Fastpass+ "Blackout" Periods Before and After ADRs - What's the Scoop?


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I've read that if you've linked your ADRs for table-service meals to MDE, the system won't "let" you make FP+ within 60 minutes prior to 120 minutes after those ADRs. Obviously, this puts a big wrench in the plans if, like my family, one has TS dinner reservations but also prefers to "save" some FP+ for use in the evening, just after dinner. We rarely take more than 45 minutes to eat, let alone 2 hours!!!

For those who've made their FP+ recently, is there still a 1 hour before/2 hours after "blackout" period for making FP+ around your linked ADRs?

If there is, has anyone had success changing those FP+ at some subsequent time, to times that would otherwise be within the "blackout" period? When and how were you able to do it?

Finally, if there's no way around this except to somehow "unlink" my ADRs to my MDE account and then link them back up after making FP+, how would I go about it? Many thanks for your help!
I've read that if you've linked your ADRs for table-service meals to MDE, the system won't "let" you make FP+ within 60 minutes prior to 120 minutes after those ADRs. Obviously, this puts a big wrench in the plans if, like my family, one has TS dinner reservations but also prefers to "save" some FP+ for use in the evening, just after dinner. We rarely take more than 45 minutes to eat, let alone 2 hours!!!

For those who've made their FP+ recently, is there still a 1 hour before/2 hours after "blackout" period for making FP+ around your linked ADRs?

If there is, has anyone had success changing those FP+ at some subsequent time, to times that would otherwise be within the "blackout" period? When and how were you able to do it?

Finally, if there's no way around this except to somehow "unlink" my ADRs to my MDE account and then link them back up after making FP+, how would I go about it? Many thanks for your help!

I have seen system messages stating that my reservations conflict or overlap but it did not prevent me from scheduling anything.
I first scheduled the ADR and then the FP+. It shows that one of the FP overlaps but still allows you to select the time.

overlaps.jpg Plans.jpg


Beta Return
One reason they do it is to help guests who are not good planners. If you can't book a ride that may cause you to be late to dinner, you won't miss an ADR. And if you have FP after dinner, and dinner runs long, you can't complain about missing you FP window.

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