Fired Jungle Skipper


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I was a CP in Spring of 05 as a Jungle Cruise Skipper. I did nothing wrong at work but instead was fired because of a dispute with the housing company. I was placed on a restricted rehire status which ended in October. I am going back this go to casting and get my job back. Anyone Have any tips for me?


Well-Known Member
In the Parks

THANK YOU for posting this....remember kids....if you f*ck up at the housing WILL get fired. Also, if you're underage...DO NOT DRINK ON PROPERTY!!!!!!! I saw *SO* many kids get sent home for this...I worked at PI and I saw secuirty yank a LOT of WDW IDs!!! I know the rules seem silly, but they're there for a reason. Oh, and do NOT "fight" with the security at the apartments either. Just don't be stupid and you'll be fine. Now SkipperRyan...i am NOT calling you stupid...AT ALL....b/c I don't know the situation w/you and housing (they're a pain in the @$$, i know) so please don't take this post the wrong way. I just wanna warn people that Disney has NO sense of humor in situations like this.

As far as advice for getting re-hired, if they bring it up...apologize and move on....good luck!! :wave:


SkipperRyan said:
I was a CP in Spring of 05 as a Jungle Cruise Skipper. I did nothing wrong at work but instead was fired because of a dispute with the housing company. I was placed on a restricted rehire status which ended in October. I am going back this go to casting and get my job back. Anyone Have any tips for me?


Well-Known Member
I .... on the other hand... will point and laugh at you for doing something STUUUUUUUPID. :lol: :wave:

My advice? Fall on your sword, say how much you love the company, what disney means to you, admit where you went wrong and say it will never happen again.

However i still feel Disney's HR department is run by some throughly ruthless ________________....


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Understand that the situation is much more complicated than you think and is not about drinking but instead an international relations issue that involved a Hong Kong cast member. He was a great friend of mine and had he been terminated he would have been 1.Deported and 2.Had to pay back thousands of dollars to the company to compensate them for sending him on the program. The situation involved him moving my car and not having an international drivers liscence. I was weeks away from finishing my program and I figured my excellent record card, which included not a single point for absence as well as over 30 guest srevice fanatic cards would help. So I decided to dodge the bullet. Know this...What you do at work doesn't matter, its even ore what you do at home. I know many people who skipped work, broke the rules, and even one cp who snuck a non cast member into the utilidor by creating a fake company id. None of this matters. My managers were furious that I had been fired but had absolutley no say in the matter. No one at Disney did.

So again before you laugh understand that my actions represent my morals and I could not see this friend of mine go through this. I would do it all over again. I wasn't looking for criticism only instead someone who perhaps knew if things like previous attendance and or awards come into the picture, or if my record card has a detailed description of why I was, as price management put it "Seperated from the company"


If your managers were upset that you were termanated, maybe they can help you get rehired. If your still in contact with them, ask them for their suggestions of if they can offer any help. As you may know, here its WHO you know, not really WHAT you know


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Disney is desperate and EXTREMELY short staffed right now. You'll get hired.


New Member
mkt said:
Disney is desperate and EXTREMELY short staffed right now. You'll get hired.

While Disney may be short staffed, that is no guarentee. A friend of mine who was put on nohire and reapplied this semester for the CP ended up not being hired.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
I was given a job offer about 3 weeks ago, after "attacking" a guest in 2003 (self defense when I was jumped by a guest). Provided you weren't JUST fired, and no legal action against WDW resulted due to what happened regarding your termination, even a CM with no rehire should be able to get a job.

The so short staffed is due to what's presently going on around the company (predominantly DLR right now, WDW can't afford to do this anymore). CM's have been getting terminated for things that in years past would have gotten them a warning or a written reprimand. Furthermore, management has been treating some long timers and new CM's rather poorly, and the job market in Orlando has gotten better, giving CM's not much of an incentive to stay at WDW.


Well-Known Member
mkt said:
I was given a job offer about 3 weeks ago, after "attacking" a guest in 2003 (self defense when I was jumped by a guest). Provided you weren't JUST fired, and no legal action against WDW resulted due to what happened regarding your termination, even a CM with no rehire should be able to get a job.

The so short staffed is due to what's presently going on around the company (predominantly DLR right now, WDW can't afford to do this anymore). CM's have been getting terminated for things that in years past would have gotten them a warning or a written reprimand. Furthermore, management has been treating some long timers and new CM's rather poorly, and the job market in Orlando has gotten better, giving CM's not much of an incentive to stay at WDW.
All true. I am amazed now at some of the things CPs are being terminated for. Now I understand a lot of them, and its the particular CP's own stupidity for doing what they did, but to get terminated for tripping during speil show and instinctively going "Shhh" on mic, that's a little harsh. We had a CP in my area go down for that just last week, and it was another CM that heard it, not a manager or a guest.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Orlando jobs

Glad to hear the job market in Orlando is getting better. One of the ONLY reasons I didn't stay in Orlando after my CP was lack of decent paying jobs. I was making $6/hr on my CP, they would've raised me to $6.75 if i would've gone CT. That's just not enough to make a living on when I'm making $11.25/hr in South Dakota!!


mkt said:
I was given a job offer about 3 weeks ago, after "attacking" a guest in 2003 (self defense when I was jumped by a guest). Provided you weren't JUST fired, and no legal action against WDW resulted due to what happened regarding your termination, even a CM with no rehire should be able to get a job.

