First Trip in 20 Years


New Member
Hiya Folks, I am new to the boards, because I am planning a trip with my family to WDW in the next year or two. We have a DS, 19 months, and we'd like to take him for his 1st Disney when he's around 3 or 4.

My DH has only been to WDW once, but I went just about every year growing up, between 1980-1990. We would always go the first week of December -- the place would be all decked-out for Xmas, but the park crowds weren't there! We stayed at the Poly, and I have so many great memories staying at the resort (the underwater speakers were my fave!), MK, and EPCOT. I haven't been there since teen years 1992 or 93, and I remember even then, there were some changes (thank you, Eisner??) happening.

I am wondering, after reading a lot of the board, am I going to hate WDW now? It looks like there's been so many changes for the worse. Does the magic I experienced in the '80s still exist?


Well-Known Member
I for one think the magic still exists and i think you will enjoy WDW. I went for the first time in 1995 and did not get back for 10 years. The first trip was nice but it took the second trip to make me a WDW junkie. Think about all the new things to see. 2 whole new parks, 2 water parks new hotels to explore more restaurants to experience. Plus the fun of rediscovering all the attractions you may have forgotten about.

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Active Member
I thought the same thing before I went this past August. The last time I visited was in 1995 and the way people talk I expected there to be no more of that Disney feeling. I was happy to see that it was still there and I am hooked again. I will not wait 14 years to visit ever again. This time i went with my husband and 4 year old son- first time. Awesome time and even better feeling.
The only difference I notice is that after every ride I feel like it is a commercial-stores or stands selling everything pertaining to the ride's theme. That takes away from the special feeling of going to Main Street or a special gift shop to buy a souvenier- It was a little too much...
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Active Member
Keep in mind that people here have a passion for WDW, most of us to the point of obsession, which can lead to a lot of nitpicking of things that the average guest would never notice.

Yes you will still find magic! Like the previous poster said, there is soooo much for you to explore now. Animal Kingdom has AMAZING themeing and immersion, and DHS definitely has some not-to-be-missed attractions like Toy Story Mania and Tower of Terror. Epcot has added Soarin', Test Track, and Mission Space. Don't worry you will be entertained!

The day it stops being a magical experience for me will be my last, but i don't see that happening in this lifetime. :)
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
You are going to love WDW. And even better you are going to love your sons reaction to WDW!

I used to go that first week of December myself but then I think the whole world found out the little secret that it was not a crowded time of year to go and you had all of the Holiday decorations,etc to enjoy.

Whenever you do choose to go please be sure you do your homework so that it does not overwhelm you when you go. I usually will suggest the Birnbaum guide to Walt Disney World to my clients if they either have never been or have not been in a long time.

If you need help when the time comes I can walk you through it to alleviate as much stress with the planning of the trip as possible if you want. Feel free to contact me.

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Well-Known Member
You are going to love WDW. And even better you are going to love your sons reaction to WDW!

I used to go that first week of December myself but then I think the whole world found out the little secret that it was not a crowded time of year to go and you had all of the Holiday decorations,etc to enjoy.

Whenever you do choose to go please be sure you do your homework so that it does not overwhelm you when you go. I usually will suggest the Birnbaum guide to Walt Disney World to my clients if they either have never been or have not been in a long time.

If you need help when the time comes I can walk you through it to alleviate as much stress with the planning of the trip as possible if you want. Feel free to contact me.


Whoa!!! Hold on here....

Your trip countdown states you are currently staying at BC until November 17. Don't even tell us you are super privileged enough to be able to stay at WDW for a month and a half! We would be highly jealous!!!
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Whoa!!! Hold on here....

Your trip countdown states you are currently staying at BC until November 17. Don't even tell us you are super privileged enough to be able to stay at WDW for a month and a half! We would be highly jealous!!!

:ROFLOL: So it does!!!! I'll never tell.........:lookaroun

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Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Hiya Folks, I am new to the boards, because I am planning a trip with my family to WDW in the next year or two. We have a DS, 19 months, and we'd like to take him for his 1st Disney when he's around 3 or 4.

