Disney Studios Texas


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Disney Studios Texas is a 7,500 Acre Resort and Film Production Complex featuring 1 Theme Park/Studio, 3 Hotels, 1 Entertainment Complex, 1 Waterpark, 1 Golf Course, 1 Convention Center Complex, 1 Attraction, 1 Conservation Area, 1 Central Bus System, 1 Transportation Hub, Landscaping, Themed Walkways, 7 miles of Road, 4 Man-Made Water Features, 3 Resort Entrances, 4 Themed Parking Areas and 1 Themed Central Plaza Area. Disney Studios Texas is located between San Antonio and Houston with easy acess to Interstate 10 and Interstate 37.
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==== Disney Studios Texas====
Phase 1
==== 1st Gate: Disney Studios Texas Park: Is a 770 Acre Theme Park/Studio where guests can experience the movies and how they are made.
==== Entertainment Complex====
==== Disney's Riverwalk: Is a 100 Acre Texas Themed Entertainment Area with views of Fiesta River and Lonestar Lake.
==== Waterpark====
==== Disney's Tropical Isle: Is a 80 Acre Tropical Island themed Waterpark.
==== Disney Studios Texas Hotel: Is a 70 Acre 800 Room Hollywood Themed Delxue Hotel.

==== Disney's Star Wars Galaxy Resort: Is a 240 Acre 3,000 Room Star Wars themed Modarate Hotel.

==== Disney's Ole Galveston Resort and Villas: Is a 100 Acre 1,000 Room Galveston Themed Hotel.

==== Convention Center and Golf Course====
==== Disney Studios Texas Convention Center: Is a 95 Acre 2.4 Million Square foot Art Deco themed Convention Center.

==== Disney's Creek Ridge Golf Course: Is a 130 Acre 18 Hole Golf Course.
==== Attraction====
==== Disney's Conservation Park: Is a 300 Acre Wildlife and Conservation Park.

====Conservation Area====
==== Disney's Conservation Reserve: Is a 1,500 Acre Conservation Area.

====Plaza and Walkways====
==== Disney Studios Texas Plaza: Is a 40 Acre Themed Plaza Area located between Disney Studios Texas Park and Disney's Riverwalk.

==== Disney Studios Texas Promenade: Is a 4.6 Mile Themed Walkway connecting all Guest Areas expect Disney's Creek Ridge Golf Course, Disney's Conservation Park and Disney's Tropical Isle.

==== Parking and Transportation====
==== Disney Studios Texas Parking Garage A: Is a 8,100 Space 8 Floor Art Deco Themed Parking Garage.

==== Disney Studios Texas Parking Garage B: Is a 8,100 Space 8 Floor Art Deco Themed Parking Garage

==== Disney's Riverwalk Parking Garage: Is a 6,600 Space 6 Floor Riverwalk Themed Parking Garage.

==== Disney Studios Texas Transportation Hub Parking Garage: Is a 5,100 Art Deco Themed Parking Garage.

==== Disney Studios Texas Toll Plaza: Is a 12 Lane Art Deco Themed Toll Plaza for Disney Studios Texas Parking Garage A and B.

==== Disney Studios Texas Transportation Hub Toll Plaza: Is a 8 Lane Art Deco Themed Toll Plaza for The Disney Studios Texas Transportation Hub Parking Garage.

==== Disney Studios Texas Transportation Hub: Is a 95 Acre Art Deco/Hollywood Themed Transportation Hub with 200 Transportation Parking Areas, 3 Themed Bus Loops and 1 Drop-Off/Pick-Up Area.

==== Disney Studios Texas Boat System: Is a Central Boat System connecting Disney Studios Texas Plaza to All 3 Hotels, Disney's Tropical Isle and Disney's Creek Ridge Golf Course/Disney Studios Texas Convention Center.

==== Disney Studios Texas Bus System: Is a Central Bus System connecting All Guest Areas.

==== Water Features====
==== Fiesta River: Is a 5 Mile Man-Made River connecting all Guest Areas.

==== Lonestar Lake: Is a 35 Acre Man-Made Lake connected to Fiesta River.

==== Conservation Lake: Is a 40 Acre Man-Made Lake located next to Disney's Conservation Park.

==== Galveston Bay: Is a 35 Acre Man-Made Lgacoon connected to Fiesta River.

==== Resort Entrances====
==== Disney Studios Texas South Entrance: Is a Themed Resort Entrance located next to Disney's Conservation Reserve.

==== Disney Studios Texas West Entrance: Is a Themed Resort Entrance located between Disney's Riverwalk, Disney's Riverwalk Parking Garage and Disney Studios Texas Parking Garage A.

==== Disney Studios Texas East Entrance: Is a Themed Resort Entrance located between Disney Studios Texas Transportation Hub , Disney Studios Texas Transportation Hub Parking Garage and Disney Studios Texas Parking Garage B.
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==== Disney Studios Texas====
==== Disney Studios Texas Park: Is a 780 Acre Theme Park/Studio featuring 54 Attractions , 32 Shops, 26 Restaurants, 8 Themed Areas( Hollywood Blvd, Animation Plaza, Arendelle, Production Courtyard, Pixar Land, Superhero Studios, The Big Apple, and Lucas Studios ), 14 Entertainment Experiences and 1 Central Icon( El Captein Theater).
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==== Disney Studios Texas====
==== Disney Studios Texas Park====
==== Entry Plaza: Is a 14 Acre Hollywood Themed Entry Plaza featuring 8 Themed Buildings, 2 Water Features( 2 themed Water Fountains), Landscaping, Themed Walkways and Theming.

==== Disney Studios Texas Western Ticketing Complex: Is a 20,000 Square Foot Art Deco Themed Ticketing Complex with 20 Themed Ticket Windows, 4 Themed Covered Quene Areas, 28 Digital Information Screens, LED Lighting and Themed Signuage. Disney Studios Texas Western Ticketing Complex is open from 8am-Park Close Daily.

==== Disney Studios Texas Will Call Center: Is a 7,400 Square Foot Art Deco Themed Will Call Center with 6 Will Call Windows, 10 Digital Information Screens, 2 Themed Covered Quene Lines, LED Lighting and Themed Signuage. Disney Studios Texas Will Call Center is open from 8:00am-1 hour after Park Close Daily. Disney Studios Texas Will Call Center is located next to The Disney Studios Texas Western Ticketing Complex. Disney Studios Texas Will Call Center is located next to The Disney Studios Texas Western Ticketing Complex.

==== Disney Studios Texas Guest Services: Is a 6,700 Square Foot Art Deco Themed Guest Services Building with 6 Guest Services Information Windows, 5 Digital Information Screens, Digital Audio System, 6 Information Kisoks,LED Lighting and Themed Signuage. Disney Studios Texas Guest Services is open from 8:00am-1 hour after Park Close Daily. Disney Studios Texas Guest Services is located next to The Disney Studios Texas Will Call Center.

==== Disney Studios Texas Annual Pass Center: Is a 6,700 Square Foot Art Deco Themed with 6 Annual Pass Processing Stations, 1 Themed Indoor/Outdoor Quene Line, 4 Vending Machines, 10 Digital Information Screens, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting and Themed Signuage.Disney Studios Texas Annual Pass Center is open from 8:00am-1 hour after Park Close Daily. Disney Studios Texas Annual Pass Center is located next to The Disney Studios Texas Guest Services.

==== Disney Studios Texas Eastern Ticketing Complex: Is a 20,000 Square Foot Art Deco Themed Ticketing Complex with 20 Themed Ticket Windows, 4 Themed Covered Quene Areas, 28 Digital Information Screens, LED Lighting and Themed Signuage. Disney Studios Texas Eastern Ticketing Complex is open from 8am-Park Close Daily.

==== Disney Studios Texas Lost and Found/ DVC Info Center: Is a 6,800 Square Foot Art Deco Themed Lost and Found/Vacation Info Center. Disney Studios Texas Lost and Found/DVC Info Center is open from 8:00am-1 hour after Park Close Daily. Disney Studios Texas Lost and Found/ DVC Info Center is located next to the Disney Studios Texas Eastern Ticketing Complex.

==== Disney Studios Texas Entry Plaza Restrooms Complex: Is a 6,000 Square Foot Art Deco Themed Restrooms Complex. Disney Studios Texas Entry Plaza Restrooms Complex is located next to Disney Studios Texas Lost and Found/ DVC Info Center.

==== Disney Studios Texas Entrance/Exit Complex: Is a 14,000 Art Deco Themed Entry/Exit Complex with 35 Next-Gen Turnstiles, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting and Themed Signuage. Disney Studios Texas Entrance/Exit Complex is located between the Disney Studios Texas Eastern and Western Ticketing Complexs.
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==== Disney Studios Texas====
==== Disney Studios Texas Park====
==== Hollywood Blvd: Is a 1930's Hollywood Themed Land where guests can experience the Golden Age of Hollywood. Hollywood Blvd is a 60 Acre Themed Land featuring 7 Attractions, 8 Shops, 6 Restaurants, 2 Entertainment Experiences and 1 Central Icon( The El Captein Theater).

==== Attractions====
1. The Great Movie Adventure Presented by TCM/Fp+: Enter the El Captein Theater for an Adventure through the greatest films in History. The Great Movie Adventure is a slow-moving dark ride featuring 14 Show Scenes( The Adventure Begins, Slient Films, Gone with the Wind, Gangster Films( 2 min Show-Stop), Star Wars( 2 min Show-Stop), Avatar, The Avengers, Pirates of the Caribbean( 2 min Show-Stop), Peter Pan, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Fantasia, Frozen,OZ The Great and Powerful/Torando/ Wizard of OZ and The Adventure of Movies Film and AA Finale), 118 AA Fiqures for All Show Scenes(18 AA's representing all Films in the Ride will be in the Adventure of Movies Finale Scene), Sets, Props, Special Effects, 12 Digital Screens(4 Screens will be used in the Adventure of Movies Film and AA Finale), 22 Digital Projectors, Digital Audio System, LED show lighting system, Musical Soundtrack( Hollywood The Land of Dreams a song performed by Idina Mentzel created just for The Ride's Finale Scene) ,10 Live Actors, Scripted Spiel, Original Audio Narrations, El Captein Themed Exterior Façade, El Captein interior Themeing, 1 El Captein Themed In-Quene Pre-Show Theater playing a 10 Minute Pre-Show Film, 1 El Captein Themed indoor/outdoor Interactive Quene, 1 Hollywood themed loading/unloading area with 2 Loading/Unloading Bays, Themed Signuage, Hollywood themed exit area leading into post-show area , 2,400 Feet of Wire-Guided Track and 8 128 Person Movie Trains with 2 78 Person Cars Each, Digital On-Board Audio and Steering Wheels( Trains 1-3 and 6-7 are wheelchair accessible with a capacity of 2 Wheelchairs). The Great Movie Adventure is located in the Center of Hollywood Blvd in front of Production Courtyard. The Great Movie Adventure is a 23 Minute Ride with a hourly capacity of 2,700 Guests per hour.

