That's a shame. I actually do like Falcon's queue, seeing the ship from all angles, listening to the banter between the employees over the intercom and seeing the occasional electrical short out caused by a Porg. That said, the queue up until Hondo certainly isn't Temple of the Forbidden Eye.. and it doesn't need to be. One of the things Falcon has going for it is just how efficient it is (the last few times I've ridden, I haven't even been allowed to wander the ship before being immediately called) and this makes the queue perfectly pleasant because the line moves just fast enough that you don't overstay your welcome in any one part of it. But now with Fastpass, I basically have two choices; either skip the quaint queue entirely by utilizing it or wait in a now extended stand-by line that will require the former half of the queue to hold your attention longer, which I don't think it has the strength to do. No, it was perfect before without Fastpass, I feel. I never felt like I was waiting too long, even in hour+ waits the line was always moving due to a lack of Fastpass which gave the queue more strength where it would otherwise be lacking.
Some attractions just don't need it.. Pirates, Mansion, etc. I feel the same in this case.