Trip Report First trip as Mr. & Mrs.

Only a few months late here but it has been such a busy fall/winter that I am just now getting around to this. Hope you all enjoy!

Who: Myself (Molly) & my Husband (Tony)

Where: Walt Disney World; Coronado Springs

When: Sept. 5th- 13th 2015

Why: Our Honeymoon!

A few wedding pictures :D

OK enough of that!

Just a little back story if you did not read my pre-trip report. Tony and I got married on April 11th and decided that instead of rushing and taking a less expensive honeymoon right after the wedding, that we would wait a few months and go when it was much more affordable and we had more PTO stocked up. We played around with the idea of going somewhere like Mexico or Costa Rica, but couldn’t imagine spending such a special trip anywhere but our favorite place on the whole planet, Disney World! My family thought we were crazy, they “don’t do Disney” and they don’t understand the obsession but when it came down to it, I would rather hear “why don’t you just try somewhere new” one million times from them than miss out on a chance to spend our honeymoon at OUR place.
Please note that I took most of my pictures with my iPhone 6 so they aren't the best quality!

So going anywhere but Disney was just not an option for our honeymoon. Here we go… :happy:

Day one:

Our first day was a travel day, we were going over labor day weekend so we could save that free Monday of using our PTO, so we were expecting maybe a little madness while traveling but everything went completely and totally smooth. We flew out of Omaha early Saturday and landed in Atlanta sometime around 10am. We had a little bit of time so decided to wander around and found a bar. Hey why not, we were on our honeymoon!

mimosa for me & bloody mary for Tony.


After our drinks, we were on our way to MCO. A quick flight and a slow jog to DME and we were loaded up and heading to Coronado Springs.

Magic Bands on!!

We didn’t know what to expect staying at a moderate, Tony mostly stayed at the value resorts, and that is where we stayed when we went on our last trip. Man were we impressed. I had read mixed reviews but I was really blown away with how pretty everything was. I now feel like I am spoiled and not sure if I can ever do the value resorts again. Gorgeous views, beautiful restaurants, bars and pools, and the best thing of all 10 MINUTE BUS RIDE TO EACH PARK. I mean that cannot be beat!

Our room was awesome as well, we requested a water view room near a bus stop and we got a ground level, water view room right next to a bus stop. It was incredible, and by this point we were on that Disney high. Oh did I mention they gave us a free champagne toast when we checked in? It was a certificate that said we could redeem two free glasses of champagne at any bar at the resort. That was moved up to the top of our to do list. We got settled in our room, we planned on resting for a little bit because MK was opened until 2 am that night, but the excitement was at its peak and we quickly got dressed and boogied.

First stop, the waterfront bar at our resort. We redeemed our champagne toast here (everyone clapped and cheered in congratulations) and we sat at a little table overlooking the lake and our gorgeous home for the next week and took everything in. A few sips into the drink and we quickly realized there was no way we could finish the whole glass, this bar did not have the typical toasting glasses, just small plastic cocktail cups that the bartender filled to the brim (I am guessing it was somewhat closer to 2 glasses each haha).

We had a few little creatures come and visit us, I think they hoped we had snacks but only champagne, sorry dudes.

We sipped, then we slammed and 3/4th of the way through we decided to head to MK.


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Ok, so I am in love with the Halloween/fall décor. It was the first time I had seen it in person and I just wanted to take it all home with me.

After I ooohhh and awwwwed… I started to get teary eyed. Tony probably thinks I am crazy, but he humors me, I just get emotional and start thinking about how fast the trip is going to go and how I wish we could just stay there forever together and not deal with the real world (we bought a house, got married, both got promotions, remodeled the house and our dog was on the verge of death living at his vets office for 3 weeks… he is just fine now!... all in a 4 month period so we were both emotional and ready for fun). Anyways, back to business.

We didn’t have any set plans, I just knew I wanted the ears I always talked myself out of spending money on, and we both wanted Casey’s corner for dinner, that was our only agenda.

We always go for the jungle cruise first, and when you think of a 20 minute wait on the jungle cruise, you think “ok, I can stand in line for 10 minutes for that ride”… that was not the case. We were in line for almost an hour! It was hot, and people were just not watching their kids and they were running through the line playing tag, and someone’s grandpa was seriously sitting on the ground letting the line go past him, when we ended up right next to him in line Tony asked if he was ok, if he need water or help and he yelled something in a different language, got up and met up with his family who was way ahead of us in line. I guess he was just resting until it was their turn to get on the ride, but it was such a strange place to sit and wait haha. After the hour wait, we made our trip through the jungle and gladly got off our boat and back into action.