2. History of Films presented by TCM: Step into The Hall of Films for a journey the history of Films. History of Films is a interactive post-show exhibit featuring 3 Film Themed Exhibit Rooms( Early Film:1500's-1930, The Golden Age:1930-1965 and Modern Film:1965-Present), 8 Interactive Exhibit Elements, 20 information displays, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting Systems, Original Audio Narrations, Themed Signuage, 900 Exhibit Items and 1 Hollywood Themed exit area leading into Hollywood Blvd. History of Films is located at the exit of The Great Movie Adventure near Sounds of Film. History of Films has a capacity of 3,000 guests at a time.

3. Sounds of Film: Step Inside the Cinematic Sounds Theater for an adventure through the Sounds of Film. Sounds of Film is a Interactive Show featuring 7 Statge Show/Film Scenes( Sound is Fun, History of Sound, How is Sound used for Films, Sounds of Animation, Creating Sounds, Test and Editing Sounds and Sounds are Cinematic Magic/Film Finale), Theming, Props, 5 Interactive Elements, Special effects Digital Audio System, LED Lighting Systems, 6 Digital Film Screens, Original Audio Narrations, 5 Live Actors, Soundtrack, Audio Score, 1 Hollywood Themed Sound Studio Exterior Façade, Sound Studio Interior Theming, 1 680 Person Sound Studio Themed Pre-Show Area playing a 10 Minute Pre-Show Film, 1 680 Person Sound Studio Themed Theater with wheelchair seating, 10 Entry Doors, 10 Exit Doors, Themed Signuage and 2 Digital Information Screens with show times. Sounds of Film is located on the Western Side of Hollywood Blvd near the entrance of Lucas Studios. Sounds of Film is performed 16 Times a Day(10am, 10:30am, 11am, 11:30am, 12pm, 12:20pm, 1pm, 1:30pm, 2pm, 2:30pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm and 8pm) and has a capacity of 580 Guests per show.

4. Filght of the Rocketeer/Fp+: Board a Rocket Pack Train for a thrilling high speed ride through 1930's Hollywood. Filght of the Rocketeer is a high speed launched coaster featuring 3 Show Scenes( The Rocketeer Suit Demonstration, The Rocketeer's Escape and The Rocketeer Returns), 10 Next-Gen AA Fiqures, Special Effects, Props, Sets, 10 Digital Screens, 20 Digital Projectors, LED lighting systems, Digital Audio System , Musical Score, Original Audio Narrations, Hollywood/Hanger Themed Exterior Façade, interior Hanger/Hollywood Themeing, Two 50 person Hanger Themed Pre-Show Rooms playing a 3 Minute Pre-Show( The Rocketeer Train: Changing the World of Transportation) with Film and Show Elements , 1 Hanger/ Hollywood Themed indoor/outdoor Interactive Quene, 1 Hanger themed loading area, 1 Hollywood Themed Unloading Area, Themed Signuage, 1 Hollywood Theme Exit Area leading into a gift shop, 2,400 Feet of Coaster Track featuring( 4 Inversions, 14 Drops, 45 Turns, 1 Helix, 1 LSM Launch section(65 Mph), 1 brake run and 2 On-ride photo cameras) and 5 24 Person Rocketeer Themed Trains with Next-Gen Shoulder Restriants and On-Board( All 5 Trains have ADA Transfer Doors). Filght of the Rocketeer is located on the southeastern side of Hollywood Blvd next to The Theater of Legends. Filght of the Rocketeer is a 5 Minute and 20 Second Ride with a hourly capacity of 2,800 Guests. .

5. The Twlight Zone Tower of Terror/Fp+: Enter the Hollywood Tower Hotel for a Elevator Ride into the Twlight Zone. The Twlight Zone Tower of Terror is a state of the art drop ride featuring 4 Show-Scenes( The Corridor, Welcome to Twlight Zone( Updated for Disney Studios Texas), The Dimension Portal( Disney Studios Texas Exclusive) and Leaving the Twlight Zone( Disney Studios Texas Exclusive)), Props, Sets, Special Effects, 7 Digital Screens, 20 Digital Projectors, LED lighting systems, Digital Audio System , Musical Score, Updated Audio Narrations, Hollywood Tower Hotel Themed 199 foot Exterior Façade, interior Hollywood Tower Hotel Themeing, Two 52 person Library Themed Pre-Show Rooms playing a 2 Minute Pre-Show, 1 Hollywood Tower Hotel Themed Interactive Indoor/Outdoor Quene Area, 1 Boiler Room themed loading area with 3 Load Areas to 2 Load Levels, 1 BaseAment themed Unloading Area, 1 Basement themed exit leading into a Gift Shop, 3 180 foot Elevator Drop Shifts with two load levels and elevators each, Themed signuage, landscaping, 2 On-ride photo cameras and 8 12 Person Themed Elevator Cabs with seatbelts. The Twlight Zone Tower of Terror is located next to The Filght of the Rocketeer near the secondary entrance of Animation Plaza. The Twlight Zone Tower of Terror is 5 Minute and 15 Second Ride( 3 and 15 Second Ride+2 Minute Pre-Show) with a hourly capacity of 2,500 Guests Per Hour.

6. Sleeping Beauty Live on Statge/Fp+: Enter the Theater of Legends for a Musical Adventure into story of Sleeping Beauty with Princess Aurora. Sleeping Beauty Live on Statge is a broadway styled musical statge show featuring 14 Statge Show Scenes( Aurora's Gifts, Maleficent's Gift, Aurora leaves The Kingdom, The Cottage, Aurora's 16th Birthday, Once Upon a Dream, Aurora meets Prince Philpp, Aurora Returns to the Cottage, Aurora's Return to the Kingdom, The Spinning Wheel, Maleficent's Castle, Maleficent vs Philpp, Maleficent is Defated and Aurora's Happily ever After), 112 Live Performers(including 20 Statge Actors), Special effects, 2 AA Fiqures(Including a 80 foot Maleficent Dragon AA , Props, 10 Statge Show Sets, Digital Audio System, LED Show-lighting Systems, 7 Digital Screens, 12 Digital Projectors, Musical Soundtrack with 5 Songs, 10 Puppets, 1 Hollywood Themed Exterior Facade, Interior Hollywood Theming, 1 1,000 Person Indoor Hollywood Themed Waiting Area, 1 Hollywood Themed 1,000 Seat Theater with Wheelchair Accessible , 14 Themed Entry Doors, 14 themed Exit Doors, Themed Signuage and 2 Digital Information Screens with show times. Sleeping Beauty Live on Statge is located near the Entrance of The Filght of The Rocketeer on Souteastern Side of Hollywood Blvd. Sleeping Beauty Live on Statge is a 34 minute Show that is performed 10 times a Day( 10am, 11am,12pm, 1:30pm, 2:30pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm and 8:30pm daily) with a capacity of 1,000 guests per Show.

7. The Story of Disney hosted by D23: Enter the Cathy Circle Theater for a Journey through the History of Disney. The Story of Disney is a Interactive Walkthrough/Film experience featuring 5 Themed Exhibit Areas(1901-1923, 1923-1930, 1930-1966, 1966-Today and The Blue Sky Preview Center(Post-Show exhibit offering guests a preview of current and upcoming projects for Disney Parks around the World), 1,700 Exhibit Items/Displays, 6 Interactive Elements(including a Interactive Timeline), Digital Audio System, LED Lighting Systems 2 Digital Film Projectors , 1 170 Dergee 70 foot Digital Film Screen Musical Score, Audio Narrations, 1 Cathy Circle Theater Themed Exterior Facade, 1 360 person Cathy Circle Themed Waiting Area, 1 360 Person Cathy Circle Themed Theater with Wheelchair Seating, 10 Themed Entry Doors, 10 Themed Exit Doors, 2 Digital Information Screens, Theming, Props, Themed Signuage and 1 Cathy Circle Theater Themed Exit Area leading to Hollywood Blvd. The Story of Disney is located next to the exit of Sleeping Beauty Live on Statge. The Story of Disney is open 10am-Park Close Daily and a capacity of 1,000 guests.
. Disney Bros Europium: Is a 12,600 Square Foot Hollywood Themed Shop located on the Western Side of Hollywood Blvd.

. Elias and Co: Is a 10,000 Square Foot Hollywood Themed Clothing Store located on the Western Side of Hollywood Blvd near the center of the Park.

. The Darkroom presented by Nikon: Is a 9,900 Square Foot Darkroom Themed Photo Shop located across from Disney Bros Europium on the Eastern Side of Hollywood Blvd.

. The Celebrity Decor Shop: Is a 9,300 Square Foot Hollywood Themed Home Décor Shop located next to the Darkroom on the Eastern Side of Hollywood Blvd.

. The Stars of Hollywood: Is a 9,900 Square Foot Hollywood Themed Shop located on the Southeastern side of Hollywood Blvd located next to Trolley Cafe across from Hollywood Hills Ice Cream.

. Hollywood Counture: Is a 9,000 Square Foot Hollywood Themed Clothing Shop located next to The Stars of Hollywood on the Southeastern side of Hollywood Blvd.

. Hollywood Tower Gifts: Is a 8,000 Square Foot Hollywood Tower Hotel Themed Ride and Photo Shop located at the exit of The Twlight Zone Tower of Terror.

. Rocketeer Gifts: Is a 7,800 Square Foot Hollywood Themed Ride and Photo Shop located at the exit of The Filght of Rocketeer.
1. Trolley Cafe: Is a 9,900 Square Foot 30 seat Hollywood Trolley Themed Barkery serving baked goods, grab and go items, candy, Starbucks Coffee, Tea, Water, Milk and Coca-Cola Drink Products. Trolley Cafe features 2 Ordering lines, On-Statge Kitchen, Outdoor Covered Hollywood Themed Seating Area with 30 seats, 8 Windows, 5 Themed Doors, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting System, 6 Digital Hollywood Themed Menu Screens, Theming, Props, Themed Signuage and Landscaping. Trolley Cafe is located between The Celebrity Decor Shop and The Stars of Hollywood on the Southeastern side of Hollywood Blvd. Trolley Cafe is open from 8:30am-Park Close Daily.

