First Pre-TR..."Is it time to go yet?" Oct./Nov. 2012

Once upon a time, in a land where the sound of horse-drawn buggies could still be heard clip-clopping along the macadam, and where a carbonated-beverage is called "soda," there lived a family with a slight travel obsession to Walt Disney World. Every year, sometimes twice a year, the family of four would venture out on a plane ride, board a magical bus (with "express" service), and arrive at a DVC villa. Most of the time, various family members would join in on the fun, namely "the very patient grandparents" who graciously provide a reprieve for the young parents. But, whenever the planning process for yet another journey to WDW would arise, the townspeople (a.k.a. close friends, co-workers, aunts, uncles, sisters, etc.) would raise an eyebrow and ask, "Don't you want to go on vacation to new places and meet characters other than Mickey?" To be be fair to all the other glorious spots to visit in the world, the family briefly considers this option. But there is an unseen force that pulls and tugs the family back to their "happiest place on Earth."

This shrouded energy envelops the family like an oversized fuzzy blanket just out of the dryer. Soft. Familiar. A safe bet for a cold night. There is no mistaking the approach Imagineers strategically take to invoke this "warm, fuzzy" feeling for travelers, even after they leave the world of fantasy: the five senses.

At home, the family finds themselves seeing "hidden Mickey's" in the condensation on the sliding glass door to the deck; having the smell of caramel instantly transport them to the bakery window of Karamelle Kuche; while walking up steps, the feel of the railing reminds them of the Toy Story Mania que; biting into a strawberry just isn't complete without its tart shell from Boulangerie Patisserie; and after turning the ignition of their 13-year-old Dodge Durango, EPCOT's Main Entrance music is waiting to greet them. All of these senses welcome the family back like a giant bear-hug!

And now I'd like to "Welcome" you to my very first pre-trip report! Sit back, pull up a Disney radio station on, and brew a cup of Nescafe (kidding...or am I?), because I sense an adventure on the horizon! {{cue the gong}}

Let's start with the most important:

WHO:There are two travel parties, but I will only go into detail about my little family of four:

Me: Sara, will be turning 31 during this trip (making it my 13th since 2003); a stay-at-home mom (with an unused journalism degree), working part-time as a barista (as a coffee addict, this job is the perfect "mommy time-out"); & DVC member with my DH since 2008. Almost every day, I pull up my iTunes account or a Disney station on, and clean, have a dance-off with my girls, or be lulled to sleep to tried-and-true favorites. I do have other interests outside of Disney-themed activities, like reading (love Sophie Kinsella & Emily Giffen books), crafting (when I have the time), and hitting the links with DH. My most magical Disney memory to date, was sitting behind the Walt & Mickey statue in the HUB of MK, in the cold and rain mind you, watching for the very first time in complete awe, "The Magic, the Memories & You" castle show in March 2011. You very rarely will find me in pictures because I am typically behind the lens...but my father gave me an important piece of advice after losing my step-mom to cancer: "Get out from behind the camera and into the picture, because one day your children will want to take you with them." So, I will make a sincere effort to do this whenever the camera is out.

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(outside of the Play n' Dine restaurant @ HS in March 2011)

DH: Joel, quite the character, germ-a-phoebe, and golf-enthusiast; supports the family's Disney habit as a sales rep in the Baked Goods industry. Can find humor in the most obscure things, whether in everyday events or in watching a movie ("Let it Ride" comes to mind when I think of this: the scene where Richard Dreyfuss is in the 'luxury box' and wins big on a horse race; as he's celebrating, the other 'boxers' are very upset he didn't share his horse info, to which Dreyfuss replies by blowing raspberries...seriously, my DH will laugh about this the rest of the day). Come to think about it, my DH reminds me of Larry David (the co-creator of "Seinfeld"). A betting man (friendly, of course), who enjoys all the splendor that make up a WDW quick-service meal: fish n' chips from Yorkshire County Fish Shop, followed by a strawberry tart from Boulangerie Patisserie in EP at the top of his list. Joel likes to search out when "Disney-related" shows will be airing: our DVR is filled with all sorts of episodes: "Full House: When the House Meets Mouse;" "Unwrapped: Disney Treats;" "Boy Meets World;" "Modern Marvels;" etc. He is the one who introduced me to WDW during our college spring break...little did he know how hooked I became;). This trip will mark his 15th (how dare he have 2 trips over me)!

