flying down to disney... advice for claustrophobia?


New Member
We are flying down to Disney for Thanksgiving. I get kind of panicky in the airplane (I am claustrophobic). Can anyone recommend anything, like over- the -counter medication to take? I was thinking maybe Dramamine would help? Or am I going to have to get something from a doctor before I go?


New Member
My dad has the same problem on airplanes. We flew from NC to Las Vegas last year and he simply called his doctor and the doctor called him in a perscription for two mild sedatives to take for each flight. He sat down in his seat and was asleep before we finished taxing. That is the only way he can fly.

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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by ncgolfer
My dad has the same problem on airplanes. We flew from NC to Las Vegas last year and he simply called his doctor and the doctor called him in a perscription for two mild sedatives to take for each flight. He sat down in his seat and was asleep before we finished taxing. That is the only way he can fly.


I am going to have to do the same thing. We are going to go to WDW in about a year. I have been many times before but I have not been on a plane since Sept. 11. My wife and I have been going over this for a while now. I want to drive because I am still nervous about it. She wants to fly. I told her I will do it, but I know I am still not ready. I was going to call me doctor a few months before we go to ask what I should take.
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New Member
I share your pain!! We ALWAYS drive (fromNJ) for the same reason - me. This August I decided to bite the bullet since we were taking guests with us (DVC members) to share the condo. Anyway, to make a long story short, I took Dramamine, and it did take the edge off without knocking me out. Which was exactly what I was looking for. Just my 2 cents.
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Well-Known Member
We also haven't flown since 9/11. The last 2 trips we drove from NY. As much as I hate to fly I would rather do that than drive again...the kids drive me crazy! We are going to bit the bullet and fly down for Easter since break is the week before this year.
I take Antivert, the doc says its better than Dramamine. I will again sit with my eyes closed gripping the armrest from take off till landing. Its the only way I can make the trip. Flying is just not for me!
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Well-Known Member
I flew to Walt Disney World 3 weeks after 9/11.:(

We had already made the reservations and paid for the trip and airfare so we bit the bullet, said a little prayer, and flew.

It was very theraputic and although the armed Army guards at the Airports were a little intimidating, I'm glad we did it.

It's like they say...if you fall off your horse, you should get right back on it and ride.

I feel safer now at airports and on airplanes than ever before.

22 hour drive versus a 2 hour flight help keep me flying as well. I'd hate to spend 4 days of my 7 day vacation just getting there and coming home.

I'm still not crazy about landings...but I will fly take flying every time over a 22 hour each way car trip. ::cringe::

If claustrophobia is your problem...I'm sure your family Physician can perscribe something for you.

Enjoy your vacation!! :sohappy:
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New Member
Ask your Dr. about lorzepam (also know as Ativan). It is an anti-anxiety medicine that will help you deal with your anxiety without knocking you cold or making you druggy for the rest of the day as some sedatives can do. It has the added benefit that you can take it a for a couple of days in advance of fyling to reduce the anticipatory anxiety (if you have it).

And remeber, if there is anywhere worth flying to it is certainly Disney World. :)
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New Member
Original Poster
:) Thanks for the advice! I think I'll call my dr. and see if he'll prescribe a little something. I know I'll feel so much better just knowing I won't be stressing over the anxiety! I am not going to let it keep me from going to the MOST FUN PLACE in the world!! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
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New Member
yes I think the drugs would be the best answer....and maybe read a little literature on ways that you could mentally prepare yourself...sometimes those things can do wonders.....but if worse comes to worse, think about where you will be!!!!!!:)
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