EMH's are a joke!


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I just got back from my trip yesterday and must say that the most disappointing aspect of my trip was how the Extra Magic Hours program is run!

First of all: WHY ON EARTH WOULD THEY DISTRIBUTE FASTPASSES FOR THE EXTRA MAGIC HOURS?:veryconfu I mean, it's bad enough that Soarin has a 75 min. line, and by distributing Fastpasses they only make it worse! Also, we did EMH's at EPCOT twice and the first time they were taking Fastpasses from early in the day but the second time we went they had the Fastpass line closed off and were just using it as part of the Stand By line. BUT HERE'S THE KICKER: all other attractions at EPCOT for EMH's HAD Fastpass! This just goes to show that the people who put together this program have NO CLUE what they are doing!

ALSO, why on earth would you have wristband distribution locations right in the middle of the Breezeways at EPCOT! TALK ABOUT A LOGISTICAL NIGHTMARE!

Personally, I would just recommend staying away from the parks that have EMH's at night on that day. Prior to going to EPCOT we were at MGM until around 8:00 and at 7:00 ToT was litterally a walk on!

My suggestion: GET RID OF EMH's and bring back E-Ride nights!

On a more comical note: I must admit that I went to Stich's Great Escape (Mistake) on last Thurday, and I must say that is the worst attraction on Disney property!


Well-Known Member
Ummm...the fast pass machines may have been off your second night because they were OUT of fast passes.

I have to disagree on your whole view on EMH's I loved it. Then again I was there during the slowest time of year. Early January. Being that it's summer I imagine EMH's are packed because the majority of resort guests are flocking to that ONE park and the resorts are packed this time of year.

As for the location for distributing the wrist bands at Epcot...are you sure that's the only area they distribute? I recieved mine at that same spot but I was under the impression they distributed them at the main gate as well.


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kustomboy said:
We went in late May and I must say that we didn't enjoy EMH's as much as the E-Ride Nights that you had to pay for.

Because you went during a slower time than I did.

Trust me, if you were there last week you would have seen all the flaws that I saw and you would dislike it as well.

I just feel sorry for the cast members because they are the ones being yelled at because the EMH's program is soooo flawed. It should be the people on top who put together the program that should be yelled at.

I mean, don't get me wrong here, I think the EMH's prgram has the POTENTIAL to become better but I have a strong feeling nothing is going to change because the people in charge are CLUELESS!


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2 said:
ALSO, why on earth would you have wristband distribution locations right in the middle of the Breezeways at EPCOT! TALK ABOUT A LOGISTICAL NIGHTMARE!

Becuase everyone is coming from the back of the park after Illuminations, most likely back to the central corridor, to go on rides in Future World East/West and you'd have to pass through these breezeways to get to either?

Seriously - where else could they go? The breezeways are twice the size of a normal walkway at any other park, they are close to the attractions, and on the main path to the aforementioned attractions.


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DisJosh said:
Ummm...the fast pass machines may have been off your second night because they were OUT of fast passes.

I have to disagree on your whole view on EMH's I loved it. Then again I was there during the slowest time of year. Early January. Being that it's summer I imagine EMH's are packed because the majority of resort guests are flocking to that ONE park and the resorts are packed this time of year.

As for the location for distributing the wrist bands at Epcot...are you sure that's the only area they distribute? I recieved mine at that same spot but I was under the impression they distributed them at the main gate as well.

No, they were not out of Fastpasses.

Let me explain it to you again:

Ok, so say you are at Epcot for EMH's. Well, at 9:00 (the parks normal closing time) the Fastpass machines re-open for times during EMH's and at 9:00 hundreds of people get in line to get a Fastpass for Soarin.

So trust me, they were not OUT of Fastpasses.... I mean i'll admit I'm an idiot but im not that big of an idiot! :lol: They just chose on that particular night to not distribute Fastpasses for EMH's and just have a Stand By line that actually moves.

There are 3 locations you can get wristbands at EPCOT: the 2 breezeways and right near the International Gateway THATS ALL! Don't you think it would make more sense to distribute them in front of the Wonders of Life pavillion so it doesn't block any pathways?


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mousermerf said:
Becuase everyone is coming from the back of the park after Illuminations, most likely back to the central corridor, to go on rides in Future World East/West and you'd have to pass through these breezeways to get to either?

Seriously - where else could they go? The breezeways are twice the size of a normal walkway at any other park, they are close to the attractions, and on the main path to the aforementioned attractions.


As I just stated, the Wonders of Life pavillion would be a perfect spot. Another perfect sport would be right in front of the Living Seas. And just keep the distribution location at the International Gateway.

This would space the crowds out perfectly and would not interfer with the crowd traffic from Illuminations. This way rather than having a huge swarm of people right in the middle of the park you would have 3 large crowds in the corners of the park away from everything.