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(DH with our youngest child, who was 15 mos. old, @ HS in Dec. 2010)

DD6: Chloe, a sensitive, soon-to-be 1st grader, who when asked, "Where do you want to go today?" IMMEDIATELY responds, "Disney World!" (as though it's located in our backyard). She's never had a haircut and is mistaken for Rapunzel's little sister (partly my doing...I just can't say good-bye to the curls from baby-hood; perhaps her first cut should be at the Barbers in MK! "Light bulb!"). She is a bit apprehensive when full-costumed characters are around, but is delighted to meet any Princess or Fairy. Her favorite Disney treat is a Mickey waffle, especially the giant ones from Sleepy Hollow in Liberty Square! Chloe's first visit was at the tender age of 11 mos., and this trip will be her 11th!

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(an at-home B.B.B. makeover in Jan. 2012)

DD2 (will turn 3 y.o,. 2 months before the trip): Eliza, the precocious-peanut of the family, who gets super-excited whenever she sees Disney Princess merchandise! She loves to wear her princess nightgowns to bed and to play! Although 95% of the kids her age are bigger than her, she can hold her own, with her own made-up language (she can talk, but flat out refuses). Her favorite thing at WDW (according to reactions from our most recent trip) is the "Move It! Shake It! Celebrate it! Parade" at MK. This kid loves to dance! Eliza had her first visit to WDW at 8 mos. old, where she became enamored with Stitch...this will be her 6th trip!

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(meeting one of her favorite characters @ MK in Oct. 2011)

Father-in-law & mother-in-law (who introduced DH to the Wonderful World of Disney in 1987 & 1993) round out the rest of the first party; while my DH's cousin, wife and DS7 complete the second party.


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WHEN:Oct. 31-Nov. 8, 2012 (Food & Wine Festival, or as I like to call it, "Eat & Drink Your Weight, but Steer Clear on the Weekends Festival.")

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(2011's theme)

WHERE: 2-bedroom at Old Key West for 4 nights (a first for us) and a dedicated 2-bedroom standard-view at Animal Kingdom-Kidani Village (our home resort) for the last 4 nights.

WHY:In addition to getting our yearly Disney fix, there is 1 birthday celebration and 1 anniversary, which are all the more reason to do the celebrating in Disney World! there any other place to vacation that provides instant smiles & forever-memories, DESPITE crowds (and the various grumps in them), rehabs, weather, and inevitable melt-downs? Possibly, but I won't take my chances.

HOW:Everyone is flying in from Central Pennsylvania, courtesy of AirTran out of BWI. Our original plan was to drive down, but considering my husband is self-employed and has to pay out-of-pocket for vacation help, it will actually be cheaper to fly (go figure).

Our October-November trip has been in the works since our October 2011 trip. It first started out as a land & sea deal (especially after reading and re-reading "HollyBelle's: A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" TR, with a big "Thank You" to her and her husband-of-a-year), but after running the numbers, we've decided it's more cost effective to spend the time on land. Also, this trip does pose a few obstacles:
1st: We're running low on DVC points. We love to share the magic, and every other year we take a BIG family trip. However, we run through our allotted points quite quickly this way, despite selecting "off-season" dates. We'll eventually invest in more points, or quit offering EVERYONE under the sun to stay with us....."Nope, not gonna happen," according to my DH, as he peaks over my shoulder to see what Disney-antics I'm up to now.
2nd: The guilt of removing Chloe from school. I think I'll throw in a "Behind the Seeds" tour at EP to make it somewhat educational. (Sorry to anyone in the education field who might be reading this.)
3rd: (cue the "gloom-of-doom"-type music) The economy & flight prices! I try to over-estimate how much is needed to cover all expenses of a Disney trip, but I cannot predict employment rates and the sickening-throw-my-fists-in-the-air-don't-cry-at-the-pump-have-another-shot-of-haterade-toward-the-oil-industry GAS PRICES. Movin' on...

Typically, we travel to WDW in May, October, or December (the later being our favorite).

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(Donald's boat from 'Mickey's Jingle Jungle Parade' @ AK in Dec. 2010)

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(also from our Dec. 2010 trip & "yes" it was that cold)

Whenever we travel in December, we travel in a family-pack, which inevitably leads to tension and arguments near the end of every trip: I contribute this to park-hopping exhaustion and clashing of personalities. Either we're gluttons for punishment or we're really, really dedicated WDW fanatics & will push through anything and anyone to get our Disney on!

