Club 33 is mildly over-rated in my opinion.
I am not a member, but I have been twice recently as a guest of Standard Oil of California (Chevron). The food was good, but not great. The service was good, but not great, and a few CM's were noticeably unpolished around the edges. The facility needed a rehab and deep cleaning and some TLC. The CM's didn't have the art of service down very well, and their management thinks you can bluff your way through good service skills with a big cheesy smile and a dollop of attitude. Sorry kids, you aren't fooling everyone.
I would love to send the entire wait staff of Club 33 down to Studio at Hotel Montage in Laguna Beach for a crash course in service skills. Studio is a restaurant in the same high price range as Club 33, but with service clearly a cut above and flawless menu offerings. Perched on a rocky cliff above the Pacific ocean, the view at Studio is just as stunning as the Rivers of America and Big Thunder Mountain as seen from Club 33.
There are a dozen world-class restaurants within 30 freeway minutes of Disneyland that could easily teach Club 33 a thing or two, and Studio is my personal favorite. Club 33 just doesn't cut it when it comes to modern Orange County, California fine dining.
Club 33 has so much fabulous potential crying out to be tapped. But the details are missing, the service isn't polished enough, and the food doesn't quite meet the price points charged. Club 33 is coasting on the fumes of Walt era elegance, and the sloppy Disney Geeks in jeans and sweatshirts taking digital pictures of their creme brulee really let the place down in the 21st century. It's only has the reputation is does because of its distant 1960's past, and the exotic thrill of having a Martini inside Disneyland.
Club 33 could, and should, be so much more than it currently is.