Hi all
I just found this board through a Google search and I'm ecstatic to be here! I was wondering if you guys could help me out...I'm 5'4" (5'4" and a half to be exact) and I am dying to be a character at WDW. I'm pretty athletic and I have dance training as well. Believe it or not, I've been talking to my fiance about this and he's willing to buy a condo with me in Orlando so I would be able to be a seasonal employee at WDW (we would still live in our home in MD for most of the year, but we'd also live in Orlando for some of the year as well). He's a big Disney fan as well. I'm actually self-employed (we run an Internet business), so I would be able to run my business from Orlando, while I'm working at WDW "for fun". Anyway, I would LOVE it if someone would reply (or PM me) with a list of characters that I might be eligible for at my height. I've always wondered about this and I'm getting ready to take the plunge in a few months. I'm not sure if I would be eligible to be a "face" character or not, but I would be more than happy to just be in a costume!! I'd be totally happy to start in attractions or merchandise, but my dream is definitely to be a character...I'm just wondering if it's possible with my height. Thank you so much!!!!
Minnie Moo

Minnie Moo