As with any plans, until we've actually passed through the Disney World gates, nothing is guaranteed and is subject to change. For instance, I have many sit-down meals planned, but I am trying limit the table-service meals to 2 or 3. Should we go for our favorites or test new territory?

Now, for your perusing pleasure, out tentative schedule:

Wed., 10/31: Halloween!
*Get up INSANELY early, pack up the Durango with whatever wasn't packed the day or week before, cautiously put the girls in their car seats, pray that the in-laws arrive before it's time to leave (just between me and you, I will tell them 15 min. earlier than when they actually need to be here), meet up with our 2nd party, and head on down to BWI to catch our flight!
*Hop monorail over to "Side B" and look for our Quick-Silver Tour driver!
*Check in @ OKW and let our moods decide what to do next: rent a surrey bike or boat, boat ride to DTD, or explore the resort. Oh, and don't forget to pick up stroller rental from Bell Services (haven't decided what company to rent from yet)!

*Early to bed, because:
A. We had a very long day.
B. We have another early morning.

Thurs., 11/1:
*Breakfast ressie at Tusker House for 8:05 a.m.: have only ever gone into MK & EP early (makes for great photo ops), but not AK or HS.

*Resort break (whenever we feel like it, but a needed for my DD's)

Fri., 11/2:
*Breakfast ressie @ Crystal Palace for 8:25 a.m.: tried to get one of the first ones, but waited until 135 days out to book it. Our original plan was to eat at Chef Mickey's, but I really wanted to get into the park prior to rope drop for obvious reasons!

*DTD or stay for Mickey's Not-So-Scary-Halloween Party (have attended 2 times before, but we have newbies in the group who might be interested; will need to decide soon so I can buy tickets!). EDIT: We've attended 3 times: 2007, 2010, 2011.

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(Chloe @ MNSSHP in Sept. 2010)

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(DD's @ MNSSHP in Oct. 2011)

Sat., 11/3:
*AK or MK:
-Have scheduled breakfast ressie @ Crystal Palace again, for 8:05 a.m.: we're deciding on whether we want early morning pictures with Halloween/Fall decor or Christmas decorations (I do realize that not ALL of the decorations will be up at this point).

*MK for night festivities!

Sun., 11/4: Daylight Savings time (clocks "fall" back)
*After getting an extra hour of sleep (which is unheard of for our WDW vacations!), check-out of OKW (early), store luggage & souvenir bags (no doubt we would've accumulated at least one large bag full) with Bell Services.

*Take the pathway to the Boardwalk, and then get our ice cream fix at Beaches n' Cream at BC.
*Walk thru EP (via World Showcase entrance) and catch a bus to AKL to finally check in at AK-KV!
*Call it a day!

Mon., 11/5:
*EP for the 1st party and Legoland for the 2nd Party. (Make sure to cart along everything we'll need for 14 hrs., because there's no going back to the resort mid-day today.)

*Walk over to HS: FINALLY going to see Fantasmic!!

Tues., 11/6: My birthday, celebrate my in-laws 43rd Anniversary, & Presidential Election Day!
*(another "no mid-day resort siesta") EP: EMH, so we're going to have another early morning!

*Lunch @ Le Cellier for 2:25 p.m. (will need to eat a BIG breakfast and light snack prior to this).
*Monorail ride to MK!

Wed., 11/7:

*Monorail ride to EP for EMH!

Thurs., 11/8: and departure day :(
*Sleep in or breakfast ressie @ Boma for 8:45 a.m.
*Utilize Resort Airline Check-In.
*Relax at resort until Magical Express picks us up

*Mid-day flight outta MCO, pick up the bags & car, drive home to reality.

Fri., 11/9: Recoup day for me and youngest DD, but work & school for DH and DD6!
*In this exact order, here's what will scroll through my mind as I wake up in my own bed: "Do I really have to do all this laundry? unpack & find room for all of the new, unnecessary toys my girls got? and what am I going to pack for my Chloe's lunch since I haven't been to the store in over a week & emptied the fridge last Tuesday?! Oh, how I wish there was a button I could push to have Disney deliver our meals!"
*Start planning next years' trip!


