Disposable camera's?


New Member
I have decided that I am going to take a dozen or so disposable camera to take our pictures. I don't want to worry about losing my digital camera and I don't want the hassle of downloading the pictures. I can only store around 80, and then like 60 more with my card. Anyhow, I was wondering where to put them in my luggage? I don't want the x-ray machine to mess them up. Everyone is saying to put them in your suitcase and not my carry on? I have never flown so I don't have a clue. Anybody? I think this vacation is wearing me out already and we still have 13 more days to wait. Thanks for the great website, it is very helpful for 1st timers like my family.


Well-Known Member
I've always bought my cameras in Florida and had them developed before hand. I remember a friend having a special bag to keep her film in and she kept that in her carry on.
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Well-Known Member
I have never had a problem putting the cameras in the bags. The xrays never did anything to them. But the last time i used one was 2 years ago. I am all digital now.
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Well-Known Member
We had 11 rolls of film to develop from our last trip about 3 weeks ago. We kept them in our luggage and got them developed at home.

Nothing was ruined.
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Meega, nala kwishta!
You normally do not have to worry unless you are:

1) Have some really high speed film
2) They put your film in one of those giant drum x-ray systems. They are very powerfull and will mess up film.

But I only ever had that happen once and they ask you to take out stuff like electronics and film first. And the last time I saw one was years ago in Seatle.

I wouldn't worry.
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Well-Known Member
We just returned about 2 weeks ago. I had all my film and my camera in my camera bag that I used as my carry on. They told me it could go thru the x-ray machine. I was nervous about letting them do it, but when I got home and had them developed all 14 rolls came out. :sohappy: They told me that it's the x-ray they use on the checked baggage that you have to worry about.
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New Member
This idea worked great for us!

Last time we went down to disney my wife joined York phot labs (mail in developing lab) and every time she finished with a camera we just droped it into the envolope and into the mail box. All of our photos showed up at our house before us!:)
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New Member
well by the time you buy the dozen dis camera you could buy a bigger memory card for your dig cam. you can then take hundred of them and get rid of the bad ones at night you don't like on your screen. it would be cheaper that way. that is what i would do.
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New Member
As has already been mentioned the cost of 12 disposable cameras must equal some good memory for your digital camera. You can download the memory on-site for about $12 plus or go to Walgreens and do it for $4.

Alternatively, to cut down on bulk, but 12 rolls of film and a regular 35mm camera. It should not come to any more, and you end up with a camera that has a better lens.
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The X-rays they use on checked luggage is much more powerful than at the security gate. I have always heard that you should keep film in carry-on. But as others have said, for the price of all those disposables, just buy another memory card.
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Well-Known Member
pwgs said:
Last time we went down to disney my wife joined York phot labs (mail in developing lab) and every time she finished with a camera we just droped it into the envolope and into the mail box. All of our photos showed up at our house before us!:)
thats a cool idea!
then you dont have to worry about packing anything! not only that but you arent tired of looking at the same old pictures by the time you get home :lol:
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Well-Known Member
I'm all digital, but will give a friendly warning. Do not, repeat, do not, buy digital camera memory near WDW. It is priced way too high. Bring lots with you, or a laptop. If you don't have a laptop, but have an Ipod, you can transfer directly to it with the proper cable/preparations.
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New Member
I too think going the way of digital is a better solution. Having spent 15+ years developing peoples photos, I must say, throw away cameras don't return very good pics. Flashes are weak, the lens is plastic. Best shots are taken in bright light and the most cameras come with 400 - 800 speed film, which underexposed, results in some muddy, grainy pictures. If you've already got a decent digital, spend the disposable camera money on memory cards. For around $50, you can probably get a 512mb card which should hold roughly 200, 2mg images. Pretty decent quality. $50 may get you 10 - 24exp cameras, or about 240 chances to get decent pictures.... Now thats what I would do... :D
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Well-Known Member
Don't buy the disposable cameras - Ok so in a bright light situation you may get a relatively decent picture BUT indoor shots, SpectroMagic, Fantasmic, Illuminations, Wishes (get the idea) you will be VERY disappointed when you get the pictures back.
Ask yourself one question - why did I buy a decent digital camera - to get good quality pictures of course. Buy a neck or wrist strap and take your REAL camera
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New Member
AliciaLuvzDizne said:
i just got a 1 gig card from circuit city for 89 bucks with a 20 dollar mail in rebate

OOOHHHH! :) Great deal!!!! What kind of memory do you use? I have the Sony cybershot (7.2 mp) so I use Sony's "memory stick." I have two 256 meg cards that can hold 100 pics each IF I set my camera at 5 mp. I REALLY need a 1 gig card for my Christmas WDW trip. If I could get one that cheap, I may buy 2 of them!
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Well-Known Member
Kadee said:
OOOHHHH! :) Great deal!!!! What kind of memory do you use? I have the Sony cybershot (7.2 mp) so I use Sony's "memory stick." I have two 256 meg cards that can hold 100 pics each IF I set my camera at 5 mp. I REALLY need a 1 gig card for my Christmas WDW trip. If I could get one that cheap, I may buy 2 of them!
oh yeah i forgot to mention what kind of card it is
Scan Disk SD card
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