2. Hollywood Tower Gardens Restaurant: Is a 11,000 Square Foot Two Story 780 Seat Hollywood Tower Hotel Themed Table Service Restaurant serving American and Californian Foods , Water, Milk, Beer, Wine, Juices, Tea, Coffee and Coca-Cola Drink Products. Hollywood Tower Gardens Restaurant features 2 Themed Rooms on Level 1( The Garden Room(380 Seats) and The Dining Hall(400 Seats), 1 80 Seat Themed Lounge/Bar Area on Level 2( The Hollywood Tower Gardens Lounge), 24 Windows offering views of Hollywood Blvd, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting, 1 Themed Check-in/waiting area, Themed Signuage, 1 Themed Elevator, 2 Themed Staircases,1 Hollywood themed exterior facade, 1 Kitchen Area, Theming, Props, Landscaping and Background Music The Hollywood Tower Gardens Restaurant is located on the Southeastern side of Hollywood Blvd across from the exit of Sleeping Beauty Live on Statge near the exit of The Twlight Zone Tower of Terror and next to the secondary entrance of Animation Plaza. Hollywood Tower Gardens Restaurant is open from 11am-Park Close Daily.

3. The Brown Derby Restaurant: Is a 10,800 Square Foot 700 Seat Hollywood Themed Table Service Restaurant serving upscale American foods, Water, Milk, Beer, Wine, Juices, Tea, Coffee and Coca-Cola Drink Products. The Brown Derby Restaurant features 2 Themed Rooms( The Brown Derby Dining Room(400 Seats) and Hall of Films(300 Seats), 1 50 Seat Themed Bar Area, 24 Windows offering views of Hollywood Blvd, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting, 1 Themed Check-in/waiting area, Themed Signuage, 1 Themed Restrooms Area, 1 Themed Elevator, 2 Themed Staircases,1 Hollywood themed exterior facade, 1 Kitchen Area, Theming, Props, Landscaping and Background Music The Brown Derby Restaurant is located on the Southeastern side of Hollywood Blvd next to the Hollywood Gardens Restaurant across from the Story of Disney. The Brown Derby Restaurant is open from 11am-Park close daily.

4. Hollywood and Dine: Is a 10,200 Square Foot 635 Seat Hollywood Themed Quick Service Restaurant serving International Foods, Coca-Cola Drink Products, Water, Milk, Juices, Beer, Tea and Coffee. Hollywood and Dine features 3 Themed Rooms( Hall of Stars, The Hollywood Room and The Great Films Room), 6 Themed Cash Registers/Ordering Lines, 6 Hollywood Themed Coca-Cola Freestyle Machines with 106 drink choices, 9 Digital Hollywood Themed Menu Screen, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting, Themed Signuage, 15 Windows, 1 Hollywood Themed Exterior Facade, Theming, background music, props and 1 50 Seat Hollywood Themed Patio Area. Hollywood and Dine is located next to Disney Bros Europium on the Western Side of Hollywood Blvd near the entrance of Lucas Studios. Hollywood and Dine is open from 11am-Park Close Daily.

5. Hollywood Hills Ice Cream: Is a 2,800 Square Foot Hollywood Themed Ice Cream Shop serving Ice Cream, Cookies, Fresh Made Fruit, Snacks, Candy, Coca-Cola Drink Products, Water, Milk, Juices,Tea and Coffee. Hollywood Hills Ice Cream features 2 Themed Ordering Lines, 4 Themed Menu Displays, Themed Signuage, 10 Windows, 1 Hollywood Themed Exterior Facade, Theming, props, Led Lighting and Landscaping. Hollywood Hills Ice Cream is located on the Southeastern side of Hollywood Blvd next to The Hollywood Brown Derby Restaurant across from the Stars of Hollywood Shop. Hollywood Hills Ice Cream is open from 10:30am-Park Close Daily.

6. Studio Commisary company: Is a 10,600 Square Foot 790 Seat Studio Commisary themed Quick Service Restaurant serving Sandwiches, burgers, chicken, fish, soups, salads, Coca-Cola Drink Products, Water, Milk, Juices, Beer, Tea and Coffee. Studio Commisary company features 2 Themed Rooms( Hall of Film and The Hall of Television), 6 Themed Cash Registers/Ordering Lines, 6 Hollywood Themed Coca-Cola Freestyle Machines with 106 drink choices, 9 Digital Hollywood Themed Menu Screen, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting, Themed Signuage, 18 Windows, 1 Studio Themed Exterior Facade, Landscaping, Theming, background music, props and 1 70 Seat Hollywood Themed Patio Area. Studio Commisary company is located on the Western side of Hollywood Blvd next to The History of Films behind Sounds of Film near the entrance of the Big Apple. Studio Commisary company is open from 11:30am-Park Close Daily.

==== Guest Amenities====
. The Hollywood Blvd Restrooms Complex: Is a 5,600 Square foot Hollywood Themed Restrooms Complex located on the Eastern Side of Hollywood Blvd next to The Darkroom.

. Hollywood Gardens Restrooms Complex/Rest Area: Is a 6,100 Square foot Hollywood Themed Restrooms Complex/Rest Area located on the Southeastern Side of Hollywood Blvd next to the exit of The Twlight Zone Tower of Terror near the secondary entrance of Animation Plaza.

. The Studio Commisary Restrooms Complex: Is a 6,000 Square foot Studio Themed Restrooms Complex located on the Western side next to Studio Commisary Company behind the Sounds of Film and next to the entrance of The Big Apple.

. Disney Studios Texas Guest Services: Is a 6,800 Square Foot Hollywood Art Deco Themed Guest services featuring 6 guest services stations, 2 Hollywood Art Deco Themed Information Kisoks, Themed Signuage, LED Lighting, Landscaping, Digital Audio System, 8 Windows and 1 Digital Information Screen. Disney Studios Texas Guest Services is located on the Western side of Hollywood Blvd next to the main entrance of Disney Studios Texas Park.

. Mickey's Auto Co Stroller and Wheelchair Rentals: Is a 8,500 Square Foot Hollywood Auto Shop Themed Stroller and Wheelchair Rentals featuring 2 Themed Rental Quene Lines( Rental Purchase and Rental Returns), 3 Hollywood Themed Cash Registers, 1 Hollywood Themed Storage Area, Themed Signuage, Digital Audio System, 6 Themed Windows, LED Lighting, Landscaping, 1 Atm and 2 Hollywood Themed Vending Machines. Mickey's Auto Co Stroller and Wheelchair Rentals is located on the Western Side of Hollywood Blvd next to Disney Studios Texas Guest Services.

. Hollywood Blvd Lockers : Is a 7,900 Square Foot Hollywood Themed Lockers Building featuring 1,900 Hollywood Themed Lockers, 6 Hollywood Themed Electronic Chargers, Themed Signuage, 2 Seating Areas, 1 Atm and 1 Hollywood Themed Vending Machines. Hollywood Blvd Lockers is located on the Western Side of Hollywood Blvd next to Mickey's Auto Co Stroller and Wheelchair Rentals.

. Hollywood Blvd Fastpass/information Center: Is a 6,800 Square Foot Hollywood Art Deco Themed Information Center featuring 6 Hollywood Themed Information Kisoks, 6 Hollywood Themed Fastpass Kisoks, Themed Signuage, LED Lighting, Landscaping, Digital Audio System, 8 Windows and 2 Digital Hollywood Themed Information Screens. Hollywood Blvd Fastpass/information Center is located on the Eastern Side of Hollywood Blvd across from Disney Studios Texas Guest Services and next to the main entrance of Disney Studios Texas Park.

. Disney Studios Texas First Aid Center: Is a 9,700 Square Foot Hollywood Themed First Aid Center located on the Eastern Side of Hollywood Blvd next to the Hollywood Blvd Fastpass/information Center across from Mickey's Auto Co Stroller and Wheelchair Rentals and Hollywood Blvd Lockers.

. Hollywood Hills Park: Is a 5 Acre Hollywood Themed Park Area featuring 350 Seats, 6 Hollywood Themed Covered Seating Areas, Digital Audio System, 12 Themed Digital Chargers, Landscaping, LED Lighting, Themed Signuage, 2 Themed Water Fountains, 1 Parade Viewing Area, 2 Themed Archways and Hollywood Theming. Hollywood Hills Park is located on the Southeastern side of Hollywood Blvd next to Hollywood Hills Ice Cream across from Trolley Cafe.

. Hollywood Tower Gardens: Is a 3 acre Hollywood Tower Hotel Themed Garden Area featuring 2 Themed Covered Seating Areas, 2 Themed Gardens, 3 Water Features, Landscaping, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting, Themed Signuage, 10 Themed Electronic Chargers, Themed Walkways, 2 Themed Archways and Hollywood Tower Hotel Theming. Hollywood Tower Gardens is located on the southeastern side of Hollywood Blvd next to the secondary entrance of Animation Plaza and Hollywood Tower Gardens Restaurant.
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====Disney Studios Texas====
====Disney Studios Texas Park====
====Animation Plaza: Is a Animation Studios Themed Area where guests can experience the World of Disney Animation. Animation Plaza is a 90 acre themed area featuring 11 Attractions, 5 Shops, 4 Restaurants, 1 Entertainment experience and 3 Themed Areas.
==== Animation Plaza====
8. The Journey of Disney Animation/Fp+: Board a Animation Tram for a Journey through history and films of Disney Animation. The Journey of Disney Animation is a slow-moving omimover dark ride featuring 14 Show Scenes( The Journey Begins, Early Disney Animation, Mickey Mouse Arrives(1928), Silly Symponies Era(1928-1937), Snow White(1937), Fantasia and Pinocchio(1940), 1940's Disney Animation,1950's Disney Animation/Disneyland, Sleeping Beauty(1959), Walt's Final Films(1960-1967), Disney Animation Dark Age(1970-1988), The Disney Renaissance(1989-1999), Decline of Disney Animation(2000-2008) and Resurgence of Disney Animation/ Film Finale(2008-Present)),93 Next-Gen AA Fiqures, Special Effects, Props, Sets, 15 Digital Screens, 25 Digital Projectors, LED lighting systems, Digital Audio System , Musical Score, Original Audio Narrations by John Lasseter , Disney Animation Studio Themed Exterior Façade, interior Animation Studio Themeing, 1 Animation Studio themed In-Quene Pre-Show Area playing a 7 minute film called How Animation changed Hollywood, 1 Disney Animation Studio Themed indoor/outdoor Interactive Quene, 1 Animation Studio themed loading area, 1 Animation Studio Themed unloading area, Themed Signuage, 1 Animation Studio themed exit area leading into the Disney Animation: Making Magic pre-show area, 2,200 Feet Omimover Track and 175 3-4 Person Animation Trams with lap bars and a on-board audio system(Vechicles 55, 115 and 150 are Wheelchair accessible with a capacity of 2 Guests). The Journey of Disney Animation is located in the back of Animation Plaza on the Eastern Side of Disney Studios Texas next to Disney Animation: Making Magic and the entrance of the Worlds of Disney Animation themed area of Animation Plaza. The Journey of Disney Animation is a 12 Minute and 30 second Ride with a hourly capacity of 2,300 guests per hour.