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Tickets and Dining Plan

Debating on whether or not to invest in Annual Passes for my family, with our DVC discount, in hopes that we'll be able to squeeze in another trip before Nov. 1, 2013 (when they'd theoretically expire). We were AP holders for 2 years (2008-2010), but let them expire because it wasn't worth renewing at the time. If we do not invest in AP's, I will probably order "7-day park hoppers" from

I guess this is the perfect place to ask the next question: anyone here done Tables in Wonderland? We've always participated in the Dining Plan (once on the Table-service, and every other time on the Quick-Service plan). I currently have 5 sit-down meals (but WILL knock it down to 3), depending on what everyone wants to do (although when I ask them, "Whatever you decide is fine with us," is the response I get). Pros and cons of T.I.W. are welcomed and encouraged!

Other Important Info for Me to Remember (and for you to, well, read):

While we're enjoying ourselves in WDW, two important things will occur during our stay:
1. Daylight Savings time: set ALL clocks & watches back an hour the night before.
2. Presidential Election.

I've already done the research to submit an absentee ballot for myself, DH, in-laws and DH's cousin & wife. I know to send in the application a couple of weeks early, expecting our ballot to arrive at our respective homes by Oct. 30th. As soon as we get them, we'll be mailing them back to our Election Offices (ballots must be received by Nov. 2nd). AND, we'll now be leaving this discussion and move on to my final thoughts.

Until then...
It's a running joke in my household (and other's as well), that I should seek out a "Disney World Anonymous" group, due to: my slight obsession with planning trips (whether real or fictional), browsing Disney discussion boards, checking the wait-times on my iPad ("thank you Touring Plans for the awesome app!"), and listening to Disney-related music every day (there's more, but I'm hesitant to say what exactly)! The moment Disney decorations remain hung up in my house when it's not a holiday, I will sign myself up for the group (which could lead to another obsession of finding one, or better yet, creating one). In all seriousness, don't let my family and friends fool you into thinking I have a problem, because they're ALWAYS asking me for advice and planning tips, and asking when our next trip is, and what park we'll be visiting today, etc.!

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(on "the train" @ MK with "Random Man!"...I can't help but laugh when I see this pic!)

Anywhosen, it's true, my family loves Disney! We don't live far from the Disney Outlet Store in Hershey, Pa, so, this place serves as our quick Disney World fix...a temporary fix at that. Eventually we'd like to make our way out to Disneyland and the Disney Museum in Anaheim, but that will have to wait for a few years. (Suggestions and comments are welcome concerning the planning of that trip!)

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(Oct. 2011)

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(while on our 2-hour safari @ AK, I caught a glimpse of the walking tour)

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(@ EP in March 2011)

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(Chloe randomly making friends @ MK during the MSEP in March 2011)

If you stumbled across this thread and are still taking the time out of your busy day to read it, THANK YOU!

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"Is it time to go yet?"

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Well-Known Member
I LOVE this PTR!!!! Your photos are awesome and the kiddos are adorable!! :)

I think we're all Disney addicts here so you're not alone by any means!! lol

Regarding Tables in Wonderland.. We are AP holders and purchased the TIw card for ourselves on our November trip last year. There were 3 of us and we each pitched in $75 (it's $75 for AP holders, $100 for DVC members) and used it for 6 table service meals. The card paid for itself by the end of the trip. We also used it for 11 table service meals last month so everything we saved was just that: savings, since the card paid for itself after the first trip. We do have another trip planned in September/October but we will be utilizing free dining then. We had to spend at least $375 in sit down meals to come out even. (It would be $500 to come out even for DVC members) so if you think you'll spend that much it would be worth it! :)

Can't wait to read about the trip!! We are going to our first halloween party when we are down there and I am super excited to see all the characters in their costumes


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I LOVE this PTR!!!! Your photos are awesome and the kiddos are adorable!! :)

I think we're all Disney addicts here so you're not alone by any means!! lol

Regarding Tables in Wonderland.. We are AP holders and purchased the TIw card for ourselves on our November trip last year. There were 3 of us and we each pitched in $75 (it's $75 for AP holders, $100 for DVC members) and used it for 6 table service meals. The card paid for itself by the end of the trip. We also used it for 11 table service meals last month so everything we saved was just that: savings, since the card paid for itself after the first trip. We do have another trip planned in September/October but we will be utilizing free dining then. We had to spend at least $375 in sit down meals to come out even. (It would be $500 to come out even for DVC members) so if you think you'll spend that much it would be worth it! :)

Can't wait to read about the trip!! We are going to our first halloween party when we are down there and I am super excited to see all the characters in their costumes

Thanks derelicte19! Oh, I knoooow I'm not alone on this site...I know I'm always in good company here:D

And thank you for the T.I.W. tip! I'm not sure if we'll spend that much during this trip, probably closer to $300; and theoretically, our next trip will be Dec. 2013, with the T.I.W. expiring by then.

