This will be my Master Plan blog where I will post the evolution of a pet project of mine. This project is centered around redesigning Disneyland Paris' Walt Disney Studios park. Currently the park looks like a five your old collected a bunch of puzzles and mixed all the pieces together. I believe a DCA styled expansion and renovation is needed for this park to earn the Disney name. It will essentially be keeping it's current theme, but will be renovated around the hub and spoke design. Check below to see some concept art and ideas for the new opening street: Hyperion Avenue
Hyperion Avenue
Similar to it's Floridian Mother, it's weenie will be the Graum Chinese Theater but it will differ in the entrance as WDS will take on a more elegant and traditional opening gates. They will be similar to the current one but far more extravagant and elegant (after all this IS France). Once into the park you will be whisked away into the film industries Golden Age; yet this will be a very different street then what your used to. I feel that nearly all of the 20-30's style streets Disney creates are either best a nighttime (DHS) or best at daytime (DCA). This street will be both. A unique blending of vibrant and mute colors will attract people during the day, but at night excitement awaits you on every turn.
The street will be comprised of two large buildings that extend into the new Disney Plaza this Plaza will incorporate famous icons of LA, Disney, and a unique atmosphere. At the center is the Chinese Theater which will provide a gateway (like the castle) into Movieland.
Hyperion Avenue

Similar to it's Floridian Mother, it's weenie will be the Graum Chinese Theater but it will differ in the entrance as WDS will take on a more elegant and traditional opening gates. They will be similar to the current one but far more extravagant and elegant (after all this IS France). Once into the park you will be whisked away into the film industries Golden Age; yet this will be a very different street then what your used to. I feel that nearly all of the 20-30's style streets Disney creates are either best a nighttime (DHS) or best at daytime (DCA). This street will be both. A unique blending of vibrant and mute colors will attract people during the day, but at night excitement awaits you on every turn.
The street will be comprised of two large buildings that extend into the new Disney Plaza this Plaza will incorporate famous icons of LA, Disney, and a unique atmosphere. At the center is the Chinese Theater which will provide a gateway (like the castle) into Movieland.

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