EE opening early? New rumor sighting!


Original Poster
Back in March, Pam from Kingdom Konsultants told us she heard a rumor that EE might open in November. I found this today in a story about the 50th Celebration. Pam, have you heard anything more? Could it be?

"Debuting late this year or early in 2006 will be Expedition Everest, a high-speed roller coaster cruising through and around a recreated Mount Everest. The 200-foot-high mountain is already poking up above the horizon."

Full article:

MsSpinShady :cool:


Original Poster
General Grizz said:
I heard this was still being considered, but that the chances are less likely of a late 2005 opening.

Thanks Grizz. :)

It seems to me that late 2005 would be REALLY early for the attraction to open, but I was just surprised to see it in print in the middle of a story where the reporter must have gotten some of their information directly from Disney since they were previewing all of the new 50th Celebration attractions. One can always hope...

Keep us updated.

MsSpinShady :cool:


New Member
This is all speculation. If everything goes right, it could be running by late 2005. But 2006, is a better guess. It still has a long way to go before they even start ride testing. The Marketing Dept. may say one thing, but I would leave it up to the Imagineers to say when it is actually ready. They don't want a repeat of Test Track.


Last word I got, which was 2 weeks ago, was that they were still looking at an April grand opening.

Late 2005 is unlikely.


Le Meh
Premium Member
TAC said:
"Late this year" could be at late at December 31st. ;)

Which means that CM and DVC previews could be Nov/Dec, which would coincide perfectly with our trip later this year. One could only hope....

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
I think that a late 05 opening would be looking at things in an incredibly optimistic way. The odds are very slim of having that happen.


New Member
Don't forget hurricane season is about to hit Florida again. This is between June and November. Depending on how much the weather effects the construction they could have a huge stand still coming up.


Well-Known Member
magicmom said:
Don't forget hurricane season is about to hit Florida again. This is between June and November. Depending on how much the weather effects the construction they could have a huge stand still coming up.

Or Florida could be extremely lucky and have a hurricane drought like the 12 years before last. You just never know with hurricane season.

Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
What I was told was that there would be a soft opening in November. When I go to the press event next week, I will see what I can dig up since we are heading to expedition everest for a preview.



Well-Known Member
Kingdom Konsultant said:
What I was told was that there would be a soft opening in November. When I go to the press event next week, I will see what I can dig up since we are heading to expedition everest for a preview.


Pam are you taking a photographer with you? Pics!! Lots and lots of pics!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be at Disney World when they do the E:E preview, I just wish I could go.

As stated above, lots of pics would be greatly appreciated Pam! :wave: :)


New Member
There is a pictoral book for the Happiest Celebration on Earth that is on sale now. Inside is a pic of EE and under the pic, it says "opening late 2005-early 2006." Take that as you want but thats the first official Disney confirmation that I have seen that indicates it may be open this year.


Premium Member
None of this is really new. Right from the announcement of Everest, dates of late 2005/early 2006 have been mentioned as first openings, with official full opening taking place around Arpil 2006. With a project of this scale, it is going to be very difficult to put a precise date on it, and at the moment anything is speculation.


New Member
Think of this....november you get their and your looking at Epedition Everest and your in awe! Then suddenly a CM comes out and announces they are letting people try the ride! So you get on it and its amazing!! And at the end you stop and you hear a roar! That can only mean the Yeti is there! So your waiting and waiting for a yeti to pop out and then you suddenly fall backwards to the climax of the ride. So you get out and talk to the CM and your like wasnt a yeti suppose to be in the ride? And then he hasnt arrived yet! :lol:Woudlnt that just ruin the ride experience?!


Well-Known Member
Late 2005? Early 2006? I'll be happy when I am stepping into the train car to take the ride up Everest!! :D Until then we'll just have to wait and bide our time :)

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