Fast Pass Question and Rider Swap


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Okay I am sure this is not as complicated as I am making it out to be. My husband, myself, 6 year old daughter and 10 month old daughter (at the time) are going to WDW in January. Obviously there are many rides that the 10 month old cannot do. :) If we wanted to make fastpass reservations for say Soarin would we need to do three for the three of us or only two and then use parent swap after one of the parents is done with the ride? Does that make sense? Again I am probably making this more difficult than it needs to be.
So in the above scenario if the 6 year old wants to ride soaring she will need a fast pass also to avoid the queue. However if neither child wants to ride then just you and your husband need a fast pass and you can do rider swap either way. Hope this helps some


Active Member
Original Poster
So in the above scenario if the 6 year old wants to ride soaring she will need a fast pass also to avoid the queue. However if neither child wants to ride then just you and your husband need a fast pass and you can do rider swap either way. Hope this helps some
So it would be two of us not three of us though right? Thanks.


Active Member
So in the above scenario if the 6 year old wants to ride soaring she will need a fast pass also to avoid the queue. However if neither child wants to ride then just you and your husband need a fast pass and you can do rider swap either way. Hope this helps some

I was under the impression that only one adult needs a FP+ for the above scenario. Adult one books and uses a FP+ and requests to ride switch so adult number two can watch the kids. Adult two receives a ride switch voucher and is able to ride the attraction while adult one watches the children. If both adults are required to use a FP+ for the attraction then both of the kids lose out on a Fastpass since there are no adults to accompany them on the ride they would FP+. I called WDW and asked about this specific subject. The answer from WDW is that while it is "policy" that all adults have a FP+, Disney will allow two adults who have young children to ride switch with one FP+. I have booked a couple of attractions this way and will know how it works in a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
I was under the impression that only one adult needs a FP+ for the above scenario. Adult one books and uses a FP+ and requests to ride switch so adult number two can watch the kids. Adult two receives a ride switch voucher and is able to ride the attraction while adult one watches the children. If both adults are required to use a FP+ for the attraction then both of the kids lose out on a Fastpass since there are no adults to accompany them on the ride they would FP+. I called WDW and asked about this specific subject. The answer from WDW is that while it is "policy" that all adults have a FP+, Disney will allow two adults who have young children to ride switch with one FP+. I have booked a couple of attractions this way and will know how it works in a few weeks.

I believe you are correct -- and I'm grateful that you mentioned the explanation for the policy. Until now I've always thought of people who do it that way as "cheaters," exploiting a loophole so they could both use one person's FP+ to exerience an attraction. I never thought of it from the perspective of a non-riding child's ability to use their own FP+ entitlements...


New Member
I was under the impression that only one adult needs a FP+ for the above scenario. Adult one books and uses a FP+ and requests to ride switch so adult number two can watch the kids. Adult two receives a ride switch voucher and is able to ride the attraction while adult one watches the children. If both adults are required to use a FP+ for the attraction then both of the kids lose out on a Fastpass since there are no adults to accompany them on the ride they would FP+. I called WDW and asked about this specific subject. The answer from WDW is that while it is "policy" that all adults have a FP+, Disney will allow two adults who have young children to ride switch with one FP+. I have booked a couple of attractions this way and will know how it works in a few weeks.
Hello. I know you posted this a while ago, but I just wanted to know how it all worked out since we will be visiting soon and are in the same position. Did everyone need a fastpass?


Active Member
Hello. I know you posted this a while ago, but I just wanted to know how it all worked out since we will be visiting soon and are in the same position. Did everyone need a fastpass?

It worked great. The three of us walked to the FP+ booth and told the cast member we were going to Ride Switch. I got a card on a lanyard to take to the CM at the second checkpoint that was exchanged for a voucher. The great thing about the voucher is it is good for a FP+ admission for the duration of the trip so it's very flexible. Also, up to three people can ride on the voucher. The last day we were there my wife had ridden Space Mountain earlier in the morning and when I went back to use my voucher I asked two random people if they wanted to ride with me. It was a woman with her teenage son and she had never ridden it before. She didn't want to wait in line and I could tell he was disappointed that she was going to skip out so I asked them join me.

This system made our trip so much better. When one parent would use a FP+ to do an adult attraction the other would take our son to do something fun and we could switch it up later in the day.


New Member
It worked great. The three of us walked to the FP+ booth and told the cast member we were going to Ride Switch. I got a card on a lanyard to take to the CM at the second checkpoint that was exchanged for a voucher. The great thing about the voucher is it is good for a FP+ admission for the duration of the trip so it's very flexible. Also, up to three people can ride on the voucher. The last day we were there my wife had ridden Space Mountain earlier in the morning and when I went back to use my voucher I asked two random people if they wanted to ride with me. It was a woman with her teenage son and she had never ridden it before. She didn't want to wait in line and I could tell he was disappointed that she was going to skip out so I asked them join me.

This system made our trip so much better. When one parent would use a FP+ to do an adult attraction the other would take our son to do something fun and we could switch it up later in the day.

Awesome! Thank you!

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