higher, but I'm wondering what kind of experiences anyone has had, if any.
I've looked at the reviews online but I'm much rather hear from someone who has owned one. I had an Olympus D-395 (Cammedia) but the BF just informed me he bought this for me for my birthday, the FUJI A340 It's 4.0 megapixels as opposed to 3.2 and the shutterspeed is a little higher, but I'm wondering what kind of experiences anyone has had, if any.