DSquared Productions Phase One


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Since I joined the WDWMagic Imagineering forums back in May 2015, I have always dreamed of being able to share, entertain, and inspire those who read my threads. Back during The Wish List, I had a vision. Produce things on the forum, keep track of them, and build a brand out of the DSquared name.

Starting tonight, I officially announce DSquared Productions. This 'brand' will be connected to any continuous thread that I have announced, or will announced in the coming month. This will also go together with my 3 new Youtube channels, and much more too come.

So, expect an very organized and entertaining stream of content coming from now on!

And it all starts tomorrow, with a What If... Season 2 Preview podcast, and a new trailer for an ongoing topic in the show immediately after!!!

Until then.....


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Oh! And if I sound a little crazy with Youtube, and having 3 channels subscribed too with me sounds like too much, don't worry. My main channel will have all my videos, and my 2 others will just organize them.

I figured that the same audience for reviews may not be the same audience for Let's Plays which I hope to start.


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Did you miss me???/

I've spent the last few weeks planning, but I realized you should all do the planning for me!

As you all know, I have The Great Disney Race competition coming up, and you guys get to help me with it. PM me if you want to suggest something, weather it be a challenge idea, or something to add to how the game is played. You can also PM me if you want to co-host/judge!

I'm shooting for a late April - mid May start up date, so stay tuned!


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Going live in a few minutes. Also...


What If 2 Trailer Exit Card.jpg

DSquared Productions is ready to start the second season of the hit text show "What If". More details were made official during an announcement by DSquared:

"Since the launch in October, this show has been a new experience for me and the viewers. So, we are coming back. This season will be much grander than the first. The 16 episode, 2 month schedule has been upgraded to a 32 episode, 6 month adventure into the ideas and speculation surrounding all forms and bands of entertainment. We also have added special video recaps, videos, artwork, and more. But most importantly, more of a connection to the fans. Fans will have a much bigger interaction with the show that will be explained in the later podcast.

The first episode will air February 13th. Since this is around the same time as Valentines Day, the first episode will be titled "Princess Power 2016. Until then....."


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The DSquared Production Weekend of Wonder:

Friday to Sunday will be a marathon of DSquared Productions shows and previews! Tomorrow will be episode 2 of "What If... Season 2". Saturday will be episode 3, and Sunday will introduce The Great Disney Race to the world via the first of a few preview podcasts!

Until then.....


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Here it is! Sorry this took a while! Look for sign ups at the end of April, and PM me if you want to judge!


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Welcome all! Today, I am here to officially start the last new series in Phase 1

Teenagers Guide to the Galaxy.jpg

The Teenager's Guide to the Galaxy will be a new show in which I discuss news from all fields of entertainment, as well as do some reviews. What will make this different though will be that this will be formatted like a news show, with a set and such. To top it all off, here is a picture of the set where reviews for both Zootopia and Batman V Superman are underway!

TGTTG Set.jpg

Also, the DSquared Productions channel will no longer be used, since it was too confusing on my part. All videos will now be on my main channel.

Until then.......

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