Does anyone have anymore details on this policy? I finished my college program, went home for a much needed break for a couple of months, took care of some things and then after a few months moved back to Orlando. I went to casting and applied for a part time role and after like a three hour process of sitting in the lobby I went in for the interview and was told that I couldn't be hired until I had a steady job with the same company for 6 months even though I had clear re-hire status. They said this is the policy for all new hires and since there was a break between my college program and my application I was considered a new hire. But I know plenty of people who have been hired without having a steady job for 6 months and now I'm confused. I'm trying to decide if it would be worth it to go back to casting, it was such a long drawn out experiance that I don't want to do it for nothing. I've been employed at my current job for about 3 months.