9. Disney Animation: Making Magic: Step Inside the Disney Animation Building for an immersive interactive experience where guests can learn about the magic behind Disney Animation and how Disney Animation has changed the World. Disney Animation: Making Magic is a 400,000 Square foot Two Floor Disney Animation Studio themed building featuring 10 Different Animation Themed Experiences( Drawn to Animation:Creating the Magic ( Level 1, Roy E Disney Theater)(20 Minute Film hosted by Kristen Bell and Josh Gad), Hall of Animation(2 Story Central Atrium featuring screens and Themeing), Sounds of Disney Animation (Level 1)( Interactive Animation themed exhibit featuring 4 interactive elements), Animators Workshop (Level 1) ( Interactive Animation Themed Walkthrough featuring 5 Interactive Experiences), Gallery of Disney Animation(Level 2)( Interactive Walkthrough Exhibit Experience), Animation Academy (Level 2)(20 Minute Drawing Experience featuring 2 150 Person Drawing Theaters), Character Encounter (Level 1)( Interactive Animation themed Meet'n'Greet area featuring 4 50 Person Meet'n'greet rooms and 2 themed lines), Magic of Disney Animation(Level 2, Animation Theater) ( 20 minute Film about How Disney Animation Changed the World), The History of Animation (Level 2)( Interactive Animation themed Walkthrough Exhibit Experience), The Music of Disney Animation(Level 1, Robert B Sherman Theater)( 22 Minute Film about the music of Disney Animation hosted by Richard Sherman) and Creating Animated Worlds(Level 1) ( Interactive Animation Themed Walkthrough Exhibit about the development of worlds featured in Disney Animation)), 3 Animation Studio themed Film Theaters( The Roy E Disney Theater(720 Seats), The Animation Theater(600 guests) and The Robert B Sherman Theater(600 Seats)), 20 Digital Screens(16 Screens will be used in The Hall of Animation), 26 Digital Projectors, Digital Audio Systems, Original Audio Narrations, Musical Score, 20 Interactive Exhibit and Game Elements, LED Show-Lighting Systems, Themed Signuage, Disney Animation Studio Themed Exterior facade, Animation Studio Interior Themeing, 1 Animation Studio Themed Waiting Area/Courtyard for Drawn to Animation: Creating the Magic, 2 Animation Studio Themed Entrances( Animation Plaza Main Entrance and The Journey of Disney Animation exit), 1 Animation Studio Themed Exit Area leading into a Gift Shop, 2 Themed Elevators, 10 Themed Staircases, Theming, Props, 14 Statutes, 1 Mural that starts from Oswald to Frozen Fever, 5,000 Exhibit Items/Displays, Landscaping and 1 Water Feature. Disney Animation: Making Magic is located next to The Journey Of Disney Animation in the back of Animation Plaza on the Eastern Side of Disney Studios Texas. Disney Animation: Making Magic has a capacity of 8,000 Guests at a time.

10. Mickey's Philrmagic/Fp+: Join Mickey and Donald for a Musical Adventure through Disney Animated Films. Mickey's Philrmagic is a 4D Film Experience featuring 2 Radomized Films with 8 Film Scenes( A: Mickey's Musical Introduction, The Musical Vortex, Beauty and the Beast, Under the Sea, Let it Go, You Can Fly, Bald Mountain and Mickey's Musical Finale and B: Mickey's Musical Introduction, For the First in Forever, , Poor Unfourante Souls, Hakuna Matata, Friend like Me,Sorcerers Appertance and Mickey's Musical Finale), Special effects. Digital Audio System, LED Lighting Systems, 10 Digital Projectors, 5 Digital Pre-Show Screens playing a 8 minute pre-show film featuring Mickey and Friends, 1 80 foot 270 Dergee Digital Film Screen, 1 Animation Studio themed exterior facade, Animation Studio Interior theming, 1 Animation Studio themed Interactive Quene Area, 1 Animation Studio Themed 700 Person Waiting/Pre-Show Area, 1 Animation Studio Themed 705 Seat Theater with wheelchair seating, 10 Themed Entry Doors, 10 Themed Exit Doors, Landscaping, Theming, Themed Signuage, Props and 1 Animation Studio Exit Area leading to Animation Plaza. Mickey's Philrmagic is located on the Eastern Side of Animation Plaza near the Entrance of The Journey of Disney Animation. Mickey's Philrmagic has a capacity of 705 guests per show.

==== Worlds of Disney Animation====

11. Villains Mountain/Fp+: Board a Boat for a thrilling adventure with Sorcerer Mickey through Villains Mountain the legendary home of Disney Villains. Villains Mountain is a high speed state of the Art water coaster/dark ride featuring 14 Show Scenes( Welcome to Villains Mountain(Indoor/Outdoor Show Scene/Lift Hill 1), Fantasia Falls/Drop 1, The Caverns of Magic, Villains Grotto, The Villains Liar, Hook's Treasure Room, Scar's Liar, Maleficent's Cave, The Villains Escape/Maleficent Arrives, The Escape Cave/ Coaster Elements/Drop 2, The Villains Plan/Elevator Lift, Chernobog's Liar/Escape from Villains Mountain/Drop 3, The Villains Return/Coaster elements/Drop 4 and The Battle of Heroes vs Villains/Finale), 80 Next-Gen AA Fiqures( including 3 70 foot Chernobog AA's, 2 Maleficent Dragon AA's, 2 Tic Toc AA's, and 8 Sorcerer Mickey AA's), Special Effects, Props, Sets, 14 Digital Screens, 26 Digital Projectors, LED show-lighting systems, Digital Audio System , Musical Score, Original Audio Narrations, 1 160 foot Mountain, 1 Villains themed Exterior Facade with rockwork, landscaping and water features, 2 70 person Villains Themed Pre-Show Rooms featuring a 4 minute and 20 second pre-show about the history of Villains Mountain, 1 Villains Themed indoor/outdoor Interactive Quene, 1 Cavern themed loading area, 1 Cavern Themed unloading area, Themed Signuage, 1 Villains themed exit area leading into a gift shop, 3,700 Foot of Water Coaster Track/Flume, 8 Drops(15ft, 40ft, 100ft and 30ft), 2 Lift Hills(70ft), 1 Elevator Lift(100ft), 2 LSM's( The Escape Cave and The Villains Return), 45 turns, 1 Helix, 2 Banked turns, 1 Brake Run, 2 On-ride photos and 28 10 Person Villains Themed Boats with lap bars and on-board audio. Villains Mountain is located in the back of The Worlds of Disney Animation themed area of Animation Plaza near the Twlight Zone Tower of Terror and next to the entrance of Arendelle. Villains Mountain is a 14 minute and 20 second ride(4 Minute and 20 Second Pre-Show+10 minute and 20 Second Ride) with a hourly capacity of 2,500 guests per hour.

12. Peter Pan's Filght: Board a Pirate Ship for an adventure with Peter Pan. Peter Pan's Flight is a suspended dark ride featuring 12 Show Scenes( Peter Pan Arrives, The Nursery, London, Big Ben, The Second Star to the Right, Welcome to Neverland, Skull Island, Mermaid Lgacoon, Captain Hook's Ship, Tic-Toc, Leaving Neverland and Return to Neverland), 97 Next Gen AA Fiqures, Special Effects, Props, Sets, 11 Digital Screens, 22 Digital Projectors, LED show-lighting systems, Digital Audio System , Musical Soundtrack, Original Audio Narrations, 1 Disney Animation Studio Exterior Facade, London Interior Theming, 1 London Themed indoor Interactive Quene,1 London themed loading area, 1 London Themed unloading area, Themed Signuage, 1 London themed exit area leading into Worlds of Disney Animation, 2,200 Feet of Suspended Ride Track and 32 4 Person Pirate Ships with lap bars and on-board audio( Vechicles 2,12 and 24 feature ADA Transfer Doors).Peter Pan's Filght is located across from Villains Mountain near the entrance of Arendelle and next to the Entrance of Worlds of Disney Animation. Peter Pan's Filght is a 5 Minute and 5 Second Ride with a hourly capacity of 2,000 Guests Per Hour.

13. The Many Adventures of Winnie The Pooh/Fp+: Board a Hunny Pot for an journey into the Hundred Acre Wood with Pooh.The Many Adventures of Winnie The Pooh is a trackless dark ride featuring 11 Showscenes( Welcome to the Hundred Acre Woods, Eeyore's House, Rabbits Garden, Owl's House, Tigger's House, Bouncing with Tigger, Pooh's House, Pooh's Dream, The Hundred Acre Woods Rain Storm, The Cave of Honey and Pooh's Birthday Celebration), 70 Next Gen AA Fiqures, Special Effects, Props, Sets, 11 Digital Screens, 23 Digital Projectors, LED lighting systems, Digital Audio System , Musical Soundtrack, Original Audio Narrations, 1 Disney Animation Studio Exterior Facade with a covered outdoor Quene area, Hundred Acre Wood Interior Theming, 1 Hundred Acre Woods Themed indoor Interactive Quene,1 Hundred Acre Woods themed loading area, 1 Hundred Acre Woods Themed unloading area, Themed Signuage, 1 Hundred Acre Woods themed exit area leading into a Gift Shop, 2,500 Feet of Wire Guided Track and 34 6 Person Hunny Pots with Lap bars( Vechicles 8 and 25 are Wheelchair Accessible with a capacity of 4 Guests). The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh is located Behind the Journey of Disney Animation across from Peter Pan's Filght in the Worlds of Disney Animation themed area of Animation Plaza. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh is a 7 minute and 40 Second Ride with a hourly capacity of 2,100 Guests per Hour.

14. Aladdin's Magic Carpets: Step into a Magic Carpet for a Filght above Argabah with Aladdin. Aladdin's Magic Carpets is a Indoor Hub and Spoke Ride featuring 20 Next Gen AA Fiqures, Special Effects, Props, Sets, 11 Digital Screens, 20 Digital Projectors, LED Show-lighting systems, Digital Audio System , Musical Soundtrack, Original Audio Narrations, 1 Disney Animation Studio themed Exterior Facade, Argabah Interior Theming, 1 Argabah Themed Indoor Interactive Quene, Two 70 Person Argabhn Themed Pre-Show Rooms playing a 4 Minute Pre-Show Experience with Genie, Aladdin, Abu, Jasmine and Rajah, 2 Aragbahn Themed Loading areas, 4 Aragbahn Themed Exit Areas leading into Jafar Liar's and The Worlds of Disney Animation, 1 Post-Show Experience( Jafar's Liar featuring 4 AA Fiqures, 2 Aragbahn Hub and Spoke themed Ride Systems with 16 Carpets each and 36 4 Person Magic Carpets. Aladdin's Magic Carpets is located behind Disney Animation: Making Magic next to The Many Adventures of Winne the Pooh in the Worlds of Disney Animation themed area of Animation Plaza.

