Once upon a time, in a land where the sound of horse-drawn buggies could still be heard clip-clopping along the macadam, and where a carbonated-beverage is called "soda," there lived a family with a slight travel obsession to Walt Disney World. Every year, sometimes twice a year, the family of four would venture out on a plane ride, board a magical bus (with "express" service), and arrive at a DVC villa. Most of the time, various family members would join in on the fun, namely "the very patient grandparents" who graciously provide a reprieve for the young parents. But, whenever the planning process for yet another journey to WDW would arise, the townspeople (a.k.a. close friends, co-workers, aunts, uncles, sisters, etc.) would raise an eyebrow and ask, "Don't you want to go on vacation to new places and meet characters other than Mickey?" To be be fair to all the other glorious spots to visit in the world, the family briefly considers this option. But there is an unseen force that pulls and tugs the family back to their "happiest place on Earth."
This shrouded energy envelops the family like an oversized fuzzy blanket just out of the dryer. Soft. Familiar. A safe bet for a cold night. There is no mistaking the approach Imagineers strategically take to invoke this "warm, fuzzy" feeling for travelers, even after they leave the world of fantasy: the five senses.
At home, the family finds themselves seeing "hidden Mickey's" in the condensation on the sliding glass door to the deck; having the smell of caramel instantly transport them to the bakery window of Karamelle Kuche; while walking up steps, the feel of the railing reminds them of the Toy Story Mania que; biting into a strawberry just isn't complete without its tart shell from Boulangerie Patisserie; and after turning the ignition of their 13-year-old Dodge Durango, EPCOT's Main Entrance music is waiting to greet them. All of these senses welcome the family back like a giant bear-hug!
And now I'd like to "Welcome" you to my very first pre-trip report! Sit back, pull up a Disney radio station on LIVE365.com, and brew a cup of Nescafe (kidding...or am I?), because I sense an adventure on the horizon! {{cue the gong}}
Let's start with the most important:
WHO:There are two travel parties, but I will only go into detail about my little family of four:
Me: Sara, will be turning 31 during this trip (making it my 13th since 2003); a stay-at-home mom (with an unused journalism degree), working part-time as a barista (as a coffee addict, this job is the perfect "mommy time-out"); & DVC member with my DH since 2008. Almost every day, I pull up my iTunes account or a Disney station on Live365.com, and clean, have a dance-off with my girls, or be lulled to sleep to tried-and-true favorites. I do have other interests outside of Disney-themed activities, like reading (love Sophie Kinsella & Emily Giffen books), crafting (when I have the time), and hitting the links with DH. My most magical Disney memory to date, was sitting behind the Walt & Mickey statue in the HUB of MK, in the cold and rain mind you, watching for the very first time in complete awe, "The Magic, the Memories & You" castle show in March 2011. You very rarely will find me in pictures because I am typically behind the lens...but my father gave me an important piece of advice after losing my step-mom to cancer: "Get out from behind the camera and into the picture, because one day your children will want to take you with them." So, I will make a sincere effort to do this whenever the camera is out.

SAM_0532 by journ116, on Flickr
(outside of the Play n' Dine restaurant @ HS in March 2011)
DH: Joel, quite the character, germ-a-phoebe, and golf-enthusiast; supports the family's Disney habit as a sales rep in the Baked Goods industry. Can find humor in the most obscure things, whether in everyday events or in watching a movie ("Let it Ride" comes to mind when I think of this: the scene where Richard Dreyfuss is in the 'luxury box' and wins big on a horse race; as he's celebrating, the other 'boxers' are very upset he didn't share his horse info, to which Dreyfuss replies by blowing raspberries...seriously, my DH will laugh about this the rest of the day). Come to think about it, my DH reminds me of Larry David (the co-creator of "Seinfeld"). A betting man (friendly, of course), who enjoys all the splendor that make up a WDW quick-service meal: fish n' chips from Yorkshire County Fish Shop, followed by a strawberry tart from Boulangerie Patisserie in EP at the top of his list. Joel likes to search out when "Disney-related" shows will be airing: our DVR is filled with all sorts of episodes: "Full House: When the House Meets Mouse;" "Unwrapped: Disney Treats;" "Boy Meets World;" "Modern Marvels;" etc. He is the one who introduced me to WDW during our college spring break...little did he know how hooked I became
. This trip will mark his 15th (how dare he have 2 trips over me)!

DSC_1663 by journ116, on Flickr
(DH with our youngest child, who was 15 mos. old, @ HS in Dec. 2010)
DD6: Chloe, a sensitive, soon-to-be 1st grader, who when asked, "Where do you want to go today?" IMMEDIATELY responds, "Disney World!" (as though it's located in our backyard). She's never had a haircut and is mistaken for Rapunzel's little sister (partly my doing...I just can't say good-bye to the curls from baby-hood; perhaps her first cut should be at the Barbers in MK! "Light bulb!"). She is a bit apprehensive when full-costumed characters are around, but is delighted to meet any Princess or Fairy. Her favorite Disney treat is a Mickey waffle, especially the giant ones from Sleepy Hollow in Liberty Square! Chloe's first visit was at the tender age of 11 mos., and this trip will be her 11th!

DSC_2300 by journ116, on Flickr
(an at-home B.B.B. makeover in Jan. 2012)
DD2 (will turn 3 y.o,. 2 months before the trip): Eliza, the precocious-peanut of the family, who gets super-excited whenever she sees Disney Princess merchandise! She loves to wear her princess nightgowns to bed and to play! Although 95% of the kids her age are bigger than her, she can hold her own, with her own made-up language (she can talk, but flat out refuses). Her favorite thing at WDW (according to reactions from our most recent trip) is the "Move It! Shake It! Celebrate it! Parade" at MK. This kid loves to dance! Eliza had her first visit to WDW at 8 mos. old, where she became enamored with Stitch...this will be her 6th trip!

