First character you met


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Do any of you remember the first character you met or saw the first time you entered the parks? Do they hold any special meaning to you now that you see them whenever you go again? The first time I went I was only 1, but I have a picture in front of the turnstiles with Goofy. It's so funny because before they had greeters, the characters were just bombared. It's my mom holding me, and like 40 people in the picture too lol
Funny thing is, I can't remember. I was 4 years old, and I remember meeting a bunch of characters like Brer Fox, Tigger, Friar Tuck, Goofy...but I have no idea which order. The only one that really stuck out for me was obviously Mickey :) I was feeling sick and crummy (which you can see in the home video...sticking my tongue out at the camera :p ) But when I saw Mickey I lit up like a lightbulb.

Anyway, thinking about it now, I think it might have been Goofy who I met first. He held my hat out of reach :( Made me sad :lol:


Active Member
I don't entirely remember since I was only 3 or 4, but my mom has a pic of me meeting Goofy way back in the day.


Premium Member
I was only a few months old, I have no idea. Although my mom has a picture of me sitting on a character's lap when I was a baby. It was a character from Robin Hood I think but I can't remember the name. Friar something maybe??

Maybe I'm totally off!

Edited to say, after a quick internet search I guess I was right. It was Friar Tuck, this guy...



Active Member
i dont remeber saying i have been a ap since almost day 1 of my life. i went to wdw at 2 months and now i am 14 so i dont kno.


Well-Known Member
I remember mine! It was last summer. :lol: And it was Mike and Sulley at the MGM Studios... I was 21. (Hey, it was only my 2nd time ever at WDW.) ;)


Active Member
My mom is going to look for the pics from my first trip to WDW, which was in late 1978, so that means I was 4 years old. If she can find them and sends them to me, I'll have a friend scan some in (I don't have a scanner) and I'll post them here. We also got some pics from Disneyland back in 1985 or 86 and Epcot in 1987.

Ahhhh... memories. Man I'm really jonesing for the "old school" WDW.


New Member
I was only three so I don't remember much, but my parents said I was timid around all the other characters except for Pluto. I gave him a big kiss.

To this day Pluto is my favorite. He always makes everyone so happy (maybe I'm just bias).


Well-Known Member
I was 5 (now I'm 21) so I don't remember who the first was but I do remember meeting Cinderella at Cinderella's Royal Table. At the time I didn't realize that she went to all the tables so I thought we were really special because Cinderella came to our table.

I also remember mickey because my brother was 3 and in a wheelchair and mickey was going back inside to finish his meet and greet. Mickey was the only character my brother wanted to see so he started crying and mickey and the cast members felt sorry for him and brought mickey back out to see us.


New Member
I was also very young, under 2, but not sure exactly how old. Pluto was my first, and in fact only character I met on my first trip. I loved Pluto a lot, so it was really special to me. It was right before Christmas, and on old family videos of Christmas, I got a pluto video tape and I was so excited about it because I had met pluto!


New Member
I was about 9, (last time i went, i am now 22!) Its was Goofy and Pluto, and in the MK. I remember seeing them walking through the park and i was just amazed and dumbstruck. I got a cuddle, we rushed off to get a signature book and a pencil! And rushed back! From then on whenever i saw a character i stood in line waiting patiently for my turn for each character and they're signature. i still have the book and the pencil.

Another i remember from that day, was meeting Sheriff of Nottingham and his henchmen and they tried on mine and my brothers sunglasses and then strutted around. We have a photo of me just after and i have the silliest grin.

(Argh! Just gone all tingly from the memories, man i can't wait 140 days to go again!!)
I was around five the first time I went to WDW, and my absolute favorite character of all time was (and still is) Pinocchio. Through out the entire week before leaving, on the plane, and in the car ride to the Resort, I had been telling my parents that I knew Pinocchio was going to be waiting for me at the gates.

My parents were of course doubtful of this, and didn't want me getting my hopes up, just to have them crushed because he wasn't there. I think they even checked to see if he was going to be in the MK that day, and he wasn't scheduled any where.

We headed immediately to the Magic Kingdom, and sure enough, who was at the gates? Pinocchio. He was supposed to have gone in about 15 minutes before, but had stayed out for some reason. I all but ran over to the line to see him, but not before looking up at my parents and saying "See, I told you he'd be here."


Well-Known Member
Mickey, March 2000. Since then, I've met up with Mickey 6 times. Twice in MGM(on seperate trips), once in Animal Kingdom, twice in Disneyland, and once in DCA.


Well-Known Member
This one will be for the over 30 crowd. It was way back in 1973, I was 8 yrs old and the first character we ever met was the Florida Orange Bird. Anyone remember that?

The 2nd set of characters were the two girl mice from Cinderella.

- Never actually met Mickey until 1993 when I took my daughter for the first time.


I had been visiting the parks since I was two months old, but for some odd reason, never worked up the courage to go up to a character to have a picture until I was three years old. The character I took a picture with? Goofy, who to this day is still my favorite character. :D


Well-Known Member
The first charachter I ever saw was Goofy and he has always been my favorite. There is a picture of hugging him back in 85 or 84 i cant remember.

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