15. Rapunzel's Adventure: Board a wooden cart for a journey with Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. Rapunzel's Adventure is a slow moving dark ride featuring 14 Show Scenes( Rapunzel's tower, When will my life begin, Flynn Arrives, Mother Gothel leaves, Rapunzel leaves the tower, The Snuggly Duckling/I've got a Dream, Rapunzel and Flynn's Escape, Mother Gothel returns, Rapunzel's Birthday/The Floating Lanterns, Rapunzel's returns to the Tower, Flynn's Escape, Flynn saves Rapunzel, Rapunzel returns to her Kingdom and Rapunzel's Wedding/Finale), 94 Next Gen AA Fiqures, Special Effects, Props, Sets, 11 Digital Screens, 23 Digital Projectors, LED lighting systems, Digital Audio System , Musical Soundtrack, Original Audio Narrations, 1 Disney Animation Studio Exterior Facade with a covered outdoor Quene area, European Village Interior Theming, 1 European Village Themed indoor Interactive Quene,1 European Village themed loading area, 1 European Village Themed unloading area, Themed Signuage, 1 European Village themed exit area, 1,900 Feet of Ride Track and 22 8 Person Wooden Carts with lap bars(Vechicles 5 and 18 are wheelchair accessible with a capacity of 4 guests). Rapunzel's Adventure is located behind Disney Animation: Making Magic next to Aladdin's Royal Oasis and The Brown Derby restaurant in Worlds of Disney Animation themed area. Rapunzel's Adventure is a 8 minute and 15 second ride with a hourly capacity of 1,900 guests per hour.

16. Simba's Journey/Fp+: Board a Jeep for an Adventure with Simba through the story of the Lion King. Simba's Journey is a state of the art thrilling dark ride featuring 15 Show Scenes( The Adventure begins/Pride Rock, The Morning Report, I can't wait to be King, The Elephant Graveyard, Mufasa's rescues Simba, Scar's Plan/Be Prepared, The Wildebeest Stampede/Simba's Escape,Timon and Pumbaa Arrive, Hakuna Matata, Nala returns, Simba encounters Rafaki, Simba's Return, Simba vs Scar, The Hyenas Return and Simba becomes King/Finale),98 Next Gen AA Fiqures, Special Effects, Props, Sets, 12 Digital Screens(including 3 screens for the Wildebeest Stampede show scene), 26 Digital Projectors, LED lighting systems, Digital Audio System , Musical Soundtrack, Original Audio Narrations, 1 Disney Animation Studio Exterior Facade with a covered outdoor Quene area, Savannah Interior Theming, African Savannah Themed indoor Interactive Quene,1 African Savannah themed loading area, 1 African Savannah Themed unloading area, Themed Signuage, 2 On-ride photo cameras, 1 African Savannah themed exit area leading into a Gift Shop, Advanced ride technology( KUKA Robotic Motion Bases attached to all jeeps that move with 6 degrees of freedom and give jeeps the ability to tilt, filp, drop,accleralate and spin),2 Elevator Lift Systems, 2,300 Square feet of ride track on 2 floors and 24 8 Person Jeeps with Lap bars, Soft Shoulder Restriants, on-board audio and Kuka Robotic Arms/motion bases( Jeeps 5, 12 and 19 all feature ADA Transfer Doors). Simba's Journey is located behind the Hollywood Tower Gardens Restaurant near the secondary entrance of Hollywood Blvd and next to Animation Hall in the Worlds of Disney Animation themed area of Animation Plaza. Sim Journey is a 9 minute and 50 second ride with a hourly capacity of 2,000 guests per hour.

==== Game Central Station(Indoor Themed Area located next to the Entrance of Production Courtyard)====
17. Sugar Rush Raceway Adventure/Fp+: Board a Candy Race Car for an adventure through the World of Sugar Rush with Ralph and Vandellope. Sugar Rush Raceway Adventure is a state of the art dark ride featuring 11 Show Scenes(Welcome to Sugar Rush, Ralph Arrives, Candy Race Car Factory, Training for the Race, The Race Begins, Forsert of Candy, Diet Cola Mountain, King Candy Returns, Escape from King Candy, King Candy's Plan, Ralph saves Sugar Rush and The Race Ends/Finale), 84 Next Gen AA Fiqures, Special Effects, Props, Sets, 11 Digital Screens, 26 Digital Projectors, LED lighting systems, Digital Audio System , Musical Soundtrack, Original Audio Narrations, 1 Game Central Station Ride Entrance , Sugar Rush Interior Theming, 1 Sugar Rush Themed indoor Interactive Quene,1 Sugar Rush themed loading area with 3 Loading Bays, 1 Sugar Rush Themed ADA Loading/Unloading Area 1 Sugar Rush Themed unloading area, Themed Signuage, 1 Sugar Rush themed exit area leading into a gift shop, 2,000 Feet of Slot Car Track similar to Test Track, 1 Drop Track element, 2 on-ride photo Cameras and 28 6 Person Candy Race Cars with seatbelts and on-board audio( Vechicles 8, 15 and 24 feature ADA Transfer Lift Seats with armrests and seatbelts). Sugar Rush Raceway Adventure is located in the back of the Game Central Station themed area of Animation Plaza. Sugar Rush Raceway Adventure is a 10 minute and 5 second ride with a hourly capacity of 2,100 guests per hour.

18. Hero's Duty Blasters: Board a Hero Blaster for a epic battle against cy-bug's guided by Sergeant Calhoun, Ralph, Vandellope and Flex. Hero's Duty Blasters is a Interactive Omimover dark ride featuring 11 Show Scenes( Welcome to Hero's Duty, Calhoun's Base, Cybug Alert, The Battle Begins, Rise of the Cybugs, The Hero Blasters Tunnel,Cybug Escapes, Back Up Plan, Game Central Station, Return to Hero's Duty and The Medal Ceremony/Finale), 180 Next Gen AA Fiqures, Special Effects, Props, Interactive Sets, 16 Interactive Digital Screens, 25 Digital Projectors, LED lighting systems, Digital Audio System , Musical Soundtrack, Original Audio Narrations, 1 Game Central Station themed ride entrance , Hero's Duty Interior Theming, 1 Hero's Duty Themed indoor Interactive Quene, 1 Hero's Duty Themed In-Quene Pre-show Area featuring a 2 minute pre-show experience about Hero's Duty, 1 Hero's Duty themed loading area, 1 Hero's Duty Themed unloading area, Themed Signuage, 2 On-ride photo cameras, 1 Hero's Duty themed exit area leading into Game Central Station, 1,900 feet of Omimover ride track and 110 2-3 person Hero Blasters with digital scoreboards, 2 Blaster Guns and Lap bars( vechiles 20 and 70 are wheelchair accessible with a capacity of 2 guests). Hero's Duty Blasters is located on the eastern side of Game Central Station themed area of Animation Plaza next to Peter Pan's Filght and Sugar Rush Europium. Hero's Duty Blasters is a 8 minute and 4 second ride with a hourly capacity of 2,400 guests per hour.
. The Animators Shop: Is a 9,900 Square Foot Animation Studio Themed shop and art gallery located at the exit of Disney Animation: Making Magic.

. Villains Mountain Outpost: Is a 8,800 Square Foot Villains Themed ride and photo shop located at the exit of Villains Mountain near the secondary entrance of Hollywood Blvd.

. Hundred Acre Wood Gifts: Is a 8,400 Square Foot Hundred Acre Woods themed Shop located at the exit of The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.

. Rafaki's Safari Shop: Is a 6,500 Square Foot African Safari Outpost themed ride and photo Shop located at the exit of Simba's Journey across from Villains Mountain Outpost near the secondary entrance of Hollywood Blvd.

. Sugar Rush Europium: Is a 8,600 Square Foot Sugar Rush Themed ride and photo Shop located at the exit of Sugar Rush Raceway Adventure next to Hero's Duty Blasters on the Eastern Side of the Game Central Station themed area of Animation Plaza.
===== Restaurants====
7. Animators Palate: Is a 11,900 Square Foot 870 Seat Animation Studio Themed Table Service Restaurant serving American food , Coca-Cola Drink Products, Water, Beer, Wine, Milk, Jucies, Tea and Coffee. Animators Palate features 2 themed rooms( The Animation Gallery(500 Guests) and The Ink and Paint Room(370 guests)), 20 Windows offering views of Hollywood Blvd, 30 Digital Screens for Interactive Dining experiences, 2 Interactive Dining Experiences( Talking with Olaf(Interactive RFID Character experience) and Animation Live( Interactive dinner show experience where guests can talk and interact with Disney Characters)), Digital Audio System, LED Lighting, 1 Themed Check-in/waiting area, Themed Signuage, 1 Animation Studio Themed exterior facade, 1 Kitchen Area, Animation Studio Theming, Props, Landscaping and Background Music. Animators Palate is located across from Mickey's Philrmagic on the Eastern Side of Animation Plaza near The Animators Shop. Animators Palate is open from 11am-Park Close Daily.

8. The Villains Tavern: Is a 11,500 Square Foot 720 Seat Villains Themed Table Service Restaurant serving International Foods for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, Coca-Cola Drink Products, Water, Beer, Milk, Jucies, Tea and Coffee. The Villains Tavern features 2 Themed Rooms offering views of The Villains grotto Show-scene inside Villains Mountain ( The Villains Grotto(500 Seats) and The Sorcerers Cave(220 Guests), 10 Windows offering views of Hollywood Blvd, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting System, 1 Villains Mountain Themed Check-in/waiting area, 4 Next Gen AA Fiqures, 1 Villains Character Dining Experience for Breakfast and Lunch only featuring (Maleficent, Captain Hook, Doctor.Facillier, The Queen of Hearts, Hades, Pain, Panic, Scar and Jafar), Themed Signuage, 1 Restrooms Complex, 1 Villains Mountain exterior facade, 1 Kitchen Area, Villains Mountain Theming, Props, Landscaping, and Background Music. The Villains Tavern is located inside of Villains Mountain near the entrance of Arendelle on the Western side of Worlds of Disney Animation. The Villains Tavern is open from 7:45am-Park Close Daily.

9. Animation Hall: Is a 12,200 Square Foot Two Floor 1,100 Seat Animation Themed Quick Service Restaurant serving International Foods for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner , Coca-Cola Drink Products, Water, Beer, Milk, Jucies, Tea and Coffee. Animation Hall features 4 Themed Rooms( Gaston's Tavern(Level 1, 100 Seats, 1 Tavern themed Freestyle Drink Machine), Snuggly Duckling( Level 1, 500 Seats, 3 Snuggly Duckling themed Freestyle Drink Machines), The Pride Rock Dining Room(Level 2, 200 Seats, 2 Pride Rock themed Freestyle Drink Machines) and Tianna's Palace(Level 2, 300 Guests, 2 Tianna's Palace themed Freestyle Drink Machines), 7 Themed Cash Registers/Ordering Lines, 8 Themed Coca-Cola Freestyle Machines with 106 drink choices, 9 Digital Animation Themed Menu Screen, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting Systems, Themed Signuage, 18 Windows, Landscaping, Theming, background music, props, 18 Windows offering views of Worlds of Disney Animation, 1 Themed Elevator, 4 Themed Staircases, 1 Disney Animation Studio themed exterior facade and Themed signuage. Animation Hall is located between Rapunzel's Royal Hall and Simba's Journey behind the Brown Derby Restaurant. Animation Hall is open from 8am-Park Close Daily.