We wandered around, hoped from shop to shop and finally decided we wanted to eat. We made our way to Casey’s corner. Yet another really long line, but they have a good set up in there if you go to one of the counters on the very end of the shop. The line wasn’t terrible to wait in, but people were being really rude. Tony nudged through the crowd to help a dad with a tray of food and drinks for about 5, and the guy started bossing him around telling him what to grab and as my husband was holding the door for the guy he just went on his way not saying thank you or anything to Tony! We started to wonder if the whole trip was going to be one terrible interaction after another or if things would die down after labor day (we were right, but worried for the first few days)

Ok so… NOT happy about the lack of fake cheese. I got the chili cheese dog, which I often day dreamed about while dieting for the wedding… then I got it, and it was just meh. Shredded cheese just doesn’t do the same for me. I wanted the plastic stuff, the bad for you only eat it at Disney stuff. Total let down. Tony and I agreed, maybe skip Casey’s corner next time. It was A LOT of work for a big let down haha. Also sorry about the messy pictures, we kept forgetting to take pictures and would let hunger overcome us!

It was HOT, like just so hot we couldn’t stand it, so after we ate we went straight for splash mountain. I had packed cheap ponchos because it called for rain and insisted on wearing it but Tony was making fun of me and swearing we wouldn’t get that wet.

Well, we got drenched, head to toe, hair totally ruined, butt soaked, drenched. I have to say, I wanted to be mad but I just couldn’t, I love that ride so much… and my husband’s laugh when I looked over at him dripping wet, it puts a big grin on my face right now just thinking of it. We rode it 2 more times

We always try to make funnier faces than each other... I think I won!

We had fast passes for the new 7D coaster so we would try and dry off there. We made our way to fantasy land and man… was that line long. I think it was somewhere close to 200 minutes for the line. That did make us super amped for the ride. We walked right on with our FP+.

Verdict… we really like the ride, overall it was super fun BUT it felt like we were on it for maybe 30 seconds… which if you are waiting in line for over 2 hours to ride a ride that is that short… not sure if it is worth it. We both agreed we would ride it again on this trip if and only if we ended up there with another FP.

We don’t have a ton of pictures from this night, Tony and I were keeping ourselves out of the social media constant connection to technology bubble that we are in at home and it really made our trip so much more special. Not nearly as many pictures as I had taken on our last trip, but so many more memories I get to revisit when I am sitting at work wishing I was in WDW.

I was exhausted at this point (can you tell in the picture above!) I usually always beat Tony on this ride, but I was not on my game, when we got this picture back man was he giving me crap. I look like a zombie!

We watched wishes, rode some more rides and called it a night. Minus the crowds and strange humans, it was great first day.

This is my first trip report, who knew it was so much work!! Also I am noticing when I "preview" this as I go that the way I upload these pictures is really messing up the quality. I promise to get better as I go along! Day 2 coming soon...


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So sorry for the delay everyone! Is there ever any free time when prepping for christmas and going to about 10 christmas parties in one month?? NO... unless you have free time at work that is hehe.


Day 2

We got in the habit of skipping an actual breakfast and using our snack credits for coffee! So day two we rolled out of bed around 7am and got ready and made our way to Epcot in hopes of short lines at Starbucks.

YUM! Drooling right about now... this was the first of many. We were in and out all within 5 minutes. At home, I hardly ever splurge on fancy coffee and when I do it is the “Skinny” version with no whip. Not this time… oh man was that yummy. As the trip went on, I cared about calories and carbs less and the size of the delicious drink got bigger and bigger! Oh well ;) After we finished our coffee we took a ride through time at spaceship earth and did a little shopping.

wow... up close and personal with my rather crappy tattoo... any ways... Tony got me a Pandora bracelet and one shamrock charm for my birthday back in March and has been asking to buy me another charm (that was usually followed with, no we are saving for Disney!) but now we are at Disney and he talked me into it. It is sort of hard to tell but we found this little spaceship earth and monorail charm at MouseGears and I love it.

We did a little more shopping at Mouse Gears (this would be one of MANY stops in this wonderful store) and found a littles something for our monster back home. Like I mentioned earlier in the report, our dog Moe had a rough summer. He spent the majority of the month of July at the dog hospital, he got a bacterial infection from some of the wild life that roams around our neighborhood… it was super rare and he had a slim chance of surviving but our little dude pulled through and is doing so great. Anyways we got him a little something new for his dog tag, and even gave him his new official last name since we are one little family now!

Googly eyed baby :inlove: Moesby R2-D2 JFK Cavalieri... the official name he was given since Tony would not let me name him just R2-D2 or just JFK.

Being a newbie to the whole Disney thing (only 3 trips under my belt) I still get all worked up over meeting the characters. Tony humored me and we stood in line for about 45 mintutes waiting to meet my favorites Minnie and Mickey. Now I love the magic bands and usually have no problems, but some of our pictures never showed up and we had bought the photo package. I wouldn’t be too upset but the pictures that didn’t show were my ONLY ONES WITH MICKEY! Oh the heart break.

