Finally reservations are done, not so fast (update)


New Member
Thanks for everyones information on my post.

Since I have not been to WDW since 1980, I need all the advice I can get.

Here is my vacation goal for my trip Dec 26 to Jan 3 by myself: My goal is to stay at a disney resort where I can relax and enjoy myself. A little pampering woundn't hurt either. I have Dec 24 to Jan 5 off of work and this is why I will be going at this time. I will be spend the 24 and 25 with my family and then will leave early on 12/26 for Disney.

Well, I contacted CRO to find out that last night I was quoted the standard rate of 361.26 for the two nights at AKL instead of the Savannah rate that the lady said she was giving me. I find out this morning that the savannah rate for Jan 1 to Jan 3 is 457.15 per night and that rate wont be set instone until June. That is why it is only $50+/- difference between my four nights at AS-Sports and 4 nights at CBR and the 6 nights at AS-Sports and 2 nights at AKL.

Oh well that idea was nice while it lasted. I guess I am back to the drawing board once again. :( :veryconfu :(

Maybe I am looking at this all wrong. When I started looking at WDW for Dec 26 to Jan 3 here is the budget that I came up with and one that I was very happy with an could do.

Reservation: $1500-$2000 (would go higher, but would have to be one of those vacations of a life time that includes everything and royally pampered :)
Food: $520 {$65 per day)(21 per meal)}
Souvenirs: $300+/-
Airfare: $400
AP or Hopper tickets: ($295.02 6 day hopper plus, $327 for 7 day hopper pass, $393 AP)

Total: $3015 to $3613+/-

I was thinking that if I stayed at a delux resort like AKL for 2 or 3 days of my stay, I would only spend 6 days at the parks and the other 2 at the resort and even make my trip cheaper.

This is just a budget and I know that I might not spend $300 on souvenirs. However, I figured that my budget would be enough to have a very nice vacation, now I am wondering. I know that I am currently going at the most expensive times (holiday rate), but I never thought that my budget would not be enough. Maybe I am aiming to high.

Also, I really didn't want to stay any of my vacation at a value (x-mas and all the kids, probably not relaxing). Everyone has told me that they are ok, but very crowded during this time with families and kids.

Another thought, is the possibility of coming in late on 12/25 which I have been told is value season still and get a better rate that way, but there is no way to find out what the cost would be until September or October and by then, all of the good rooms will be taken.

What should I do? I am sure that my unfamiliararity with WDW and resorts is causing the biggest problem, and that when I go back again, I will no what is going on.

I know that I have asked this before, but any resort advice would be great.




Well-Known Member
Was this week sent in stone....
I there neway you could go a week or two earlier???
Why don't you consider something like that....a week earlier could drop the prices and crowds greatly....

I know what your saying at the AKL....and the AS....I wish to do the same....5 days running...another 2 to relaxin' at a decent resort....

I still don't know why you left a moderate resort with a silver package....I think that would be perfect....
If you want a less kid-crowded moderate resort...check Out Coronado Springs.....
they allow for water rentals...and though the food court is considered the worst...with the wishes you can use those towards meals at the parks....
Plus the great themes...and main pool/ quiet pools.....
just a suggestion on my part....

I'm confused on your last comment....
is the possibility of coming in late on 12/25 which I have been told is value season still and get a better rate that way

As far as I knew....

Holiday season is 12/20 - 12/31....form the disney if your definatley going that week...your paying full you come before...or on Christmas day....
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