Embarrassing Stories from WDW


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Original Poster

Okay, this is awful. I went to the Garden Grill in Epcot, we had made reservations immediately because it was SO uncrowded. So we walked right in, sat down, and I ordered a root beer and waited for my food. So I was sitting there and all of the sudden..Mickey walked up and sat down with me. I jumped out of my skin, not knowing he was entertaining the guests and knocked my drink all over the table.

Of course he jumped up and stood there for a moment with his hands to his mouth in gasp-fashion..but the worst part, when I spilled the drink I said "Oh CRAP." really loud..he had no reaction, but I felt like drowning myself in that soda for slipping that in front of Mickey. :brick:

Tim G

Well-Known Member
MickeyDee said:
Of course he jumped up and stood there for a moment with his hands to his mouth in gasp-fashion..but the worst part, when I spilled the drink I said "Oh CRAP." really loud..he had no reaction, but I felt like drowning myself in that soda for slipping that in front of Mickey. :brick:



Active Member
Not really any involving me. But there are too many to count involving my grandparents. The first time my grandmother reqired an ECV, we had just disembarked from Living with the Land, and as she was getting in her ECV and getting ready to go, she found herself backing up and driving forward over and over again in an effort to get out of the exit area. Hard to explain, but think of the scene in the first Austin Powers movie where he's stuck in that corridor.

Then there was another time when we were exiting Cranium Command, and we noticed my grandfather was missing. We turn around and look through the exit doors at an empty theater, except for my grandfather who was still sitting on a bench, head leaned back, sleeping and snoring. A CM walked over to him and politely woke him up. Scared the crap out of him.


Well, I have two stories...

My younger brother was in AE for the first time in the preshow and hewas really nervous and scared. Well one thing led to another and he screamed " It's Running Down My Leg!!!" yeah.

My ister was in line for MS and she hadn't used the restroom and she almost flooded the place. It was really embarrising and she had to buy a new outfit.

Hope you enjoyed... I guess.


New Member
My sister and I had a 2 night stay at the Disney Institute many years back. We were so excited to be having a girls trip away we were like too little kids - giggles and all. We thought it would be nice to go out on the "veranda" and relax having a cool drink in hand out we went. To our surprise the door locked behind us - not a problem we had our room key, we would simply walk around.............nope when we went in I had tossed the security bar over behind us. It took a hike up to the lobby, 2 maintenance workers and a couple hours to break into our room. :hammer:


Active Member
Don't know if this one counts, but it happened to my girlfriend at the All Star Sports. Back in high school her dance team was there for a performance. They all thought it'd be a good idea to get drunk in the hotel room. Well one of them went a little too overboard, couldn't think straight, walked out of the room in her underwear and over to the chaperone room, and began frantically banging on the door. Other guests opened their door to see a half naked mess of a teenager. The chaperones had to take her to the hospital in case of alcohol poisoning. When the dance team got back, the entire team was suspended from school for an entire 9 weeks!

Tink in Pink

New Member
Pirate Plunder

I was about five or six(don't remember) and my family and i were in the queqe fot PotC(Pirates of the Caribbean). You can't blame me, because much of the queqe is dim. I saw a tall man who had an uncanny resemblance to my dad, so what was i to do but figure it was my dad; i went to him and held his hand, but 5 minutes later i hear my REAL dad calling my name... OOOPS! lol to this day my dad still teases me. -.-
:brick: :lol:

Ears to you

New Member
Heres one my sister inlaw and family were in a Bugs Life after seeing Honey I shurnk the adundice the day before my sister in law is very God feering ,all during the show she asked me time after time what was going to happen you know my meomery is not that good any more:goodnevil so she taps me when the bugs start comeing in the crowd and says with here legs in the air (expecting something liks the rat tail from the day before ) They will not get me today with the biggest smile I have ever seen right at that point it happened the bug roler hit her in the but .:eek: what happened next was classic she jumps up like she had been saved a ye'lls Jesus help me take me Know !!! Then I laught so hard I let one fly Barrrrr. :dazzle: I don't think the crowd ever laughted that hard before.:D
Oh gosh, I've had so many embarrassing things happen to me...

One that stands out in my mind happened in my first or second week of work. I was working in an area I wasn't very familiar with, when I saw a couple smoking. I walked over to them and told them that they needed to go to a smoking section. They gave me a funny look, then asked if I wanted them on top of the trashcan or what. I looked around and saw an Ashtray can like 5 feet away. I apologized and hurried off. I felt like an idiot :lol:


Well-Known Member
On one trip to the world it was nightime and I was walking by a bush in Epcot when something hit my shoulder. I looked and saw what appeared to be a grey wad of phlem with 2 eyes looking at me. I screamed and jumped and instantly flung it into my wifes big hair which had us both doing "the Lambada" dance for a crowd on onlookers. Turns out it was a little tree frog trying to say,"hi.":veryconfu


New Member
My foot getting caught in the theater car door in Universe of Energy, i got my foot out my shoe and then it crushed my sneaker.

on the same trip, I took flash pictures by that KNRG radio thing and i heard on the loudspeaker "no flash pictures"


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
On one trip to the world it was nightime and I was walking by a bush in Epcot when something hit my shoulder. I looked and saw what appeared to be a grey wad of phlem with 2 eyes looking at me. I screamed and jumped and instantly flung it into my wifes big hair which had us both doing "the Lambada" dance for a crowd on onlookers. Turns out it was a little tree frog trying to say,"hi.":veryconfu

THAT'S the best one yet.:lol:

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