I am currently reading the book right now, and am loving it. A common complaint, at least from some people on these forums, is that the book is very biased against Eisner. Dont get me wrong, Eisner was quite shady at times and near the end of his tenure I too agree it was time for him to go, but do keep in mind that this book may be a bit biased. Ive heard from people on these boards that Roy is made into too much of a hero by the author as well. All one has to do is remember that Roy Disney has been, for lack of a better word, a bit of a prick himself. From other books Ive read and people Ive talked to, Walt himself wasnt that big of a fan of his nephew. I cant put the book down and would suggest it to anyone interested in the inner-workings of Disney, so long as they keep the above points in mind.