My DH has only been to WDW once, but I went just about every year growing up, between 1980-1990. We would always go the first week of December -- the place would be all decked-out for Xmas, but the park crowds weren't there! We stayed at the Poly, and I have so many great memories staying at the resort (the underwater speakers were my fave!), MK, and EPCOT. I haven't been there since teen years 1992 or 93, and I remember even then, there were some changes (thank you, Eisner??) happening.

I am wondering, after reading a lot of the board, am I going to hate WDW now? It looks like there's been so many changes for the worse. Does the magic I experienced in the '80s still exist?
That's the biggest problem with these boards. They're FULL of negative people who only post on the negative. When the good stuff happens, it's less interesting to post, so a lot of people ignore it, or even better, flip it so Disney is somehow being "cheap" or "lazy."

PLEASE don't let these people get to you. WDW is just as magical as ever. If anyone tells you different, just nod, and know that you'll know the truth the second you step foot on Main Street. Heck, in a way I'm jealous! You get to experience so many new things in one trip!

Have a GREAT time! You're going to love seeing the new things...and you'll love it even more when the memories come flooding back.
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Well-Known Member
I am relatively new to the whole Disney experience with my first visit to any Disney park occurring a few years ago (and since then I've crammed as much in as possible!).

The magic is still very much present. Granted that I have no frame of reference and I'm sure your childhood memories play a few tricks on you but you will have a great time. All the negative comments really stem from regular visits from people who notice the small details that the new or average visitor miss. I've certainly noticed myself becoming more critical as time passes but I still love the parks none the less.

Remember that since your last visit so much has also changed for the better! You have several new parks to explore (Animal Kingdom, Blizard Beach, Typhoon Lagoon and maybe DHS (I can't remember when that was opened)) and many new / updated attractions within those parks. You've got all the stuff outside the parks too which you might not have seen as a child.

Not only will see see the parks from a more adult angle, you will be able to share that with your kids - these are two very new ways of experiencing Disney and I'm sure you'll love it even more this time round than as a child.
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Active Member
There's nothing better than experiencing disney through a childs eyes the first time. It so magical. YOu will LOVE it. there are so many new attractions and shows and parks. Trust me, you will have a really wonderful time. go and enjoy.......
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Well-Known Member
I am wondering, after reading a lot of the board, am I going to hate WDW now? It looks like there's been so many changes for the worse. Does the magic I experienced in the '80s still exist?

I went last year, and am going again in FOUR DAYS! :sohappy:

Here's the deal about WDWMagic. I started to read the boards in planning for
my trip last year, and I had to stop. This place, while full of people who love
Disney, is also chock full of negativity. I couldn't stand it anymore, to read
here you'd think that the whole thing is falling apart--really, I had the same
impression you did, and I was incredibly depressed about what I was about
to encounter. So, I closed this site and didn't return until after my trip.

My wonderful, amazing WDW trip. It was awesome. And now I'm taking my family back, because it was so great.

So go, find magic all around you, then come back to discuss when you're done. I know exactly how you are feeling about what you're reading here.

Or maybe you're made of stronger stuff than I and can keep hanging around before you go. There is great info, and there are good people. You just have to be able to look around the negativity.

I can take it now, because I've been recently, and I know that the magic
is still there. That's my 2 cents.

Have an awesome trip!
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Just another voice to say that you will have a wonderful time.

My first trip to WDW was in 1973, when I was 4 and WDW was 2. I went many times growing up (day trips only), and then with my now-husband when we were in college. Then, after about 1991, I didn't go back again until my daughter was 4 (around 2001). Let me say...

It continues to only get better! We love taking our kids, and they love it there. As another poster said, you will have a whole new appreciation for it when you take your child. It's really magical, as corny as that may sound.

Reading the boards is kind of like talking to someone who lives at the beach. You go there, and it's a wonderful vacation, but then if you talk to someone who lives there, you hear all the "back-story" and negative things about this wonderful paradise. Many of the people on the boards go to WDW so often they have a different perspective, which is great, but you just have to take it all with a grain of salt, or pixie-dust, as the case may be.
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