DSC_2077 by journ116, on Flickr
(meeting one of her favorite characters @ MK in Oct. 2011)
Father-in-law & mother-in-law (who introduced DH to the Wonderful World of Disney in 1987 & 1993) round out the rest of the first party; while my DH's cousin, wife and DS7 complete the second party.
This shrouded energy envelops the family like an oversized fuzzy blanket just out of the dryer. Soft. Familiar. A safe bet for a cold night. There is no mistaking the approach Imagineers strategically take to invoke this "warm, fuzzy" feeling for travelers, even after they leave the world of fantasy: the five senses.
At home, the family finds themselves seeing "hidden Mickey's" in the condensation on the sliding glass door to the deck; having the smell of caramel instantly transport them to the bakery window of Karamelle Kuche; while walking up steps, the feel of the railing reminds them of the Toy Story Mania que; biting into a strawberry just isn't complete without its tart shell from Boulangerie Patisserie; and after turning the ignition of their 13-year-old Dodge Durango, EPCOT's Main Entrance music is waiting to greet them. All of these senses welcome the family back like a giant bear-hug!
And now I'd like to "Welcome" you to my very first pre-trip report! Sit back, pull up a Disney radio station on LIVE365.com, and brew a cup of Nescafe (kidding...or am I?), because I sense an adventure on the horizon! {{cue the gong}}
Let's start with the most important:
WHO:There are two travel parties, but I will only go into detail about my little family of four:
Me: Sara, will be turning 31 during this trip (making it my 13th since 2003); a stay-at-home mom (with an unused journalism degree), working part-time as a barista (as a coffee addict, this job is the perfect "mommy time-out"); & DVC member with my DH since 2008. Almost every day, I pull up my iTunes account or a Disney station on Live365.com, and clean, have a dance-off with my girls, or be lulled to sleep to tried-and-true favorites. I do have other interests outside of Disney-themed activities, like reading (love Sophie Kinsella & Emily Giffen books), crafting (when I have the time), and hitting the links with DH. My most magical Disney memory to date, was sitting behind the Walt & Mickey statue in the HUB of MK, in the cold and rain mind you, watching for the very first time in complete awe, "The Magic, the Memories & You" castle show in March 2011. You very rarely will find me in pictures because I am typically behind the lens...but my father gave me an important piece of advice after losing my step-mom to cancer: "Get out from behind the camera and into the picture, because one day your children will want to take you with them." So, I will make a sincere effort to do this whenever the camera is out.

SAM_0532 by journ116, on Flickr
(outside of the Play n' Dine restaurant @ HS in March 2011)
DH: Joel, quite the character, germ-a-phoebe, and golf-enthusiast; supports the family's Disney habit as a sales rep in the Baked Goods industry. Can find humor in the most obscure things, whether in everyday events or in watching a movie ("Let it Ride" comes to mind when I think of this: the scene where Richard Dreyfuss is in the 'luxury box' and wins big on a horse race; as he's celebrating, the other 'boxers' are very upset he didn't share his horse info, to which Dreyfuss replies by blowing raspberries...seriously, my DH will laugh about this the rest of the day). Come to think about it, my DH reminds me of Larry David (the co-creator of "Seinfeld"). A betting man (friendly, of course), who enjoys all the splendor that make up a WDW quick-service meal: fish n' chips from Yorkshire County Fish Shop, followed by a strawberry tart from Boulangerie Patisserie in EP at the top of his list. Joel likes to search out when "Disney-related" shows will be airing: our DVR is filled with all sorts of episodes: "Full House: When the House Meets Mouse;" "Unwrapped: Disney Treats;" "Boy Meets World;" "Modern Marvels;" etc. He is the one who introduced me to WDW during our college spring break...little did he know how hooked I became

DSC_1663 by journ116, on Flickr
(DH with our youngest child, who was 15 mos. old, @ HS in Dec. 2010)
DD6: Chloe, a sensitive, soon-to-be 1st grader, who when asked, "Where do you want to go today?" IMMEDIATELY responds, "Disney World!" (as though it's located in our backyard). She's never had a haircut and is mistaken for Rapunzel's little sister (partly my doing...I just can't say good-bye to the curls from baby-hood; perhaps her first cut should be at the Barbers in MK! "Light bulb!"). She is a bit apprehensive when full-costumed characters are around, but is delighted to meet any Princess or Fairy. Her favorite Disney treat is a Mickey waffle, especially the giant ones from Sleepy Hollow in Liberty Square! Chloe's first visit was at the tender age of 11 mos., and this trip will be her 11th!

DSC_2300 by journ116, on Flickr
(an at-home B.B.B. makeover in Jan. 2012)
DD2 (will turn 3 y.o,. 2 months before the trip): Eliza, the precocious-peanut of the family, who gets super-excited whenever she sees Disney Princess merchandise! She loves to wear her princess nightgowns to bed and to play! Although 95% of the kids her age are bigger than her, she can hold her own, with her own made-up language (she can talk, but flat out refuses). Her favorite thing at WDW (according to reactions from our most recent trip) is the "Move It! Shake It! Celebrate it! Parade" at MK. This kid loves to dance! Eliza had her first visit to WDW at 8 mos. old, where she became enamored with Stitch...this will be her 6th trip!

DSC_2077 by journ116, on Flickr
(meeting one of her favorite characters @ MK in Oct. 2011)
Father-in-law & mother-in-law (who introduced DH to the Wonderful World of Disney in 1987 & 1993) round out the rest of the first party; while my DH's cousin, wife and DS7 complete the second party.