Favorite new WDW commercial?


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I'm just wondering what everyone's favoirte new WDW commercial is,
Mine's the one about the magical moment between the brother and the sister, I just like it :)


Active Member
The brother and sister one is awesome, I shed a tear the first time I saw it! Although I cry at anything relating to Disney. I cry when I watch the Wonderful World of Disney, I cry in One Man's Dream, and I cry during the commercials. I really am not a crying person though, its just something about Disney. :cry:


I really love the one w/ the little girl who says she's caught Tinkerbell and her parents say if she let's her go they can visit her at her house. It's great!:sohappy: :sohappy:


When ever I see the big guy looking over at Cinderella, I always manage to laugh. I know its not THAT funny, but I love to watch it. It brings a smile on my face, and a look ahead of good things to come.
Oh yeah, I know its not the "Where magic lives" commercial, but I love the Cruise Line "Little Souvenier" commercial as well


Account Suspended
My fav.

I like the one of the man looking at Cindarella while his wife goes to get icecream and then he gets caught. My fiance says she thinks of me when she sees that. :(


Well-Known Member
The Brother/Sister magical moment kinda gets me every time... makes me truly enjoy the magic that is created here at the Walt Disney World Resort.

Dizzy for Dsny

New Member
My fav has got to be the big guy and cinderella. It makes me laugh every time I see it!!! So typical of a man to get excited by another's flirtation, but be brought back down to earth by his wife.

Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
I like the one with the gentleman and Cinderella that one is totaly funny, but the one with the "Little Princess" one with the little girl dressing up b/f meeting Cinderella is just pure Disney Magic


Well-Known Member
I like the Prince Charming one. I still laugh when the wife walks over and says, "Take it easy prince charming" and the guy's like, "h-hey that was fast!" It's just too funny. Anyway that's my favorite but kudos to Disney on these commercials, they were all well done.

Wckd Queen

New Member
Im a big old sucker for Disney commercials. I used to cry every time I saw the "Remember the Magic" commercials :hammer:

I am totally loving this new series of commercials, in part because its not attractions hitting you over the head or Mickey being waved about. They are so subtle in what they do. "Prince Charming" flirting with Cinderella, the brother and sister watching the fireworks, and my favorite, the little girl capturing Tinkerbell in the jar. They all give me that very "Disney" feeling that I get when Im in WDW.


New Member
The one where the couple is eating pasta a' la Lady and The Tramp and he rolls the meatball to his wife with his nose! :lol: I love that one, although the brother/sister commercial is a very close second.


Active Member
I'm currently loving the Grandpa commercial....you know, where the guy gets a call that he's a Grandpa & imagines a little boy in a Mickey t-shirt running up from Dumbo saying "Grandpa!", then when the new grandfather says, "So, what's his name?" the new father says, "Maggie." Then the grandfather says, "His name is Maggie?!" and then you see the same fantasy sequence with a little girl in a Minnie shirt, and the grandfather sighs, "Maggie." I smile every time it comes on. Of course, the Little Souvenir commercial rocks, too. :)


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering whether you guys get the same Disney commercials as us here in the UK. I've seen two different commercials with a brother/sister theme.
1) brother/sister wake up in their hotel bedroom (they're about 7 and 5) and look out of the window to see Cinderellas Castle. As they're getting dressed they notice that its only 4.55am. When dressed they sneak into mum and dads room to see them fully dressed, sat on the bed waiting to set off around the parks with the kids.
2) family walking though WDW, sister lets go of a red Mickey balloon which brother chases around the park (showing some of the attractions) when the balloon finally gets too high for him to reach and catch he becomes sad until he sees Mickey Mouse holding an identical balloon which he hands over to brother who gives it to his sister.
Both adverts mention WDW and DLP.


New Member
I really like the one with the grandpa and the little boy who shows him the Walt Disney statue, it makes me cry!

I am so disappointed, I haven't see the one with the man and Cinderella! Now I'm dying to. I guess, somehow, I don't watch enough TV :lol:

Oh and Steamboat Kevin, LOVE the avatar! :kiss:


Well-Known Member
favorite commercial

I like the one with the brother and sister...makes me wish that my kids acted that way!! You can check out all the new commercials on Disney's site.


New Member
Originally posted by EchoOfOphelia
I am so disappointed, I haven't see the one with the man and Cinderella! Now I'm dying to. I guess, somehow, I don't watch enough TV :lol:

I've only actually seen a couple of them on TV. I saw most of them on www.disneyworld.com. Click on the link under the castle on the right hand side . . .

Wckd Queen

New Member
I havent seen them all either, so I will definitely check out that link! Thanks, RPMdfw!! I want to see the Lady & The Tramp one!!

Oh! Last night I turned on the tv in time to catch the tail end of a "Singin' in the Rain" commercial! Anyone see this one yet? All I saw was a man doing the Gene Kelly dance and it was over LOL.


New Member
I love the one when the New Grandfather thinks he has a new grandson and it turns out to be a granddaughter Maggie. I am expecting in May and we have always planned that if we had a girl her name would be Maggie. We dont know what we are having but after seeing that commercial, I'm convinced its a girl, becuase everytime I see it I cry, I can't wait!:) :D

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