Favorite Nighttime show at WDW


Original Poster
Hey everyone, first timer poster here.
When I did the College Program in the Spring of 2002, there was the never ending debate with my roomates about which theme park nighttime show was the best. One guy couldn't get enough of Fantasmic!, another said Fantasy in the Sky(which has since been changed to "Wishes")was best, while my personal favorite has always been Illuminations:Reflections of Earth. I was just curious as to what the favorites are among fellow WDWMagic users and why is it your favorite?

I saw "Wishes" for the first time Monday night, it definitely lived up to all the hype I read about here and on other Disney sites! Great show!


Well-Known Member
Illuminations: Reflections of Earth. Hands down! This show not just wonderful to watch and listen to, you are wrapped up in the show. What I mean is that the show isn't just in front of you, it's all around you! The speakers have been placed everywhere so no matter where you are around the lagoon, you can hear perfectly. I get chills everytime those fireworks from the shore go off and you feel like you are on the inside of them! And when the ball opens... watch out, totaly weeping here. :D

I always watch the show from the bridge in Mexico then walk around the lagoon after the show. By the time you get to Germany, the crowds are gone and you can just talk your time walking and listening to the music. It's the most peaceful moment ever.


New Member
Fantasmic!! I loved it so much that I made sure it was the last thing I saw on my program... and cried through the entire finale!



Well-Known Member
i havent seen wishes yet. Fantasmic, well Its more of a stage show and i'm more of a fireworks / things go BOOM kinda guy. Although perhaps i will photograph Fantasmic on this trip....

Anyhow Ive become a huge fan of illuminations, because its just pulls at the strings inside. It does.


New Member
Illuminations: ROE...it contains probably the best orchestrated musical compisition of all time. The show is amazing, but the music makes it that much better!


Well-Known Member
I always visit WDW in September and the parks close a little earlier. But Epcot is always open the latest. So no matter what park I visited that day, I always head over to Epcot to see Illuminations. It's the perfect ending to a perfect day! :)


Well-Known Member
Illuminations is wonderful!
I cried the first time I saw it because the music is just so powerful. I love putting the CD on full blast in my car. My car must shake from the outside, especially with the "explosion" sounds in the beginning! I have been known to put on my Sorcerer Hat and Mickey Gloves and "conduct" to the entire soundtrack (i know the whole thing by heart.....even though there are no words i can still sing it)

But I do have to admit....wishes was so good it's creeping its way to the top. But all it is is a compilation of Disney songs.....Illuminations is something totally original, something you will not hear anywhere else.


Active Member
Because I haven't seen Wishes yet, Christmas 2004, :)D ) I have to go with Fantasmic!

Maybe come December I'll change my mind. We'll see.

As a science teacher, I'm looking forward to doing the research!:sohappy:


Active Member
I would definately say Fantasmic! I love that show.. it's just amazing.. I get a chill everytime...

It might be Wishes! though this summer, I havent seen it before. Or maybe Illuminations.. I saw it before but I wasnt really paying attention, lol.


Well-Known Member
I enjoy IllumiNations the most. The fireworks set to the music are really effective, yet I find the midle portion with the globe boring. Don't get me wrong, I love the music and accompanying lyrics, but it's just boring to watch. The fireowrks and music with lyrics are reall the best, tho!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by surfsupdon
I enjoy IllumiNations the most. The fireworks set to the music are really effective, yet I find the midle portion with the globe boring. Don't get me wrong, I love the music and accompanying lyrics, but it's just boring to watch. The fireowrks and music with lyrics are reall the best, tho!

Yeah, the images on the globe are hard to tell what they are. That portion of the show is a little slower but it certainly picks up and has one heck of an ending! :D


Fantasmic but Wishes isn't far behind well either is illuminations. I like something about all of them. lol My fav is Fantasmic though.


This is a tough one to choose. I think both Fantasmic and Illuminations: ROE are really great shows. It's hard to say which one is the better show.

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