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And how many Guests actually know where the Wonder of Life pavillion is...?

And wouldn't making every Guest goto that pavillion clog up the area infront of M:S and Test Track an insane amount?

And there are 4 points at Epcot for distribution - Entrance, World Showcase Bridge, and the 2 Breezeways - that covers pretty much every major pathway in Epcot.

Wristbands are given out up to 2 hours prior to close. That means from 7pm on people could get wristbands - how many people bothered to in advance though?

Future World East used to have its distribution off closer to the Coffee Cart near Energy in the space around the Flower and Garden Festival "Door Garden" but that area was problematic because Guests "couldn't find it."


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mousermerf said:
And how many Guests actually know where the Wonder of Life pavillion is...?

And wouldn't making every Guest goto that pavillion clog up the area infront of M:S and Test Track an insane amount?

And there are 4 points at Epcot for distribution - Entrance, World Showcase Bridge, and the 2 Breezeways - that covers pretty much every major pathway in Epcot.

Wristbands are given out up to 2 hours prior to close. That means from 7pm on people could get wristbands - how many people bothered to in advance though?

Future World East used to have its distribution off closer to the Coffee Cart near Energy in the space around the Flower and Garden Festival "Door Garden" but that area was problematic because Guests "couldn't find it."

I'd say at least 90% of the guests know where the WOL pavillion is.

And no, it would not clog up the area in front of Mission:Space and Test Track. Do me a favor and look at a map of EPCOT and then try and tell me that those areas would not work.

The key to logisitics is to keep heavy crowds to a minimum by placing the larger crowds away from the central location of all guests. That would mean taking them away from the breezeways so people can actually walk through.


Le Meh
Premium Member
2 said:
I just got back from my trip yesterday.....

All I had to do was read the first sentence and I knew it was going to be some type of rant about having to wait in line.

On the comment about Fastpass....you are right. They went out and put some bum on the street in charge of creating, implementing and overseeing the fastpass program. Give me a break. I think Disney has a clue about what they are doing.....or you would not have had to worry about those lines, cause no one would ever go..... :brick:

EDIT - I also forgot to mention my standard response to complaints this time of year......You went during summer break. Its going to be crouded.


Active Member
They don't distribute EMH wristbands for Epcot in front, near the "Leave a Legacy" kiosk anymore? Odd...

I don't have a problem with distributing FPs during EMH, but that's probably because I don't think that FP holders really hold up the lines that much. There have been many problems with the queue for Soarin' since it's opening, and many of those are due to the crazy volume of people.

Yes, E-Ride Nights were fun because there were fewer people, but I kind of like this more widespread program.

And as for CMs getting yelled at for how the EMHs were running that night, that's just par for the course. Guests filled with delusions of automatic entitlement are always yelling at the poor CMs when things go a little bit wrong. Just because parks are open later, there are still going to be many people there especially during the high season. So long waits for incredibly popular attractions are to be expected - IT'S JUST ANOTHER FEW HOURS IN THE PARK!!

Say that 60% of park guests stick around for an evening EMH. During the high season, that's still 60% of a TON OF PEOPLE! So the parks will still be crowded. Bottom line: I'm not sure what the heck else the good people over at TWDC can do to improve EMH such that these problems will disappear, short of reducing that percentage by forcing guests to pay for the privilege of staying in the park (which they only used to do for the MK and NOT Epcot, IIRC)

*Sigh* sorry for the mini-rant.


Account Suspended
Ok - let me point something out...

You're wrong. You just are.

WoL is not an easily identifiable icon for Guests, and most couldn't find it when it WAS operating. Its location has poor visibility and is recessed into the trees, initially built and "wedged" between Energy and Horizons. That side of Future World was designed to lure people to 3 attractions - Energy, Horizons, and World of Motion - Wonders was crammed into an available space and originally had a massive archway in order to make it stand out.

Second - the areas directly on either side of Wonders are vital to the operation of Space and Energy. Energy has its emergency exit on one side and SPACE's main exit area is on the other side. Blocking either with a large crowd of people would be a problem.

What if it rains? Where does wristband distribution end up? Inside Wonders? That'd be even worse for Guests to try and find.

You're new, so i'm trying to go easy on you, but do not come waltzing in and pretend to have all the answers - especially when your opinions are based on assumptions from a few park visits versus the life experience and firsthand knowledge of several members of this site.


Well-Known Member
The EMH at night are EXTREMELY crowded and just the opposite of what most people think going into them. I know that Test Track has as long of a wait time as it does during regular operating hours. Most of this can be attributed to the fact that they distribute fastpasses...


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hakunamatata said:
All I had to do was read the first sentence and I knew it was going to be some type of rant about having to wait in line.

