DSquared Presents: My Fantasmic! Movie


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When I first started presenting my ideas for Disney's Fantasmic movie, I didn't have a plan in mind, and started to focus too much on Disney princesses and TV shows. So I have decided to start over.

In this version, I have 3 movies planned for one big storyline.

Fantasmic!: Destruction of Worlds Part 1
Fantasmic!: Destruction of Worlds Part 2

And a few things I need to explain first:

  • This will be a musical, but there will only be songs in dimensions where there are songs (Frozen dimension, Hercules dimension, ect.)
  • Universes and dimensions are different. Each dimension has a universe (that dimension's group of infinite space masses), and a dimension is a place on a branching space-time line with it's own laws of physics, so magic can exist in one, but can only be harnessed in other way in another dimension
  • With the MCU, imagine that there are 2 dimensions that are exactly the same, except one of them is in MCU movies, and one is in Fantasmic movies
  • Star Wars is in the 'real world' dimension, just trillions upon trillions of miles away
  • In all non-PIXAR characters minds there's the Dreamscape, and in PIXAR animated characters there's Inside Out HQ

This would all be explained in the movie by probably Ford, since he has the most understanding of the Multi-Dimensionverse.

So there's the plan! Now onto the first movie.

Once again, the movie starts in Johnny's dream where he is confronted by Bill. This time, Bill transports him into a nightmare to show him the future. Again, Johnny's Dreamscape resembles Cinderella Castle. When Bill transforms it, the castle turns more into Maleficent's, the sky turns red, and his statue replaces the Partners statue. After Bill leaves, Johnny is jolted awake. The scene would resemble this (below), with the flashing hand and eye replaced by frames from the rest of the movie played too fast to analyze.

We get a montage of him getting to school, and lands at his locker where he meets up with Thomas (kind of a mysterious, snarky person), Phil (a total geek), and Pam (a really cheery, kind of geeky person). They talk, and follow Jan (popular kid) and her group of friends inside (in this version, they barley know each other). We speed up to about halfway through his math class, when Johnny begins to feel really dizzy and tired. He falls asleep and has another confrontation with Bill. This time, it's more like this.

He wakes up and looks at his hands as the teacher asks him a question. When he doesn't know the answer, everybody laughs and he looks embarrassed. We then skip to lunch. The 4 friends sit together as they keep questioning Johnny what had happened. When he talks about meeting Bill and the conversation ends, Thomas asks him to go get some snacks from the vending machine with him.

When all alone, Thomas tells Johnny something strange. He believes Johnny actually saw Bill and [reveals the true nature of the vending machine, along with their math teacher who was in on what had happened to Johnny once Thomas saw him. The three venture behind the machine and down to a secret lab with a huge portal.


While the three are downstairs, Johnny begins to question what the portal is, and how they managed to activate it. The math teacher (played by JK Simmons) reveals himself to be the dimension traveling Ford in disguise as a human. He wants to activate the portal one more time to get home since Bill had returned from an unknown force. Thomas drags Johnny aside and tells him the possibilities of the portal. He sees Bill as not a threat since they know how to beat him, and he makes an agreement with Johnny to explore using the portal behind Ford's back after it is fully activated. There is a transition to the wall with a calendar that shows the lab grow objects inside, and the passage of a month and a half of time from April to June. The portal is now fully activated, and Ford leaves the lab to go teach another class during Thomas and Johnny's study hall, which Ford excused them from to study the portal. Ford shows that he seems to trust the two. Once he leaves, the mood becomes more serious as the two begin changing the portal's destination so they can go explore and learn. Thomas thinks he knows what he is doing, but accidentally makes the portal surge and go to a few random locations. It stabilizes, and the two leave the lab hoping they didn't mess anything up. When they leave, a blob of space time forms, along with a few people emerging from the portal, but their faces can not be seen.


Later that night, we see Johnny's parents and older sister dropping him off at a school dance. He goes into the cafeteria where the party is, and meets up with his three other friends Pam,Thomas, and Phil. They talk, and Pam, Thomas, and Johnny go to get punch, leaving Phil by the ending machine. The space time blob (or The Rift Blob) is found by Phil. It quickly covers him, causing the whole group to look back at him. He begins to speak a prophecy "Wizards, and knights, science and spells. Demons emerge at the strike of twelve. The Chosen Few will have their rise. And the Battle of Fate shall be their demise!" The encased Phil suddenly grabs onto a boy. The boy is sucked into the depths of space. "Paul!" Jan screams. Phil looks like he's about to attack, but he is zapped by lightning as Thor emerges from the vending machine. The Rift Blob starts to shrink from encasing Phil. Ford bursts into the room in his toon form andblasts the Blob back into the lab. As the room calms, but stares at Ford and Thor. Jan approaches Thomas and demands he tell her how to get Paul back. Ford is mad and starts going after the kids. Thomas says to follow him and he'd explain on the way. The 5 kids all run from Ford, into the portal. On the way, Johnny asks Thomas if they should run away. Thomas is narcissistic and tells Johnny that it's all under control. The 4 all go into the portal. Thomas is in the back, and Ford catches up to him. Now, the gravity has gone away as the portal is about to shut down. Ford asks if Thomas really wants to do this, and Thomas responds "I just want to understand it all.... kind of like you." Thomas slips off the shoe Ford was holding him by as the portal closes. He arrives the the four other kids were waiting, in a courtyard near a grand castle, with a stone that's missing a sword.

The 4 start to argue with Thomas how to get home. Thomas tells Johnny in private that they will not be going home so Ford can't get them, and a frightened Johnny reluctantly agrees. Thomas says he knows a guy, and the proceed into the castle, where Thomas introduces them to Wart, who is now king. Jan then loses it. She storms off looking for another way home with Pam and Phil. But as she is about to leave the castle, Merlin and the knights burst into the room. They ask Wart and Thomas who the other 4 are, and Wart says that they need to get home. Merlin takes Johnny and Thomas to figure out how to get them home, and Wart shows the other 3 to their rooms for the time being.

The next scene takes place at Maleficent's castle across the land, where she is visited by Bill. If she gives Bill the 5 kids, he will give her control of the world. They agree to meet with the kids in 2 days at Snow's Cottage, which was abandoned when the Dwarfs moved into the castle with Snow as the Royal Jemkeepers. She sends her raven to spy on the kids. She also contacts a pirate army from outer space from Treasure Planet.


We follow the bird halfway to the castle, but lose him when we look down to see Johnny, Thomas, Pam, and Phil hanging out with Wart, the Knights, and the Cinderella mice. Johnny sees Jan alone and upset, and goes to talk to her. She is still mad that she is stuck there, but is again cut off when the castle is hit with a ball of fire. Maleficent arrives in the courtyard and begins to battle with Merlin. As the kids and knights arrive, so do the pirates, who begin to defeat the knights with more high-tec weaponry. All of the knights retreat. As they hide, Johnny reveals himself and wields a green lightsaber, and begins to defeat the pirates. Then follows Johnny, who all of the knights follow into battle. As the mayhem continues, Bill arrives and freezes everything. He begins talking to Johnny and Thomas, telling them it is the beginning of the end. He says he is disappointed with Maleficent. He says he'll be baack, and as he unfreezes everything, Johnny takes the lightsaber and stabs Maleficent. She retreats, and the still alive pirates return to space. Merlin says that he will get everyone home, and they return into the castle.

Days later, the 5 meet with Merlin, who has enchanted a doorway to go back to their dimension. Johnny goes to return the lightsaber, but Thomas let's him keep it, and also gives him a Solar Surfer (Johnny is a great skater, as seen when he goes to school in the beginning of the movie) , which he re-engineered from the Treasure Planet stuff. They say buy to Merlin and Wart. When they leave, Merlin and Wart reveal to be controlled by Bill. When the 5 friends return home and up out of the lab, their school is in wasteland.

The school is destroyed when they arrive back in the cafeteria. The 5 try and investigate the dark room covered in blankets, dirt, empty food cans, and other things. While investigating, Thomas and Johnny find a panel missing in the ceiling. Johnny uses the SolarSurfer (I'm gonna call it the SS from now on) to get up there and investigate. He finds a lever, has the others be ready to see what it does. He clicks it and the few lights still in tact go off. A hatch in the floor then opens, and there are mysterious voices coming from it. Thomas takes one of the lighsabers and goes to investigate. He screams, and the hatch closes. Everyone screams, and Johnny head back down to the ground. Suddently, there is a loud bang as the doors fly open. Johnny tells his friends to get behind him. As the figures enter the room, they are revealed to be stormtroopers. Behind them is Kylo Ren.

Kylo moves to the front and examines the kids. When he approaches Phil, he seems really scared and Kylo pulls him aside. Johnny tries to stop him, but is reminded that they are outnubered. Kylo intimidates Phil and asks what he can do to stop Ren without the help of his friend's lightsaber. Out of nowhere, and to the laughter of Kylo, Phil takes out a sorcerer's hat and puts it on. As Kylo continues to laugh, Phil uses the hat to lift him off the ground. He is holding him with a power more powerful than the force, magic. Kylo commands the troopers to fire, but then the lights go off again. There is rustling, and a few firings of the guns, Johnny and his friends are suddenly knocked out.

In his sleep, Johnny again meets Bill. This time, he intimidates Bill and Bill responds by telling him that it has only begun. This time Bill also leaves a prophecy: "Battles fought, only begun. Time will begin to bring on the fun. You think you can stop us? Think you have won? Even your precious zodiac is done."

Johnny awakens in a small bed. In the beds beside him are his three friends. Ford and Thomas walk in. Johnny is amazed and dizzy, but Ford explains that they are in an underground bunker and that the room was rigged with weapons that made the troopers retreat. Johnny explains that he saw Bill again in his dream, this time he left a prophecy about a zodiac. Johnny also remembers seeing a circle with symbols. Ford explains that the zodiac was a prophetic way to defeat Bill, but it failed. Suddenly, Thor walks in and says that Ford is needed to use the Particalizer to make more food. Ford leaves the two and follows Thor out.

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