The so short staffed is due to what's presently going on around the company (predominantly DLR right now, WDW can't afford to do this anymore). CM's have been getting terminated for things that in years past would have gotten them a warning or a written reprimand. Furthermore, management has been treating some long timers and new CM's rather poorly, and the job market in Orlando has gotten better, giving CM's not much of an incentive to stay at WDW.


New Member
i'm in a similar situation, regarding restricted rehire status. i was a bellhop at tower from april until july of this year. as a result of an unknown (at the time) allergy to medication i was taking i was forced to call in way too many times. long story short, i was put on restricted rehire. my managers told me that it wasn't a reflection upon me as a cast member and that they wanted me to take time to get better.

i've had another job since may, so that's over six months and i've been working with one of the enemies, busch gardens, for about three months now. so that's two jobs i've held since leaving disney. also, i've since been taken off the medication that was making me sick and i've been perfectly healthy.

what are my chances of getting my old job back, or at least getting a job somewhere else in ops at wdw and then transferring back to tower?


Well-Known Member
In the Parks

Explain to them exactly what you explained to us. Maybe even get a doctor's note? Just BE HONEST!!! GOOD LUCK!!


dupontflames said:
i'm in a similar situation, regarding restricted rehire status. i was a bellhop at tower from april until july of this year. as a result of an unknown (at the time) allergy to medication i was taking i was forced to call in way too many times. long story short, i was put on restricted rehire. my managers told me that it wasn't a reflection upon me as a cast member and that they wanted me to take time to get better.

i've had another job since may, so that's over six months and i've been working with one of the enemies, busch gardens, for about three months now. so that's two jobs i've held since leaving disney. also, i've since been taken off the medication that was making me sick and i've been perfectly healthy.

what are my chances of getting my old job back, or at least getting a job somewhere else in ops at wdw and then transferring back to tower?


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Generally, you'll have to provide proof you can hold a job before they'll take you back. You'll need a letter from your current or a former post Disney employer that states you worked there for AT LEAST one year and had no attendance problems.

That's the hurdle I had to jump through (and a properly worded statement)


Account Suspended
About a week ago i got a letter in the mail from Disney...

"Dear Your Royal Merfness,

Why did you leave?"

And it sent me to the disney survey site - and i told them how horrible my particular promoted-to role was, particularly in comparison to my old role. Then at the end i said i'd happily work for Disney again - just NEVER at the same role. :)

Hey - i'll need a job when i finally get my degree in theater design!

But, this week they sent me a "Disney Difference" full color thingy telling me how grand it was to work for yon mouse.

I'm not sure if this is coincidence, but the full page glossy "Casting Scout" thing was a bit overkill. Plus, those who pay my bills feel i should work for the winter... How does one check their rehire status?

Everyone i know/knew works at tower or test track - they're masochists. Going in as a new hire i'd never get club med :(


New Member
well, i called casting today in order to schedule an appointment for my interview. during the recording that plays before you actually get to speak to someone, they listed the current job openings at the resort and it must have gone on for 45 seconds to a minute, everything was on there (i was amused that right after attractions came bellstaff). also, i asked at one point, "it's true that i won't be re-hired on the spot, right? they have to go back and talk to my managers" and she said, "yeah, sometimes."

so i dunno. i can't help but have my hopes up a bit more, but i won't count my chickens just yet.

Magic Maker

New Member
*jumping up and down*

First of all, it is not Disney that is short staffed, it's Orlando, especially the hospitality industry. It is not a problem that only exists in Disney, therefore the Company is not solely to blame.


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Major Update

So I recieved the seasonal housing info in my email about a month ago and I replied...Got a response a week later saying I could not come because I was a restricted rehire. Got an email a week later from the same person now saying that I was eligible to come back and that I was offered a spot. I sent a reply saying I would take it thinking that "well maybe they won't catch this" Next I got a call from the training coordinator in adventureland saying I could train next Friday and that everything was all set. What should I do? Do I chance it and go?


Active Member
yes go. my one friend was fired for having alcohol in her apartment...and her managers fought for her...she came back had an interview and was rehired.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks

SkipperRyan said:
So I recieved the seasonal housing info in my email about a month ago and I replied...Got a response a week later saying I could not come because I was a restricted rehire. Got an email a week later from the same person now saying that I was eligible to come back and that I was offered a spot. I sent a reply saying I would take it thinking that "well maybe they won't catch this" Next I got a call from the training coordinator in adventureland saying I could train next Friday and that everything was all set. What should I do? Do I chance it and go?

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