10. Game Central Station Grill: Is a 10,600 Square Foot 720 Seat Game Central Station themed Quick Service Restaurant serving American foods, Coca-Cola Drink products, Water, Beer, Milk, Jucies, Tea and Coffee. Game Central Station Grill featuring 2 Themed Rooms( Game Central Station (520 Seats) and The Tavern(200 Seats), 6 Themed Cash Registers/Ordering Lines, 6 Themed Coca-Cola Freestyle Machines with 106 drink choices, 9 Digital Game Central Station Themed Menu Screen, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting Systems, Themed Signuage, 10 Windows offering views of Game Central Station , 1 Game Central Station themed Entrance, Landscaping, Game Central Station Theming, background music, props and 6 Next-Gen AA Fiqures. Game Central Station Grill is located on the Western Side of Game Central Station next to Game Central Station Acrade. Game Central Station Grill is open from 11:30am-Park Close Daily.

==== Special Experiences====
==== Worlds of Disney Animation====
. Neverland Hall/Fp+: Is a Neverland themed Meet'n'greet experience with Peter Pan, Wendy, Captain Hook and Smee. Neverland Hall is a Interactive Meet'n'greet featuring 1 Neverland Themed Interactive Quene, 2 60 person Themed Meet'n'greet rooms, 1 Disney Animation Studio themed exterior facade, themed signuage, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting system and 1 Neverland themed exit area leading into Worlds of Disney Animation. Neverland Hall is located next to the exit Peter Pan's Filght. Neverland Hall is open from 8:30am-1 Hour prior to Park Close Daily.

. Pooh's Greeting Spot: Is a Hundred Acre Wood themed meet'n'greet experience with Pooh and Friends. Pooh's Greeting Spot is a Interactive Meet'n'greet featuring 1 Hundred Acre Woods Themed Interactive Quene, 2 60 person Hundred Acre wooods Themed Meet'n'greet rooms, 1 Disney Animation Studio themed exterior facade, themed signuage, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting system and 1 Hundred Acre Woods themed exit area leading into Worlds of Disney Animation. Pooh's Greeting Spot is located next to the entrance of The Many Adventures of Winne the Pooh across from Neverland Hall. Pooh's Greeting Spot is open from 8:30am-2 Hours prior to Park Close Daily.

. Aladdin's Royal Oasis/Fp+: Is a Aragbahn Themed Meet'n'greet experience with Aladdin, Jasmine, Genie, Abu, Rajah and Jafar . Aladdin's Royal Oasis is a Interactive Meet'n'greet featuring 1 Aragbahn Themed Interactive Quene, 2 60 person Aragbahn Themed Meet'n'greet rooms, 3 Next-Gen AA Fiqures, 1 Disney Animation Studio themed exterior facade, themed signuage, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting system and 1 Aragbahn themed exit area leading into Worlds of Disney Animation. Aladdin's Royal Oasis is located next to Aladdin's Magic Carpets. Aladdin's Royal Oasis is open from 8:30am-Park Close Daily.

. Rapunzel's Royal Hall/Fp+: Is a Royal Hall Themed Meet'n'greet experience with Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. Rapunzel's Royal Hall is a Interactive Meet'n'greet featuring 1 Royal Hall Themed Interactive Quene, 3 60 person Royal Hall Themed Meet'n'greet rooms, 1 Disney Animation Studio themed exterior facade, themed signuage, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting system and 1 Royal Hall themed exit area leading into Worlds of Disney Animation. Rapunzel's Royal Hall is located between Rapunzel's Adventure and Animation Hall. Rapunzel's Royal Hall is open from 8:30am-1 Park Close Daily.

. The Villains Liar/Fp+: Is a Villains Mountain Themed Meet'n'greet experience with Disney Villains. The Villains Liar is a Interactive Meet'n'greet featuring 1 Villains Mountain Themed Interactive Quene, 3 70 person Villains Mountain Themed Meet'n'greet rooms, 1 Villains Mountain themed exterior facade, themed signuage, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting system and 1 Villains Mountain themed exit area leading into Worlds of Disney Animation. The Villains Liar is located next to Villains Mountain Outpost near The Twlight Zone Tower of Terror. The Villains Liar is open from 8:30am-Park Close Daily.

==== Game Central Station====
. Game Central Station Acrade: Is a Game Central Station themed Meet'n'greet experience featuring 1 Game Central Station Acrade Themed Interactive Quene, 3 70 person Game Central Station Acrade Themed Meet'n'greet rooms, 1 Game Central Station Acrade themed exterior facade, themed signuage, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting system and 1 Game Central Station Acrade themed exit area leading into Game Central Station. Game Central Station Acrade is located on the Western Side of Game Central Station near the entrance of Sugar Rush Raceway Adventure. Game Central Station Acrade is open from 8:30am-1 Hour prior to Park Close Daily.

=====Guest Amenities====
. The Animation Plaza Restrooms Complex: Is a 6,100 Square foot Animation Studio Themed Restrooms Complex located on the Eastern Side of Animation Plaza next to Animators Palate.

. Animation Hall Restrooms Complex: Is a 6,000 Square foot Animation Studio Themed Restrooms Complex located on the Eastern Side of Worlds of Disney Animation between Animation Hall and Simba's Journey.

. The Villains Mountain Restrooms Complex/Rest Area: Is a 6,000 Square foot Hollywood Themed Restrooms Complex/Rest Area located on the Western Side of Worlds o Animation near the entrance of Arendelle.

. Game Central Station Restrooms Complex: Is a 5,800 Square foot Game Central Station Themed Restrooms Complex located on the Western side of Game Central Station next to Game Central Station Grill.

. Animation Plaza Park: Is a 3 acre Animation Studio Courtyard themed Park Area
, 2 Animation Studio Themed Covered Seating Areas, Digital Audio System, 12 Themed Digital Chargers, Landscaping, LED Lighting, Themed Signuage, 2 Themed Water Fountains, 1 Parade Viewing Area, 2 Themed Archways and Animation Studio Theming. Animation Plaza Park is located on the Eastern side of Animation Plaza next to The Animation Plaza restrooms complex.

. Villains Mountain Gardens: Is a 3 Acre Villains Mountain Themed Garden Area featuring 2 Themed Covered Seating Areas, 2 Themed Gardens, 3 Water Features, Landscaping, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting, Themed Signuage, 10 Themed Electronic Chargers, Themed Walkways, 2 Themed Archways and Villains Mountain Theming. Villains Mountain Gardens is located on the Western side of Worlds of Disney Animation next to the Twlight Zone Tower of Terror.

. Game Central Station Video Game Station: Is a 5,200 Square foot Game Central Station Video Game Station featuring 45 Different Video Games, 20 gaming consoles 2 Disney Infinity Toybox rooms, 2 Themed Seating Areas, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting Systems, themed signuage and Theming. Game Central Station Video Game Station is located in the center of Game Central Station across from Sugar Rush Raceway Adventure.
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==== Disney Studios Texas====
==== Disney Studios Texas Park====
==== Arendelle: Is a Frozen themed Land where guests will be immersived into The Kingdom Of Arendelle. Arendelle is a 75 Acre themed land featuring 5 Attractions, 4 Shops, 3 Restaurants, 2 Entertainment experiences, 180 foot Mountain Range along Northern, Southern and Eastern sides of Arendelle, 1 12 Acre Lagcoon surrounding the Southern, Eastern and Western sides of Arendelle Castle, 1 125 Foot Arendelle Castle with a Themed Bridge , 2 Themed Entrances( Worlds of Disney Animation entrance tunnel and The Production Courtyard entrance with a Landscaping and Rockwork), Landscaping and 2 Themed Sub-Lands.
====Arendelle Village====
19. Frozen Sielgh Adventure/Fp+: Board a Sled for an Adventure in Arendelle with Anna and Elsa. Frozen Sielgh Adventure is a state of the art trackless dark ride featuring 15 Show-scenes( Welcome to Arendelle(1 year after The events of Frozen), Do you Wanna Build a Snowman, For the First Time in Forever, Elsa's Coronation, Love is an Open Door, Elsa Leaves, Let it Go, Anna Searches for Elsa/Meeting Kristoff, Meeting Olaf, The North Mountain/Elsa's Castle, Marshmallow/Fixer Upper, Return to Arendelle, Anna's Act of True Love/ Love thaws a Frozen Heart, Kristoff's New Sled and Anna and Elsa's Anniversary Celebration/Finale( 1 Year After The Events of Frozen)), 100 AA Next-Gen Fiqures, Special Effects, Props, Sets, 11 Digital Screens, 28 Digital Projectors, LED lighting systems, Digital Audio System , Musical Soundtrack, Original Audio Narrations, 1 Arendelle Castle themed Exterior Facade , Arendelle Castle Interior Theming, 1 Arendelle Castle Themed indoor/Outdoor Interactive Quene, 1 Arendelle Castle themed In-Quene Pre-Show experience featuring AA Fiqures of Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Sven and Olaf, 1 Arendelle Castle themed Loading Area, 1 Arendelle Castle Themed ADA Loading/Unloading Area , 1 Arendelle Castle Themed unloading area, 1 Arendelle Castle Themed Bridge, Themed Signuage, 1 Arendelle Castle themed exit area leading into a gift shop, 2,100 feet of Wire-guided track and 31 6 Person Sleds with lap bars( Sleds 5 and 26 are Wheelchair Accessible with a capacity of 3 Guests). Frozen Sielgh Adventure is located inside the Arendelle Castle in the back of Arendelle Village . Frozen Sielgh Adventure is a 9 minute and 10 second ride with a hourly capacity of 2,200 guests per hour.

20. Arendelle Castle Hall /Fp+: Step inside the Arendelle Castle for a Meet'n'greet experience with Anna, Elsa, Kristoff and Olaf. Arendelle Castle Hall is a Interactive Meet'n'greet and walkthrough experience featuring 1 Arendelle Castle themed Exterior Facade, Arendelle Castle Interior theming, 1 Arendelle Castle themed Indoor/Outdoor interactive queue area, 20 Interactive Elements, 4 56 Person Arendelle Castle Themed Meet'n'greet rooms(A and B(Fp+) and C and D(Standby)), Props, Theming, Themed Signuage, 4 Next-gen AA Fiqures of Olaf and Sven, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting Systems and 1 Arendelle Castle Themed Exit Area leading into The Arendelle Castle Courtyard. Arendelle Castle Hall is located inside Arendelle Castle next to The Arendelle Market Shop in the back of Arendelle. Arendelle Castle Hall is open from 8:30am-Park Close Daily and has a capacity of 1,000 guests per hour.

