Hey Everyone. Okay some of the ideas in this are someone elses idea and some are my own. For the other peoples believe it or not I actually did have the same idea. Here it is.
Spaceship Earth- I would pretty much leave this completly alone except the global neighboorhood. I would make it that AT&T would put in there absolutly newest and best stuff.
The Living Seas- I would keep a lot but I would make it more of a ride and put in more technological advances for underwater villiages and things like that. Maybe add something about Atlantis- the true story of Atlantis, or The Little Mermaid- Tell how people thought Manatees were Mermaids and have her sign autographs. But still keep the old stuff too.
The Land- I would leave Circle of Life. I would totally get rid of Food Rocks. Cause it really sucks. I would take the people through the land tour but then I would show images on T.V.s of how these things are helping people.
Imagination Pavillion- Keep Figment in there. And leave everything the same. I would make sure that the Innventions in there were the newest and best. And I would keep HISTA the same.
Universe Of Energy- I would take the Jepoardy and Ellen thing out. And I would put Monsters Inc. in there instead. They need energy and they look at Human Energy.
Wonders of Life- Body Wars I would keep the same except extend so it covers other areas to. The making of me I would keep the same but make it where your parents would have to say yes. I would keep the other stuff there the same.
Test Track- I would make a covered roof for the outside so it could go during the rain. And I would fix it so it wouldn't break down.
Innoventions- Make sure everything is completly futuristic.
The Lands at World Showcase- I would make an Imperial Palace at China along with a Great Wall. I would build a Colisseum in Italy and would have a small area where you could row your boat through a fake Venetian passageway. And of course add the Leaning Tower and a history of Pompeii. For France I would make the model Eiffel Tower big enough so people can go three stories up in it (big change). The United Kingdom I would add a sword in a stone in the middle of the town square. Big Ben clocktower. A model of Stonehedge. And a history of WWII. I would add a mini Statue of Liberty and Mount Rushmore and Wahington and Lincoln Memorial Everything else would stay the same.
Things I would add-
Future World- People movers and escalators. The people movers would have seats or you could stand. The seats would hold five. I would add a pavillion called Sound Waves. The future of music showing how different kinds of music make different kinds of sound waves and describing the futuristic music.
World Showcase- This area would also have people movers with seats but no escalators.
South Africa- Show the history of South Africa with authentic buildings and music.
Australia- Sydney Opera House with a view of the "Great Barrier Reef with fish." Also a building shaped like Ayers Rock where you watch a movie about Australia.
Brazil- A miniature 20ft. Jesus statue. And a trip through a resemblance of the Amazon.
Eygpt- Miniature pyramids of Giza and a Sphinx. A Nile river replica. Inside the big Pyramid you watch a movie about Asia.
Russia- Red Square in Disney World? That's right. And in St. Basil's Cathdral you watch a movie about Russia.
Greece- With a Pavilion you hear stories of Ancient Greece and heros. Hercules appears and signs autographs. A gigantic robot that looks like Cerberus stands at the entrance and you have to walk under him to get through.
Israel- Come tour the country and learn the history of three faiths and the struggle that has went on there since the Beginning. A replica of the western wall and Mount of Olives. And watch a movie in the building from the last supper.
Well there it is.:wave:
Spaceship Earth- I would pretty much leave this completly alone except the global neighboorhood. I would make it that AT&T would put in there absolutly newest and best stuff.
The Living Seas- I would keep a lot but I would make it more of a ride and put in more technological advances for underwater villiages and things like that. Maybe add something about Atlantis- the true story of Atlantis, or The Little Mermaid- Tell how people thought Manatees were Mermaids and have her sign autographs. But still keep the old stuff too.
The Land- I would leave Circle of Life. I would totally get rid of Food Rocks. Cause it really sucks. I would take the people through the land tour but then I would show images on T.V.s of how these things are helping people.
Imagination Pavillion- Keep Figment in there. And leave everything the same. I would make sure that the Innventions in there were the newest and best. And I would keep HISTA the same.
Universe Of Energy- I would take the Jepoardy and Ellen thing out. And I would put Monsters Inc. in there instead. They need energy and they look at Human Energy.
Wonders of Life- Body Wars I would keep the same except extend so it covers other areas to. The making of me I would keep the same but make it where your parents would have to say yes. I would keep the other stuff there the same.
Test Track- I would make a covered roof for the outside so it could go during the rain. And I would fix it so it wouldn't break down.
Innoventions- Make sure everything is completly futuristic.
The Lands at World Showcase- I would make an Imperial Palace at China along with a Great Wall. I would build a Colisseum in Italy and would have a small area where you could row your boat through a fake Venetian passageway. And of course add the Leaning Tower and a history of Pompeii. For France I would make the model Eiffel Tower big enough so people can go three stories up in it (big change). The United Kingdom I would add a sword in a stone in the middle of the town square. Big Ben clocktower. A model of Stonehedge. And a history of WWII. I would add a mini Statue of Liberty and Mount Rushmore and Wahington and Lincoln Memorial Everything else would stay the same.
Things I would add-
Future World- People movers and escalators. The people movers would have seats or you could stand. The seats would hold five. I would add a pavillion called Sound Waves. The future of music showing how different kinds of music make different kinds of sound waves and describing the futuristic music.
World Showcase- This area would also have people movers with seats but no escalators.
South Africa- Show the history of South Africa with authentic buildings and music.
Australia- Sydney Opera House with a view of the "Great Barrier Reef with fish." Also a building shaped like Ayers Rock where you watch a movie about Australia.
Brazil- A miniature 20ft. Jesus statue. And a trip through a resemblance of the Amazon.
Eygpt- Miniature pyramids of Giza and a Sphinx. A Nile river replica. Inside the big Pyramid you watch a movie about Asia.
Russia- Red Square in Disney World? That's right. And in St. Basil's Cathdral you watch a movie about Russia.
Greece- With a Pavilion you hear stories of Ancient Greece and heros. Hercules appears and signs autographs. A gigantic robot that looks like Cerberus stands at the entrance and you have to walk under him to get through.
Israel- Come tour the country and learn the history of three faiths and the struggle that has went on there since the Beginning. A replica of the western wall and Mount of Olives. And watch a movie in the building from the last supper.
Well there it is.:wave: