Do you want to ride Mission: Space?


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You can tell by my post count that I'm brand-spanking new here (although I've been lurking for a while), so please be gentle with me. :animwink:

I know there's a wee bit of interest on this site concerning M: S and I have it on very reliable authority (i.e. - this is fact, not rumor) that Disney is randomly selecting guests from EPCOT and having them ride M: S. Disney wants the opinion of regular guests. Once the ride is over they feed them lunch, give them a few Disney trinkets, and have them answer some questions about the experience.

There is no way to volunteer; you simply have to be one of the lucky ones selected. Early morning guests are more likely to be selected. So, if you're at EPCOT, keep an eye out.

If you do go to EPCOT or will happen to be there, good luck. May you be one of the lucky ones too.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Of course I want to ride Mission: Space. If this is true, it's pretty cool, but it seems strange to me. Never heard of anything like that, and I would think by now a lot of people would have.


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Original Poster
Originally posted by Main Street USA
Of course I want to ride Mission: Space. If this is true, it's pretty cool, but it seems strange to me. Never heard of anything like that, and I would think by now a lot of people would have.

It's true.

AFAIK, Disney just began selecting guests from EPCOT this week and it's not like there are many lucky folks that get chosen. The amount of lucky guests is definitely limited. One ride bay out of four is currently in testing phase and there is one capsule being tested in that bay. The other 9 centrifuge arms in the test bay are using counterweight mechanisms to balance it all out.


Well-Known Member
That's something I was thinking about....Disney will have to balance weight on this ride...cuz a normal centrifuge starts freaking out if it's not balanced an unbalanced washing machine. I mean, I am sure the ride can handle stress, but after a while, it would really start to wear away at the gears and such.


Well-Known Member
Firstly, Welcome to a lurker !!!!
Originally posted by Centrifugeer
Disney is randomly selecting guests from EPCOT and having them ride M: S. Disney wants the opinion of regular guests. Once the ride is over they feed them lunch, give them a few Disney trinkets, and have them answer some questions about the experience.
Where did you find out about this info ?? - If M:S is in such readiness that "selected guests" can ride to give their opinions etc THEN SURELY it can't be that far off soft opening :sohappy:


AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I will be at Epcot on Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have no idea how much I want to ride M:S. We definately intend to be among the first in the park, but there is nothing else we could do? Oh, man. Wish me luck!


Well-Known Member
Woo Hoo... Awesome Picture of the Interior too.
:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Thank You!!!

Cindy in NY


Premium Member
Re: Re: Do you want to ride Mission: Space?

Originally posted by CAPTAIN HOOK
Firstly, Welcome to a lurker !!!!

Where did you find out about this info ?? - If M:S is in such readiness that "selected guests" can ride to give their opinions etc THEN SURELY it can't be that far off soft opening :sohappy:

Remember we are talking about 1 capsule here, on 1 of the 4 ride bays. While the 1 capsule is ready, there could still be a way to go to get full capacity on this thing. :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mickey04
AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I will be at Epcot on Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have no idea how much I want to ride M:S. We definately intend to be among the first in the park, but there is nothing else we could do? Oh, man. Wish me luck!

just get there REALLY early and "casually" walk back and forth in front of MS whistling and looking all non-challont (i cant spell) and then they'll notice you and pick you!
good luck! let us know (i NEED to know exactly what the ride does before i will consider going on it LOL im a wuss) :sohappy:


Originally posted by AliciaLuvzDizne
just get there REALLY early and "casually" walk back and forth in front of MS whistling and looking all non-challont (i cant spell) and then they'll notice you and pick you!
good luck! let us know (i NEED to know exactly what the ride does before i will consider going on it LOL im a wuss) :sohappy:

Yeah, i think i'll do that... and if I get on, I will post a full review when I get back for anyone curious.

By the way, do you think it would be worth my while to go to GR as soon as I get there and ask if it is open and say i would really like to ride, or will I just get a scripted response that won't really answer the question"


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mickey04
Yeah, i think i'll do that... and if I get on, I will post a full review when I get back for anyone curious.

By the way, do you think it would be worth my while to go to GR as soon as I get there and ask if it is open and say i would really like to ride, or will I just get a scripted response that won't really answer the question"

the GR people and the MS people are quite far apart, so it couldnt hurt to ask first and then try my tecnique hehe!!

i just noticed
one post till 200


Originally posted by AliciaLuvzDizne
th GR people and the MS people are quite far apart, so it couldnt hurt to ask first and then try my tecnique hehe!!

I think that's what I'll do then.


New Member
SWEET!!! i'm going to WDW for the first time in 5 years on wednesday. i have never gone on any of the roller coasters, or thrill rides there because i was too scared to when i was a youngin:lol:

i really hope i get picked:king:


Originally posted by AliciaLuvzDizne
just get there REALLY early and "casually" walk back and forth in front of MS whistling and looking all non-challont (i cant spell) and then they'll notice you and pick you!
good luck! let us know (i NEED to know exactly what the ride does before i will consider going on it LOL im a wuss) :sohappy:

Same with me. :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by TestTrackTom
SWEET!!! i'm going to WDW for the first time in 5 years on wednesday. i have never gone on any of the roller coasters, or thrill rides there because i was too scared to when i was a youngin:lol:

i really hope i get picked:king:

DUDE!!! Thats totaly awsome


New Member
Wow! Its awesome that they're doing that...

But I would imagine we still won't hear much about the ride...wouldn't Disney still want to hide the storyline and as such, wouldn't they force people who are taking part in these trials to sign non-disclosure forms? I sure as heck would if I was Disney.

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