Fairly new Hidden Mickey in HM


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Original Poster
Most of you have probably already seen this, but I thought I put it up anyway. In the bride scene in the attic of HM, if you turn to the left you will see a Hidden Mickey made up of three pans. An engineering CM put it there about a year or so ago. Everyone thought it was cute so it hasn't been removed. Just thought I would add this. Keep in mind this is an unofficial one. The only official Hidden Mickey in the Mansion is the reaper's hand. All others are unofficial.


Well-Known Member
I thought all hidden mickeys were "unofficial". In the travel channel special didn't they say there was no offical record or list of these anywhere? I think that is what makes it fun. Some are very clear they were intended to be "Hidden Mickeys" others you have to use your imagination for.

Thanks for the hint, I will look for it if my 2 year old DD feels up to riding HM next time. Right now she says she want's to, but when the time comes she might change her mind. (she has seen enough video of it to know what it is like.)


New Member
'Official' Hidden Mickeys are used by the Imagineers to 'sign' their work. You are right though that there is probably no list that is 100% complete.

The 'unofficial' Mickeys are those like the HM place setting, and the three pans mentioned above. Imagineers do not like these, and often complain enough to get them removed (for a while at least). This happened to the HM place setting one a few months ago. It was back in place last month when I last rode HM though. :)

There are also 'accidental' Hidden Mickeys, where the relevant shapes just happen to line up if something is viewed from the correct angle.


New Member
I am a JUGE fan of THM!! I have found six hidden mickeys and they are:

-The one at the dinning room with the plates
-The one formed by the ladels in the attic
-The one formed by the Grim Reaper's upper hand in the grave yard
-The que room with the aging portait (that is his head and there are two strecthcing rooms, one on either side to form the ears)
-The golden boarder around the aging portrait
-The seat at the piano (the seat forms one circle, the seat's shadow another, and carpet circle in the floor forms the last one.

Some of them are harder to see and you have to use your imagination, but its all tons of fun!


New Member
I had found one years ago while taking an unofficial "flash" picture of the coffin screen. The handles are birds but viewed from your doombuggie (if your eyes have adjusted) you can clearly see Mickey's facial features and ears. My picture was even posted on the hiddenmickeys site for years.


Active Member
Originally posted by SpongeScott
What about the place setting at the end of the table in the dining room?

that is an unofficial one, and a neverending struggle between HM CMs who keep setting it up, and Imagineering who keeps taking it down. (well, maybe i exaggerate a bit)


Active Member
Re: Hidden Donald too!

Originally posted by marchofthecards
Hey guys!

Lets not forget the Hidden Donald too! This is in stitch form on fabric on the back of a chair.


I never really thought that the chair was supposed to resemble donald. i thought it was just supposed to be a spooky chair, but ive never heard anythign official either way about it.


New Member
Our Keys to the Kingdom guide explained that there are no "official" Hidden Mickeys. Some are there on purpose and some are created through our imaginations. He said that if you think it's a Hidden Mickey, then it is? Go figure. Speaking of them, has anyone noticed the railing around the top of Cinderella's castle? The holes in the rails look like upside-down Mickey's.

And on the subject of hidden-anythings, has anyone heard of the Hidden Walts that are on the Share A Dream parade floats? Oops, maybe this should be a new thread.......


Active Member
Re: Hidden Donald too!

Originally posted by marchofthecards
Hey guys!

Lets not forget the Hidden Donald too! This is in stitch form on fabric on the back of a chair.


AH! that is so cool! the only mickey I knew about was on the table. This gives me another reason for another trip to WDW. :sohappy: :sohappy:

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