21. Olaf Live: Enter the Crown Jewel Theater for a Interactive Experience where you can talk and interact with Olaf and Sven. Olaf Live is a interactive RFID Character Show featuring 2 Radomized Interactive Film Show Experiences( A: Olaf's Winter Adventure) and B: Olaf's Summer Adventure), Special effects. Digital Audio System, LED Lighting Systems, 10 Digital Projectors, 8 Digital Pre-Show Screens playing a 6 minute pre-show film featuring Anna, Elsa, Olaf and Sven, 1 80 foot Digital Film Screen, 1 Arendelle Village Theater themed exterior facade, Arendelle Village Interior theming, 1 Arendelle Village themed Interactive Quene Area, 1 Arendelle Village Themed 700 Person Waiting/Pre-Show Area, 1 Arendelle Village Themed 700 Seat Theater with wheelchair seating, 11 Themed Entry Doors, 11 Themed Exit Doors, Landscaping, Theming, Themed Signuage, Props and 1 Arendelle Village Exit Area leading to Arendelle Village. Olaf Live is located across from Arendelle Royal Hall on the Eastern Side of Arendelle Village. Olaf Live has a capacity of 700 guests per show.

====The North Mountain====
22. The North Mountain Ice Adventure/Fp+: Board a Mountain Sled for an Adventure through the North Mountain with Anna, Elsa, Olaf and Kristoff. The North Mountain Ice Adventure is a midly thrilling coaster with dark ride elements featuring 7 Show Scenes( The Adventure Begins, Climbing the North Mountain/Elevator Lift 1, Marshmallow Encounter/Drop 1, The North Mountain Ice Caverns/Elevator Lift 2, Welcome to Elsa's Ice Castle/Drop 2, Escape the North Mountain/Drop 3 and Return to Wandering Oakens Trading Post/Finale), 40 Next-Gen AA Fiqures( Including 2 80 Foot Marshmallow AA's, 7 Elsa AA's, 8 Anna AA's, 5 Olaf AA's, 5 Sven AA's and 8 Kristoff AA's) , Special Effects, Props, Sets, 11 Digital Screens, 28 Digital Projectors, LED lighting systems, Digital Audio System , Musical Soundtrack, Original Audio Narrations, 1 North Mountain Outpost themed Exterior Facade , North Mountain Outpost Interior Theming, 1 North Mountain Outpost Themed indoor/Outdoor Interactive Quene, 1 North Mountain Outpost themed In-Quene Pre-Show experience featuring AA Fiqures of Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Grand Pabbie, Sven and Olaf, 1 North Mountain Outpost themed Loading Area, 1 North Mountain Outpost Themed unloading area, 1 180 foot North Mountain Range with landscaping and water features,Themed Signuage, 1 North Mountain Outpost themed exit area leading into a gift shop, 2,400 feet of Coaster Track, 2 Elevator Lifts(160 ft and 50ft), 4 Drops( 80 ft, 40ft, 65ft and 10ft), 45 turns, 2 Helixs, 3 Banked turns, 2 Brake Runs, 2 On-ride Photo Cameras and 23 4 Person Mountain Sleds with lap bars and on-board audio( Vechiles 3,8, 11 and 16 feature ADA Transfer doors). The North Mountain Ice Adventure is located on the Western and Southern Side of Arendelle behind Villains Mountain in the North Mountain Themed Area of Arendelle. The North Mountain Ice Adventure is a 5 Minute and 40 second Ride with a hourly capacity of 1,900 guests per hour.

23. Elsa's Ice Castle: Step inside Elsa's Ice Castle for a interactive walkthrough experience. Elsa's Ice Castle is a 2 Floor 140,000 Square Foot interactive walkthrough experience featuring 40 Interactive Elements, 10 next-gen AA Fiqures, 6 Themed Staircases, 2 Themed Entry/Exit Ramps, 2 Atriums, 7 Elsa's Ice Castle Themed Rooms, 1 Themed Elevator ,1 Elsa Ice Castle themed Exterior facade, Elsa Ice Castle Interior theming, Props, Digital Audio System, 22 Digital Projectors , 6 Digital Screens, LED Lighting Systems, Original Audio Narrations, Musical Soundtrack, Special effects, 1 90 Foot Ice Castle elevated 40ft above ground, Themed Signuage, Landscaping and immersive theming. Elsa's Ice Castle is located across from The North Mountain Ice Adventure in the Northern side of Arendelle. Elsa's Ice Castle is open 9am-Park Close Daily and has a capacity of 900 guests at a time.

==== Arendelle Village====
. The Arendelle Market: Is a 9,800 Square Foot Arendelle Castle themed Shop located at the exit of Frozen Sielgh Adventure.

. The Crown Jewel Europium: Is a 9,800 Square Foot Arendelle Village themed Shop located next to Olaf Live on the Eastern Side of Arendelle Village across from Grand Pabbie's Magic Shop.

. Grand Pabbie's Magic Shop: Is a 8,000 Square Foot Arendelle Village Shop located next to Arendelle Royal Hall on the Western Side of Arendelle Village across from the Crown Jewel Europium.

====The North Mountain====
. Wandering Oakens Trading Post: Is a 8,000 Square Foot Trading Post Themed Gift and Photo Shop located at the exit of The North Mountain Ice Adventure on the Western Side of Arendelle.

11. Arendelle Royal Hall: Is a 10,900 Square Foot 880 seat 2 Floor Arendelle Village Themed Table Service Buffet Restaurant serving American and European foods,Coca-Cola Drink Products, Water, Beer, Milk, Jucies, Tea and Coffee for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Arendelle Royal Hall features 1 Themed Room( Royal Hall Dining Room(880 Seats) , 20 Windows offering views of Arendelle Village and Arendelle Harbor, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting System, 1 Themed Elevator, 2 Themed Staircases, 1 Arendelle Village Themed Check-in/waiting area, 1 Frozen Character Dining Experience for Breakfast only featuring ( Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Olaf and Oaken), Themed Signuage, 1 Restrooms Complex, 1 Arendelle Village exterior facade, 1 Kitchen Area, 12 Buffet Stations, Arendelle Village Theming, Themed Signuage, Props, Landscaping, and Background Music. Arendelle Royal Hall is located on the Western Side of Arendelle Village across from Olaf Live. Arendelle Royal Hall is open from 7:45am-Park Close Daily.

12. The Arendelle Village Cafe: Is a 10,000 Square Foot 900 seat Two Floor Arendelle Village Themed Quick Service Restaurant serving European and American Foods,Coca-Cola Drink products, Water, Beer, Milk, Jucies, Tea and Coffee. Game Central Station Grill features 2 Themed Rooms( The Arendelle Dining Room(600 Seats) and The Arendelle Village Gallery(250 Seats), 6 Themed Cash Registers/Ordering Lines, 6 Themed Coca-Cola Freestyle Machines with 106 drink choices, 9 Digital Arendelle Village Themed Menu Screen, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting Systems, Themed Signuage, 20 Windows offering views of Arendelle Village , 1 Arendelle Village themed Exterior Facade, 1 Themed Elevator, 2 Themed Staircases, 1 50 Seat Arendelle Village Themed Patio Area, Landscaping, Arendelle Village Theming, props and background music. The Arendelle Village Cafe is located on the Eastern Side of Arendelle Village next to The Crown Jewel Europium across from Grand Pabbie's Magic Shop and The Arendelle Royal Boutique.

====The North Mountain====
13. Oakens North Mountain Refreshments: Is a 5,000 Square Foot 90 seat Trading Post Themed Market/Refreshment stand serving Snacks, Grab and Go Items, Candy, Baked Goods, Fruits, Coca-Cola Drink products, Water,Milk, Jucies, Tea and Coffee. Oakens North Mountain Refreshments features 1 90 Seat Trading Post Themed Outdoor Seating area, 1 Trading Post Themed Exterior Facade, Trading Post interior theming, Dgital Audio System, LED Lighting Systems, props, theming, themed signuage, 10 Themed Windows and Landscaping. Oakens North Mountain Refreshments is located next to Wandering Oakens Trading Post on the Western Side of Arendelle. Oakens North Mountain Refreshments is open from 8am-Park Close Daily.

====Special Experiences====
==== Arendelle====
. The Arendelle Royal Boutique: Is a 9,100 Square foot Royal Makeover Experience where guests of all ages can receive makeovers inspired by Anna, Elsa, Kristoff and Olaf. The Arendelle Royal Boutique Is located next to Grand Pabbie's Magic Shop on the Western Side of Arendelle Village across from The Arendelle Village Cafe. The Arendelle Royal Boutique Is Open from 9am-Park Close daily.

====Guest Amenities====
====Arendelle Village====
. Arendelle Village Restrooms Complex/Rest Area: Is a 6,900 Square Foot Arendelle Village Themed Restrooms Complex/Rest Area located on the Eastern Side of Arendelle Village next to The Arendelle Village Cafe.

. Arendelle Royal Hall Restrooms Complex: Is a 6,000 Square Foot Arendelle Village Themed Restrooms Complex located on the Western Side of Arendelle Village next to Arendelle Royal Hall.

. Arendelle Village Park and Viewing Area: Is a 6 Acre Arendelle Village Themed Park Area featuring a 3,000 Seat Nightime Show Viewing Area , 2 Arendelle Village Themed Seating Areas, Digital Audio System, 12 Themed Digital Chargers, Landscaping, LED Lighting, Themed Signuage, 2 Themed Water Fountains, 2 Themed Archways and Arendelle Theming. Arendelle Village Park and Viewing Area is located on the Eastern side of Arendelle Village along Arendelle Harbor next to the Arendelle Castle Bridge.

. Arendelle Village Viewing Area: Is a 4 Acre Arendelle Village Themed Viewing Area featuring a 2,000 Seat Nightime Show Viewing Area, Digital Audio System, 12 Themed Digital Chargers, Landscaping, LED Lighting, Themed Signuage, 2 Themed Water Fountains, 2 Themed Archways and Arendelle Theming. Arendelle Village Viewing Area is located on the Western Side of Arendelle Village along Arendelle Harbor next to the Arendelle Castle Bridge.

. Grand Pabbie's Magic Gardens: Is a 3 Acre Arendelle Themed Garden Area featuringfeaturing 2 Themed Covered Seating Areas, 2 Themed Gardens, 3 Water Features, Landscaping, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting, Themed Signuage, 10 Themed Electronic Chargers, Themed Walkways, Rockwork, 2 Water features, 2 Themed Archways and Arendelle Theming. Grand Pabbie's Magic Gardens is located on the Eastern Side of Arendelle near the Production Courtyard Arendelle entrance.