I cannot wait: 125 days and counting!!!! And, I'd estimate another 15 days until my TR is posted!


Well-Known Member
Love your TR too! I have two boys (now pre-teen and teenager) so it is wonderful to experience WDW through the eyes of two little girls. No Bibbity Bobbity Boutique or Princess breakfasts for me :(

You are definitely among fellow Disney obsessed here! I love to plan WDW trips too and have even toyed with offering up my services as a WDW vacation planner for friends. Planning is half the fun and heightens the anticipation of the trip....I guess that's why the idea of a "surprise trip" has never appealed to me.

Can't wait to read more and see the trip photos after you return!

P.S. I am a huge reader also and love Sophie Kinsella and Emily Giffin! In case you weren't aware, Sophie Kinsella also writes under the name Madeline Wickham and has some great books under that name!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Love your TR too! I have two boys (now pre-teen and teenager) so it is wonderful to experience WDW through the eyes of two little girls. No Bibbity Bobbity Boutique or Princess breakfasts for me :(

You are definitely among fellow Disney obsessed here! I love to plan WDW trips too and have even toyed with offering up my services as a WDW vacation planner for friends. Planning is half the fun and heightens the anticipation of the trip....I guess that's why the idea of a "surprise trip" has never appealed to me.

Can't wait to read more and see the trip photos after you return!

P.S. I am a huge reader also and love Sophie Kinsella and Emily Giffin! In case you weren't aware, Sophie Kinsella also writes under the name Madeline Wickham and has some great books under that name!

Thanks minnielaw! I, too, love the whole process of planning a Disney trip (even if I drive myself nuts obsessing over little things like: go to AK on Monday or Thursday?)! I do have to restrain myself from making other people's itineraries, even though every fiber of my being tells me, "Do it, you know you want to" (my being has a Jack Nicholson tone).

I have read Wickham/Kinsella's "Gate Crasher" and loved it! Thank goodness for new technology of iPads and Nooks, because my night stand is already stacked 2 1/2 feet high of books!

I cannot wait to write my first TR...psst, I already started!


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WHEN:Oct. 31-Nov. 8, 2012 (Food & Wine Festival, or as I like to call it, "Eat & Drink Your Weight, but Steer Clear on the Weekends Festival.")

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Now, for your perusing pleasure, our EDITED tentative schedule (new stuff is in BLUE):

Tues., 10/30
*Decided to leave after school lets out, and spend the night at a hotel near BWI. We're opting for the "Stay, Park, Fly" option.

Wed., 10/31: Halloween!
*Can sleep in for an extra (theoretical) 3 hrs.; hop the hotel shuttle to BWI by 6:15 a.m.; do all the airport stuff, and then fly on down to MCO courtesy of AirTran!
*Hop monorail over to "Side B" and look for our Quick-Silver Tour driver!
*Check in @ OKW and let our moods decide what to do next: rent a surrey bike or boat, boat ride to DTD, or explore the resort. Oh, and don't forget to pick up stroller rental from Bell Services (went with Kingdom Strollers)!

*Early to bed, because: blah, blah, blah

Thurs., 11/1:
*Breakfast ressie at Tusker House for 9:20 a.m. (cancelled previous 8:05 a.m. ressie because I didn't think anyone would want to get up really early 3 days in a row)

*Resort break (whenever we feel like it, but a must for my DD's)

Fri., 11/2:
*Breakfast ressie @ Crystal Palace for 8:05 a.m. (replacing the 8:25): tried to get one of the first ones, but waited until 135 days out to book it. I was really, really hoping to secure a reservation on W 11/7, that way we could buy a 6-day PH, spend the morning sleeping in, the afternoon lounging at the resort, AND then make our way to MK using our MNSSHP tix. No such luck!
*10:30 & 11 a.m. ressie @ Harmony Barber Shop: DD6 is getting her hair cut! while DD3 & DCS7 get their hair done!

*Mickey's Not-So-Scary-Halloween Party: plan to arrive shortly after 4 p.m.. (However, I must make sure EVERYTHING is packed prior to leaving for the party, because we're checking out tomorrow instead of Sunday.)

