Favorite Cast Member


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Who's your all-time favorite Cast Member from all over WDW?
Mine would have to be TJ from the Hollywood Tower Hotel.


Well-Known Member
There was this really nice bus driver who let me take the POTC movie poster from the bus. Also, these 2 kids working on Main St were kind enough to tell me all about the CP.


New Member
Too many to single one out. bit if I had to:

Bub Thomas of the Dapper Dans, sadly no longer with us, but never to be forgotten:


Other goodies:
Dave in Camp Minnie Mickey
Michael on the Maharaja Jungle Trek
Chris on the merchandise carts around Tree of Life
Cecil, often seen on the bridge leading to the exit of Animal Kingdom
Our very own SillySpook and Pixie Duster

Favourite performing cast member in the company of Festival of the Lion King:


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
My favorite was that mktiggerman guy... I wonder what happened to him :lol:


New Member
I'm not sure of his name, but my family always enjoys seeing the piano playing castmember who does his nightly show in the bar at Port Orleans Riverside (Dixie Landings).


Well-Known Member
Maika said:
Who's your all-time favorite Cast Member from all over WDW?
Mine would have to be TJ from the Hollywood Tower Hotel.

I got my picture taken with him!

My favorite is Sherri; she has worked at Caribbean Beach since it opened and I rememer her always working with a smile in Old Port Royale at a cashier. She is the best b/c she remembers my family, and enjoys seeing us each year.


Well-Known Member
jaymatal said:
I'm not sure of his name, but my family always enjoys seeing the piano playing castmember who does his nightly show in the bar at Port Orleans Riverside (Dixie Landings).

Oh, God... that guy drove me freakin' nuts. He was performing and people had their kids at the bar to see him until after 10PM. Some of his songs were just really irritating, too. I just wanted to see him :zipit:

As far as my favorites, I have to go with Pixie Duster and another friend of mine that works over at Fantasmic. For CMs that I didn't know prior to seeing them in the park, there was a really great Jungle Cruise guy, I think his name was Jevon. He was just a riot. He told all the old jokes, but actually made them funny because of his delivery. He had great timing. Of course, I liked "If you had a fun time today, my name is Jevon. If not, then my name is Twinkie and I've been your Hostess." :lol:

Pixie Duster

New Member
Aw Bryan, I don't deserve a friend like you.

My favorite Cast Members are the ones I work with everyday. The ones I get to help and I know are doing a great job partially because of the help I have provided them.


New Member
Whoever is working as Ariel ;)

On a more serious note, there was a bus driver I really enjoyed (back when the bus drivers were all nice and friendly), but I have forgotten his name. I believe he frequently made references to "deboarding de bus" (although that may be a common phrase).


Active Member
jaymatal said:
I'm not sure of his name, but my family always enjoys seeing the piano playing castmember who does his nightly show in the bar at Port Orleans Riverside (Dixie Landings).

Bob Jackson is his name and he is da bomb.


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
Well, Tom, a monorail driver who used to work in Security at PI, was awesome. However, right now my favorite CM is....

Jesse, from somewhere in Louisiana. In December, we were looking for a monorail pin for our (now) 4-year old son, who loves the monorail (his daddy has taught him well ;) ). We were at the Pin Trading Station in Future World, and told her what we were doing. As we were leaving, she gave him a CM-exclusive Black Monorail pin! We also mentioned her in the survey we were invited to fill out after our trip. I hope we see her again in May, because I would really like to thank her again for her actions!

pat in the hat

New Member
Hats off . . .

I'm going to start paying more attention to CM names because they (you) make (or break) the magic!! I have probably been to WDW around 20+ times and have never been disappointed! I fondly remember outstanding cast members over the years working in areas ranging from characters and park attractions to housekeeping, bus service (used to be some of my favs), and resorts!

BTW, what is the quickest way to recognize a CM who is outstanding in sharing the magic?

Hats off to you all!


Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
pat in the hat said:
BTW, what is the quickest way to recognize a CM who is outstanding in sharing the magic?
The fastest way is just a thank you or strike up a conversation. CMs really like that. If they go above and beyond find a manager of theirs or go to Guest Relations in the parks.


Well-Known Member
About 5 years ago, there was a guy working on the bridge into liberty square for about 2 hours before the MSEP ... he was helping people take pictures and making sure nobody got in their way. He was really funny, and me and my sister just watched him for about an hour... we even videotaped it. We got his name, but have long forgotten it. One couple was on their honeymoon.. and he was like "Hey everybody! This couple is on their honeymoon and I'm going to take their picture!"

I've never seen anyone do this since, so I don't know if it's a regular job or not... but he definitely stood out.

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