Still had fun of course. Goofy is so sweet

We made our way over to take a ride with Nemo and friends but first stopped for a quick photo session.

After our adventures under the sea (and probably way too much time spent watching the manatees eating) we decided it was time for lunch. We had almost 2 whole days in epcot planned so instead of trekking over to the world showcase we at the land pavilion. Sunshines seasons always hit the spot in our past trips so that’s where we were heading.


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Now I swear I had more food pictures but I guess I totally bombed on my Disney foodie quest (I get a little better later in the trip). I had the chicken ceasar salad and Tony had the porkchop and mashed potatoes. No pictures, but I can tell you mine was yummy as always, Tony’s was not. His porkchop was super overcooked and so very dry. Our desserts however was awesome. Every time we come here I get this chocolate cake… drool. Tony had some sort of apple cinnamon baked thing. It was pretty good, I am just not a fan of cooked apples.

Sweaty cake

After lunch we rode soarin, and stood in line for living with the land for a very very long time. It had been raining off and on that morning so we were trying to hide out inside along with every other human on the whole planet. After living with the land we were in need of an adult beverage. World Showcase here we come!

This guys was giving us ideas in line at living with the land.

We had many many drinks on this trip, I did not get pictures of them all (I was driving Tony crazy with my need for food and drink pictures) but to avoid rain we took the boat to America and had a good old fashioned beer.

The rain went away again, so we enjoyed some people watching and bounced around some of the countries as we made our way to Test track. We were eyeing a few places to try later on in the night/trip and both agreed we were coming back at some point for La Cava De Tequila. My parents had just returned from Mexico before we left for our trip and they had brought us back some delicious tequila… so we were ready for more! I wanted to jump in there and just double up on my drinks because there is nothing more classy than a grown women walking around WDW with sparkly Minnie ears pounding two adult beverages, right?!! I held off, and we kept moving.

More photo ops!

I believe after our mini photo shoot we took a ride on mission space, and when we came outside it was down pouring again. Cheap ponchos saved our lives several times and we ran to time travel with Ellen. We were both tired at this point so resting and maybe shutting my eyes for a few minutes was in order (Don’t tell Ellen).

After that 45 minute break we decided to go check out the boardwalk area, one of our Disney bucket list stays. We did a little shopping and passed the time before our 7pm reservation at Via Napoli. We had a couple drinks at the Big River brewing company. Hubby had a few different craft beers, not interested in those even though he always makes me try them, YUCK! I had their red sangria… and a margarita. Both were pretty good.

We walked around the boardwalk for a while then took a boat ride back to Epcot. We were very excited for via Napoli…. But everything was a let down. From the experience in the waiting area, to the service, the food… it was a total bummer. This was our first sit down dinner on our honeymoon so I guess It was my mistake for having an idea in my head on how it would go but we stood shoulder to shoulder in a tiny space by the front desk, they asked if we were celebrating anything and we said our Honeymoon and then they just handed us our buzzer, we stood there 30 minutes past our reservation time, then were sat next to a table of about 12, 6 of those being children 5 an under (brave brave family… that’s a lot of babies) one of which crapped their pants at the dinner table and it got all over the high chair, the waitress did not offer us drinks, the pizza took forever to get there and was very cold. I hate complaining about anything Disney but this was a bummer. We summed it up to, it was the Sunday before labor day, it was busy, tomorrow will be better (which we said the night before haha).

No pictures of the food, it was too chaotic and we honestly wanted to just get out of there.

We spent the rest of the evening wandering around, around 8:30pm we were feeling exhausted and our shoes were soggy so we decided to skip illuminations for the night and head back to our room. Tomorrow was Hollywood studios, and I had a date with Tower of Terror… one of which I day dreamed about for 1.5 years.


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We went on our honeymoon in Disney as well. Perfect way to start a life together! :)
I really have to agree... we debated on going somewhere tropical and doing the whole lay on a beach thing. Neither one of us could pictures spending that special trip anywhere but Disney World. Its the perfect combo of fun, romance and relaxation!!


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Such gorgeous wedding photos! Thanks for sharing you report :) :)
Thank you! Our wedding was a blast, and we had "Hidden Mickey's" through out the ceremony and reception :D

I have to admit that I read and re-read your reports before this trip. I love all your details, and wish I had a better camera to get some shots... there is always next time though hehe. Already planning a trip for next November!


Well-Known Member
Thank you! Our wedding was a blast, and we had "Hidden Mickey's" through out the ceremony and reception :D

I have to admit that I read and re-read your reports before this trip. I love all your details, and wish I had a better camera to get some shots... there is always next time though hehe. Already planning a trip for next November!

Your shots are awesome!! And November is a perfect time to go I loved my November trip!!!

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