Got a couple of little newsbits to pass along...
-The Mark Twain is finally back, but as I hear, it is still not back in Fantasmic yet.
-New security checkpoints! Now, instead of having your bags checked at each gate, they are checked before you enter the esplanade. So if you're park-hopping between DL and DCA, you don't have to get a bag check every time. :sohappy:
-And on a sad note... apparently the Teacups barely spin at all anymore, and most people cannot even make them spin at all. This is due to a recent accident where a handicapped man fell out of the cup last month and cut himself, and the State required Disney to make changes. As a result, you really can't spin on the Teacups anymore. A real shame, because it's such a DL classic.
-The Mark Twain is finally back, but as I hear, it is still not back in Fantasmic yet.
-New security checkpoints! Now, instead of having your bags checked at each gate, they are checked before you enter the esplanade. So if you're park-hopping between DL and DCA, you don't have to get a bag check every time. :sohappy:
-And on a sad note... apparently the Teacups barely spin at all anymore, and most people cannot even make them spin at all. This is due to a recent accident where a handicapped man fell out of the cup last month and cut himself, and the State required Disney to make changes. As a result, you really can't spin on the Teacups anymore. A real shame, because it's such a DL classic.