I just booked a trip for this month to DL a couple days after WDW, staying at the Paradise Pier. I was wondering if anyone knows if a FL site CM can use their company ID to get into the parks?:shrug:
Just out of curiosity, does Disney not provide an employee rule book or location to get info on benefits and perks? It's interesting that an employee of a company would go to a public website to ask a question about benefits, instead of just going to a company resource instead.
Does Disney not provide a resource for these types of questions?
Yea, I had been scouring the HUB but couldn't find a direct answer. I finally called a few different people and apparently you can get in with your company ID, you just have to show your main gate pass. It also doesn't count against your main gate usage days.
I was also just seeing if a CM on here had done something similar.