Ever been picked for Backlot Tour?


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If so, did you ask? Did the CM pick you? I am interested because when I go to MGM, I really want to participate!


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Kacki said:
If so, did you ask? Did the CM pick you? I am interested because when I go to MGM, I really want to participate!
Me and my BIL were picked.... it was actually our 1st time to the Backlot tour so we didn't know fully what to expect. We were selected as we walked in the entrance. It was a lot of fun, and the others in our party enjoyed it just as much:rolleyes:


New Member
I was picked before they changed over to the Pearl Harbor set. There was a group of 6 (5 adults, 2 children) at the front of the line and 2 of us were chosen. We were joking with the CMs before we were picked, not knowing that they were looking for "volunteers". It was a blast, but boy do you get wet. I was the one that got all the water dumped on me.


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Kruuzin said:
I was picked before they changed over to the Pearl Harbor set. There was a group of 6 (5 adults, 2 children) at the front of the line and 2 of us were chosen. We were joking with the CMs before we were picked, not knowing that they were looking for "volunteers". It was a blast, but boy do you get wet. I was the one that got all the water dumped on me.

Haha! I really want my grandma to be the captain! That would be hilarious! When I was littler, I remember asking my dad if I could "go in the water box"!


New Member
My friend and I asked when we were CMs once. It was quite a bit of fun, though all I really remember is that the boots were a bit heavy. We were pretty crazy. The only unfortunate part of it is that you aren't able to see the video when you're done.


me and my dad were in front of the line and the cm ask us and so we did, we were the crew, felt funny wearing those boots and suits, but it was really fun!!, getting wet, yay!!, funny thing is we didnt put our hoods on, lol, i ish we could of saw the video or it be cool if we each had a copy of the tape:)


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WDWSwashbuckler said:
The only unfortunate part of it is that you aren't able to see the video when you're done.

Well, hopefully (if I am asked) my dad can tape it for me. :)


Well-Known Member
When i worked at Shuttles i kept telling them, since Disney is always looking for another way to make money they should sell the Tank videos for a nominal charge, say the price of the tape + 15% or something... it'd be great.


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Me and my friend were chosen... we had just missed a tour and were sad... we walked up there and the CM said something... weird.. to us... I don't remember exactly what it was but I remember thinking "?!" They didn't even ask or anything... just told us to go in a door and down a ramp and talk to the CM at the bottom of it... :lol:

And yeah... I got the water dumped on me.. :dazzle:


Well-Known Member
Last time I was there with friends, I just asked the greeter and they went to talk to the CM running the show and they let us in for the next one. Just ask if you REALLY want to do it rather than wait and hope to be picked.


I dont know for sure why, but me and my significant other have been picked for lots of things.

Backlot Tour for Pearl Harbour, two now extinct shows where we played rolls in a scene of the TV show Cheers and helped make sounds for a scary movie I think with Martin Short?? -sorry was awhile ago. Country Hoe-down dancing in the middle of the street in Frontierland and others.

Beisdes asking I really think they are looking for people who look like they are excited to be there, want to be involved, will make it fun for others.

I know that in NYC we have been asked twice walking through times square if we wanted to attend a taping of David Letterman and we got the front row by showing our enthusiasm for the show.

Everyone in Marketing and sales is always looking to put their best foot forward and to show happy people.

Remember that CM's call being in the park "On Stage" not just because WDW is built above the undergound tunnels but because you are always "Part of the show" :)


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disneydata said:
Last time I was there with friends, I just asked the greeter and they went to talk to the CM running the show and they let us in for the next one. Just ask if you REALLY want to do it rather than wait and hope to be picked.
I think that is how i'll ask :)


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Teenchy said:
Remember that CM's call being in the park "On Stage" not just because WDW is built above the undergound tunnels but because you are always "Part of the show" :)

I really like that. Thanks! :king:


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we have been asked two different times, and each time we were at the front of the line waiting to go in. so if you're the first one to be stopped before entering the show, they might ask you to participate in the next one.


Active Member
My only advice is to just be as genuine as you can. I have been picked for multiple interactions in WDW, but never have I been anything less than truly excited. CMs can tell the glory-hogs and show-stealers from the people just looking to have fun.


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I've been picked twice, check the avatar to see why. My parents and girlfriend just LOVED getting picked to get soaked =)


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Me and two of my friends decided to hit up the soarin preview but stop at MGM in the morning. Needless to say we decided to do the backlot tour and got picked to do Harbor Attack. If I had to pick between that and the Indy Stunt Show, I would definately pick Harbor Attack, so much more fun, especially on a hot day.
Yes, my brother (TestTrack) and I were picked to ride the bumble bee from honey I shrunk the kids back in the day. Our acting was impeccable! Ok, you're on a giant bee and you're scared.......annnnnnd Action *kicks legs a bit* BRILLIANT! My brother was also picked for the pearl harbor attack a few years ago. He was the one in the cabin and he really hamed it up. He picked up the phone and started banging it cuz it wasn't working. Now if we could only do that together it'd bring the house down:)

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