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(Chloe @ MNSSHP in Sept. 2010)

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(DD's @ MNSSHP in Oct. 2011)

Sat., 11/3:
*checking out of OKW & into AK-KV: in hindsight, I should've booked the first 6 nights at our "home" resort and the last 2 nights at another resort closer to MK/EP monorail line, because that's where we'll spending our "last days."

*MK for night festivities!

Sun., 11/4: Daylight Savings time (clocks "fall" back)
*After getting an extra hour of sleep (which is unheard of for our WDW vacations!), head on out to HS!

*Take the pathway to the Boardwalk, and then get our ice cream fix at Beaches n' Cream at BC.
*Walk thru EP (via World Showcase entrance) and catch a bus to AKL to finally check in at AK-KV!
*Call it a day!

Mon., 11/5:
*EP for the 1st party and Legoland for the 2nd Party. (Make sure to cart along everything we'll need for 14 hrs., because there's no going back to the resort mid-day today.)

*Walk over to HS: FINALLY going to see Fantasmic!!

Tues., 11/6: My birthday, celebrate my in-laws 43rd Anniversary, & Presidential Election Day!
*(another "no mid-day resort siesta") EP: EMH, so we're going to have another early morning!

*Lunch @ Le Cellier for 2:25 p.m. (will need to eat a BIG breakfast and light snack prior to this).
*Monorail ride to MK!
*7 p.m. Wishes Dessert Party at the Tomorrowland Terrace (shh, it's a surprise!)

Wed., 11/7:

*Monorail ride to EP for EMH!

Thurs., 11/8: and departure day :(
*Sleep in or breakfast ressie @ Boma for 8:45 a.m.
*Utilize Resort Airline Check-In.
*Drop off stroller with Bell Services.
*Relax at resort until Magical Express picks us up

*Mid-day flight outta MCO, pick up the bags & car, drive home to reality.

Fri., 11/9: Recoup day for me and youngest DD, but work & school for DH and DD6!
*In this exact order, here's what will scroll through my mind as I wake up in my own bed: "Do I really have to do all this laundry? unpack & find room for all of the new, unnecessary toys my girls got? and what am I going to pack for my Chloe's lunch since I haven't been to the store in over a week & emptied the fridge last Tuesday?! Oh, how I wish there was a button I could push to have Disney deliver our meals!"
(Planning on having my momma stop by the house with groceries sometime the day before...she just doesn't know it yet;))
*Start planning next years' trip!


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Counting from at this exact moment, until we leave for the BWI hotel: 49 days, 17 hours, 9 minutes and some odd seconds!!!!:D


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UPDATE: after adding on 50 pts. to our DVC membership yesterday, things started to fall into place that same day:

1. Got 100 pts. to use immediately (banked 50 pts. from Oct. 2011 use year, and 50 more points were added to our Oct. 2012 use year!)!
2. Checked our DVC points account and noticed we had "1 point too many in our Oct. 2012 use year," then realized that we got AK-KV for our entire vacation!! ("buh-bye OKW")
3. Psyched that we bought extra points and that we would not be changing resorts, I decided to check (just for the heck of it), to see if BWV, BCV, WLV or BLT were available for the last 2-3 nights of our vacation (considering we'll be flip-flopping between EP & MK the last couple of days)...and, a 2-bedroom Lake View at BLT opened up!
4. Using points that we just bought, I booked the BLT room for the last 3 nights!

New resort itinerary:
10/31-11/5: dedicated 2-bedroom, standard-view @ AK-KV (our "home resort")
11/5-8: dedicated 2-bedroom, lake-view @ BLT

Only 32 days to go!!


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Due to Hurricane Sandy, our trip could be canceled altogether. We are having a very difficult time finding flights out of BWI on 10/31, because our morning flight with AirTran was canceled (good thing I checked at 6 p.m., but seemed to be too late as all the other flights that day were taken). Driving is an option, but we would cut down our vacation by 2 whole days, and thus for some people in our party, will only get to use 5-6 days worth of park-hopping out of their 7-day hoppers.

I know there are more important things to worry about, like everyone's safety and well-being as millions of people along the northeast coast ride out the storm...but, after a year's worth of planning and to have mother nature pull a horrible fast one on ya, well, I'm decidedly very bummed and near tears.


Well-Known Member
Awww...stupid hurricane! I hope it all works out.

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