On the comment about Fastpass....you are right. They went out and put some bum on the street in charge of creating, implementing and overseeing the fastpass program. Give me a break. I think Disney has a clue about what they are doing.....or you would not have had to worry about those lines, cause no one would ever go..... :brick:

EDIT - I also forgot to mention my standard response to complaints this time of year......You went during summer break. Its going to be crouded.

Look, I always go during summer break and its always crowded so thats not what I am angry about.

What I am angry about is how Disney handles the crowds.

Here's a question: Why on earth would you have Fastpass for EMH's? Isn't the whole point of the EMH's to have Stand By lines that actually move!

And you're wrong, Disney has NO CLUE what they are doing in the case of EMH's. It's basically a trial and error system right now and they still don't know what works and what doesn't. The EMH's program should have started back in December so Disney could have experimented on the Christmas crowds on how this program will work during busy times.

Please just answer this for me: Why on earth would Fastpasses be distributed during EMH's? Answer that question and then we'll talk.

I mean think about it: When Disney began to advertise the EMH's they said that it was exclusively for resort guests and would cut wait times in line. Well so far it hasn't and the system is only getting worse.


Le Meh
Premium Member
2 said:
Here's a question: Why on earth would you have Fastpass for EMH's? Isn't the whole point of the EMH's to have Stand By lines that actually move!
So you could make even better use of your time in the parks. Why would you not want Disney to have the FP open during EMH.

2 said:
And you're wrong, Disney has NO CLUE what they are doing in the case of EMH's. It's basically a trial and error system right now and they still don't know what works and what doesn't.
Ok, you admit yourself its trial and error, so back off and give them time to work out the kinks.

2 said:
Please just answer this for me: Why on earth would Fastpasses be distributed during EMH's? Answer that question and then we'll talk.
Redundant questions, see answer number 1.

2 said:
I mean think about it: When Disney began to advertise the EMH's they said that it was exclusively for resort guests and would cut wait times in line. Well so far it hasn't and the system is only getting worse.
Again, its summer time....resorts are busier, thus the parks will be busier.....go during the fall if you dont like to wait in line.


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2 said:
Look, I always go during summer break and its always crowded so thats not what I am angry about.

How long have you been going?

WDW has been in an attendance slump recently and this summer is higher than many recent years. For Epcot, attendance has seen a signifigant increase since SPACE and Soarin' opened. What does this mean?

This summer is much busier than anyone who has recently vistted is used to. Especially the week leading up to July 4th.

Hours and offerings for much of July have been extended. DisneyQuest has even gone to an extended hours schedule for July. The Magic Kingdom has gone to keeping almost the entire park open for EMH. The Contemporary Resort was over-booked for June 27th and the Polynesian did the same for a week in July and is relocating Guests. The value resorts are sold out, and so are the moderates.

In short - you picked the busiest period during one of the busiest years and went to the most popular attraction of the entire celebration.

What did you expect?


Well-Known Member
Do what my family does--we avoid parks celebrating an EMH. They are way more crowded than they should be. Visit a non EMH park, or, do an EMH but walk around and soak up the fantasy and lighting.


New Member
EMHs have been done in the morning for years. If you arrive at opening, you can get on a ride quickly. By the end of the hour, especially in peak times like SUMMER, there are lines.

Fast passes should be given out in the case that there IS a standby line. Grab a TT fastpass and jump on M:S or vice versa. It's just another time for the park to be open. From what I remember, the e-ride nights had fast pass in the later years. FP is a way of crowd control. They don't hold up lines. It just feels frustrating when it's almost your turn to move up in a queue and some FP get in front of you.

I went in May and did EMH nights. They were awesome for me because I finked out on fireworks, Fantasmic, whatever. I went on BTMR four times in a row and got to sit in the row of my choice. Yes, it was May, but since I skipped Wishes, the place was dead. It's all in the strategizing.

The nights we did see the fireworks, there were (short) lines at everything. Since Disney advertises the EMH program so much, most (like 60%) guests attend. With summer attendance so high, almost everyone in the resort will visit that night. You are not entitled to an empty park. Personally, I like EMH to be in the park at night. I expected lines, but that's the end of that. If the Mouse tells the hotel guests to go somewhere, they will follow...

2 said:
Look, I always go during summer break and its always crowded so thats not what I am angry about.

What I am angry about is how Disney handles the crowds.

Here's a question: Why on earth would you have Fastpass for EMH's? Isn't the whole point of the EMH's to have Stand By lines that actually move!

And you're wrong, Disney has NO CLUE what they are doing in the case of EMH's. It's basically a trial and error system right now and they still don't know what works and what doesn't. The EMH's program should have started back in December so Disney could have experimented on the Christmas crowds on how this program will work during busy times.

Please just answer this for me: Why on earth would Fastpasses be distributed during EMH's? Answer that question and then we'll talk.

I mean think about it: When Disney began to advertise the EMH's they said that it was exclusively for resort guests and would cut wait times in line. Well so far it hasn't and the system is only getting worse.

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