Disney's Adventure Park announced the completion of their Main-Street, Entrance, Space Mountain, TomorrowLand Transit Authority, Sorcerer Mickey's Oasis and various shops and restaurants!
As a photographer for Disney itself, I was tasked with the challenge of taking pictures of Disney's Adventure Park to help post updates of the new park to the main Disney website, various Disney magazines and any other website to help get everybody hyped up for the new park!
I arrived at the park late afternoon on a Friday, ready to snap some pictures of the incomplete park and construction. It was interesting being at an empty Disney park, (with the exception of a few workers.)
The park had a beautiful entrance. Dominating the skyline was Space Mountain!
Shot from the right side of Main-Street. Sorcerer Mickey's Hat and the oasis under the hat at the end of Main-Street.
Shot from the left.
Entrance to TomorrowLand. (Still missing a sign!)
Much of TomorrowLand isn't finished. But hey, those fountains look nice!
Restaurant. They wouldn't tell me the name for some reason...?
Space Mountain! Can't wait to ride!
Shot of Space Mountain from the restaurant!
Mickey's Magical Oasis which you can walk through by going under the hat! I wonder what will go behind it...
***This is an old park I did, and I wanted to share here. I see A LOT of things now that I can improve on. I had this park on ShyguysWorld, RCTLounge and Themeparkreview and I thought it would be interesting to share here. Comment if you want to see more!