Trip Report Friendship,'s the perfect blendship


To another Cheekypoppins TR....... some of you know me as mamamouse on here ,but I can't get into that account nomatter what I try so I had to create a new one and here it is.

Sooooo this trip took place December 6-13th @ pop Century with an 8 dayu hopper(which we didn't use nearly enough) and just about everything changed ,who,when,where all of that from the very start became totally different by the time the trip actually happened.If you know me non of that should be a shock as I am pretty indecisive

Anyways......... I could sit and talk about that in depth ,but I won't because as Scuttle says "that's very boring"
Travelling with me on this one was my youngest daughter Hailey.She's 9 and from time to time you will notice that she's in a wheel chair.She has some specialties about her due to a rare chromosomal deletion.She is very affectionate and although shy at first if she's comfortable with you she'll quickly become the life of the party.

and then of course there's me .... I have always loved Disney as far back as I can remember but my true obsession began on my 5th birthday when my aunt bought me "Sleeping Beauty" on VHS,yep true story.My first trip to Disney was when I was in 5th grade and it wasn't very magical,but there were moments I'll never forget.My second trip in 2003 was when I fell head over heels for The parks and I've gone every year since then except for 04 ( I was pregnant with Hail) and sometimes twice in a yr.

This was my first trip since my dad's passing in 2012 that I finally got my Disney excitement back before the trip,I had 2 trips in 2013 n while I enjoyed them n December 2013 is still my best trip ever!! I wasn't full blown excited before hand or at least not in the way I usually would be.Normally i get to about 2-3 nights before and I can't sleep,well this time I didn't sleep at night for a whole week before which of course lead to this.......

Okay sooo there's 12 + hours until I board my flight to the promise land,the place we all call home.Of course I can't sleep so here I sit I have every night for the past week watching " The Practice" on Netflix until I get bored and need a break.
Next thing ya know the ear buds are popped in and my cell phone's fm radio is on which causes late night 80's n 90's n Disney n reggae and anything that gets me up n shaking it dance parties to happen.I catch myself mouthing the words and dancing around my living room alone in the dark so I don't wake anyone.I'm sure if anyone could see through my window they'd reccomend a white jacket some heavy meds and perhaps a padded room,but such is Disney life.Everyone else here is sleeping peacefully.This isn't just any dance party though it's the kind where your moves don't matter,and your body is just going with the flow until a really good tune comes on and suddenly you are full on Vogue-ing like Madonna.
That eventually turns into the Ally Mc Beal Baby dance and soon enough without even realising it you're joining the rest of your crew in Dreamland.There is one difference though and that is that this night here is the very last one like this before I am truely home.
So since it has been a full week of this madness I guess I should just say sorry now for the way I'm going to look in my pics the first day huh? Poor Ariana bagelnana,she's going to mistake me for the Bride of Frankenstein by the time I meet her tomorrow night
This is exactly the reason I ACTUALLY wanted to sleep tonight too!Pfffft who was I kidding??? As if that was even an option right???

okay um so that whole sleeping thing it lasted a whole hour because let's face it it's the night before and it's not happenin.....Right now 4 of my friends are in Disney aside from the ones that are locals and I always find it that much more exciting when I know that there are more Disney crazed peeps there waiting for my arrival.Sure there's no Rob or Connie
but Disney friends are always good right?I mean we all know Dis friends especially are the best friends n omg ARIANA!!!!!!! I've waited so long!!!!!!!
there will be some firsts on this trip ( I always try to add in new things where I can) this time for the first time I will have a package waiting for me from my friends Raina and Patricia and that in itself is very exciting,no one has ever mailed me something to my resort before THANKYOU SO MUCH LADIES
i can't wait for that,this is also my first time ordering from garden grocer,plus this is the first time that 2 friends from home will be there at the same time.( i never did run into them,because I didn't have use of facebook while there)1 from the town I grew up in and one from the town I live in now which is about a 30 minute drive.
PAUSE GOOD TUNE!!!! I need to dance this out.....................
and as you can imagine I crashed out eventually for 1 more hour .


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This morning we got up,washed and dressed and were off to Buffalo.Riley (my older daughter 12) slept in because that's what tweens do these days so it was just me HUbby n H.He had to make a stop at Restaurant Depot for our cousin and pick up supplies for the location that he manages and then we were hungry so hit up Mick D's ( not my first choice by any means)
WE said our goodbyes and Hailey and I were through security in the fastest time ever for us.I think I like afternoon flights much much better.It's too bad I'm back to 3 am wake up come my February Trip,oh yeah Hey guys guess what i'm going back in February too lol.Just thought I should mention that if you didn't notice my super awesome ticker that just happens to coincide with my friend Rob's.

Stitch says bu bye!

You see that Cinderella stuff in the suit case well I bought the crowns n matching diamond rings which H said were "real pretend gold" so that she could wear them at 1900 Park Fare but I saw a family with 3 sweet little girls at the gate who were also going "home" and since we only needed 1 of each I gave them the other 3 sets.Them and their moms thanked me and I heard them exclaim as I walked out of sight Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night HAHAHA Just Kidding no but seriously I heard one of the moms say to the girls "see we aren't even in Disney yet and we're already having a magical time" that made me feel really good because that's what Disney life is all about.

Hailey and Friends in the airport


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