====The North Mountain====
. The North Mountain Restrooms Complex/Rest Area: Is a 6,800 Square Foot Trading Post Themed Restrooms Complex /Rest Area located next to Oakens North Mountain Refreshments on the Western Side of Arendelle.

. Wandering Oakens Trading Post Park: Is a 4 Acre North Mountain Themed Park Area featuring 3 Arendelle Village Themed Seating Areas, Digital Audio System, 12 Themed Digital Chargers, Landscaping, LED Lighting, Themed Signuage, 2 Themed Water Fountains, , 2 Themed Archways and North Mountain Theming. Wandering Oakens Trading Post Park is located on the Western Side of Arendelle across from Wandering Oakens Trading Post next to the entrance of Elsa's Ice Castle.
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==== Disney Studios Texas====
==== Disney Studios Texas Park====
==== Production Courtyard: Is a Production Studio themed area where guests can learn about the Making of Movies. Production Courtyard is a 290 Acre Themed Area with 5 Attractions, 4 Shops, 3 Restaurants, 1 Entertainment experience.
24. The Studio Backlot Tour presented by Nikon/Fp+: Board a Tram for a Tour of the Disney Studios Texas Backlot and Production Studios. The Studio Backlot Tour is a 240 Acre Tram Ride/Walkthrough experience.
====Pre-Show/Walking Tour(35 acres)====
. The Studio Backlot Tour Entrance : Is a Art Deco Soundstage Themed Building located in the back of Production Courtyard near the Eastern entrance of Arendelle.

. The Prop Shop: Is a Interactive Prop House themed Quene/Exhibit Area featuring 11 Interactive Elements and 380 Film Props.

. The History of Film Production: Is a Interactive 15 Minute Pre-Show film/show about the History of Film Production with Film and Statge show elements. The History of Film Production has a capacity of 800 guests per show.

. Soundstage Tour: Is a 10 Minute Film Production themed Walkthrough Experience featuring 6 Interactive Elements and Props. The Soundstage Tour is connected to The Studio Backlot Tour Loading Area.

====Tram Tour====
. The Studio Backlot Tour Loading Area: Is a Art Deco Production Studio themed Covered Outdoor Loading Area featuring 1 Pre-Boarding Quene Line, 1 Boarding Area with a capacity of 800 Guests, 2 Themed ADA Loading Ramps, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting Systems, Themed Signuage, Landscaping and Props.

. The Studio Backlot Tour Introduction: Is a 2 Minute Film Introduction Experience about the Studio Backlot Tour Ride Experience.

1. The Costuming Shop: Is a 3 Minute Tour of The Costuming Shop where costumes and uniforms are made for Disney Studios Texas Resort. The Costuming Shop is a two floor 180,000 Square Foot Building with a 700 Foot Long Tram Tour Tunnel with 14 Viewing Windows on Level one. The Costuming Shop is located behind Arendelle on the Eastern side of Disney Studios Texas.

2. The Scene Shop: Is a 2 Minute Tour of The Scene Shop where show sets, artwork and props are built and maintained for use by Disney Studios Texas Resort. The Scene Shop is a one floor 50,000 Square Foot Building with a 500 foot Long Tram Tour Tunnel with 10 Viewing Windows. The Scene Shop is located next to the Costuming Shop behind Arendelle on the Eastern side of Disney Studios Texas.

3. The Cars of Film: Is a 4 Minute Tour of Transportation Garages where transportation vechicles from films are stored, built and mantained by Disney Studios Texas Resort. The Cars of Film is a 8 Arce Transportation Garage with 250 different vechicles Transportation and 50 Car Garages vechicles along the Studio Backlot Tour tram route. The Cars of Film is located behind the Scene Shop and The Costuming Shop on the Eastern Side of Disney Studios Texas.

4. The Herbie Car Adventure: Join Herbie for Car Chase Adventure through the Countryside.The Herbie Car Adventure is a 4 minute Indoor Tram Tour Show-Scene experience featuring 6 Next-Gen AA Fiqures, Sets, Props, Special effects, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting System, 12 Digital Projectors, 6 Digital Film Screens, 1 Motion Base with six degrees of Freedom, Musical Score, Original Audio Narrations, 1 70,000 Square Foot Show Building, Countryside Interior Theming and Themed Signuage. The Herbie Car Adventure is located next to the Cars of Film on the Eastern Side of Disney Studios Texas.

5. The Old Frontier Set: Is a 10 Minute Tour of the Old Frontier Set. The Old Frontier Set is a 22 Acre Western Themed Set featuring 50 buildings, landscaping, water features, rockwork, props, roads, themed walkways, theming, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting Systems, and Themed Signuage for filming along the Studio Backlot Tour Route. The Old Frontier Set is located behind the Herbie Car Adventure on the Eastern Side of Disney Studios Texas.

6. The Western Adventure: Enter the Wild West for a Grand Adventure. The Western Adventure is a 3 Minute Show-Stop experience in The Old Frontier Set featuring Special effects, 12 Live Actors, Digital Audio System, Musical Score, Original Scripted Narrations, Sets and Props. The Western Adventure is located inside the Old Frontier Set on the Eastern side of Disney Studios Texas.

7. The Farm Set: Is a 5 minute tour of the Farm Set. The Farm Set is a 10 acre Set featuring 8 buildings, landscaping, water features, rockwork, props, roads, themed walkways, theming, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting Systems, and Themed Signuage. The Farm Set is located next to the Old Frontier Set on the Northeastern Side of Disney Studios Texas.

8. Castrophne Canyon: Enter Castrophne Canyon for a Epic Special Effects experience. Castrophne Canyon is a 3 Minute and 50 Second Outdoor SFX Show-Scene experience featuring Special effects including ( Water, Rain, Sound and Fire effects), Rockwork Facade, landscaping, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting Systems, props, landscaping, Original Scripted Narrations and 1 Motion Simulator Base that simulate the feeling of a Earthquake for guests on-board the tram. Castrophne Canyon is a 75 Foot 10 acre SFX Statge Set with Rockwork and Steel Supports featuring a 1,000 foot Tram tour traveling inside and around the back of Castrophne Canyon. Castrophne Canyon is located next to the Farm Set on the northern side of Disney Studios Texas.

9. Streets of the World: Is a 15 Minute Tour of Streets of The World. Streets of the World is a 80 Acre Set featuring 12 Streets( London, Paris, Berlin, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney, Chiagco, Philadelphia, San Francisco and L.A), landscaping, water features, props, roads, themed walkways, theming, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting Systems, and Themed Signuage for filming along the Studio Backlot Tour Route. Streets of the World is located next to Castrophne Canyon on the Northern Side of Disney Studios Texas.

10. The Star Wars Galactic Journey : Join the Rebel Aliance for a Journey through the same Star Wars Galaxy to battle the Empire. The Star Wars Galactic Journey is a 5 minute Indoor Special effects/Show-scene featuring 6 Next-Gen AA Fiqures, Sets, Props, Special effects, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting System, 12 Digital Projectors, 4 Digital Film Screens(including 2 360 dergee film screens), 1 Motion Base with six degrees of Freedom, Musical Score, Original Audio Narrations, 1 80,000 Square Foot 5 acre Show Building with a Chinese theater exterior facade, Interior Star Wars Theming and Themed Signuage. The Star Wars Galactic Journey is located next to Streets of the World on the Northern Side of Disney Studios Texas.

11. The Indiana Jones Temple Adventure: Join Indinana Jones for an Adventure through a Foribbean Temple. The Indiana Jones Temple Adventure is a 4 minute and 30 Second Indoor Special effects/Show-scene featuring 6 Next-Gen AA Fiqures, Sets, Props, Special effects, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting System, 1 Moving Boulder, 20 Digital Projectors, 2 Digital Film Screens, 1 Motion Base with six degrees of Freedom, Musical Score, Original Audio Narrations, 1 75,000 Square Foot 4 acre Show Building, Interior Temple Theming and Themed Signuage. The Indiana Jones Temple Adventure is located next to Star Wars Galactic Journey behind Pixar Land on the Northern side of Disney Studios Texas.

12. The Prop Yard: Is a 7 minute tour of the Prop Yard. The Prop Yard is a 21 acre Prop display and Storage area where props are mantained, restored, stored and displayed by Disney Studios Texas. The Prop Yard features 200 different props, 1 20,000 square foot Prop Yard Maintenance building, landscaping and themed signuage along the Studio Backlot Tour Route. The Prop Yard is located between The Indinana Jones Temple Adventure and The New York Set behind Pixar Land on the Northern Side of Studios Texas.

13. The New York Set: Is a 12 minute tour of The New York Set. The New York Set is a a 50 Acre New York City Themed Set featuring 60 buildings, 8 Themed Streets, landscaping, water features, props, roads, themed walkways, theming, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting Systems, and Themed Signuage for filming along the Studio Backlot Tour Route. The New York Set is located behind Pixar Land on the Northern Side of Disney Studios Texas.

14. The Avengers vs Hydra: Earth's Mightiest Battle: Join the Avengers for an Epic Battle against Hydra. The Avengers vs Hydra: Earth's Mightiest Battle 6 minute and 50 Second Indoor Special effects/Show-scene experience featuring 2 Show-Scenes( The Avengers Tower and Earth's Mightiest Battle), 18 Next-Gen AA Fiqures, Sets, Props, Special effects, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting System, 20 Digital Projectors, 4 Digital Film Screens, 1 Motion Base with six degrees of Freedom, Musical Score, Original Audio Narrations, 1 95,000 Square Foot 9 acre Show Building, 1 New York City themed exterior facade, Interior New York City Theming and Themed Signuage. The Avengers vs Hydra: Earth's Mightiest Battle is located near the Entrance of Pixar Land on the Northern Side of Disney Studios Texas.

. The Studio Backlot Tour Finale: Is a 2 Minute and 45 second Film Finale Experience about the Magic of Movies.

. The Studio Backlot Tour Unloading Area: Is a Art Deco Production Studio themed Covered Outdoor Loading Area featuring 1 Pre-Boarding Quene Line, 1 Unloading Area with a capacity of 800 Guests, 2 Themed ADA Loading Ramps, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting Systems, Themed Signuage, Landscaping and Props. The Studio Backlot Tour Unloading Area is located between The Avengers vs Hydra: Earth's Mightiest Battle and the Studio Backlot Tour Loading area on the Northern Side of Disney Studios Texas across from the ABC Television Experience.

. The Journey of Film Production hosted by D23 and Nikon: Enter the Hall of Film Production for a journey through history of film production where guests can learn about how Film production has changed the world. The Journey of Film Production is a 45,000 Square foot Interactive Post-Show exhibit experience featuring 3 themed rooms( Early Film Production, The Golden Age of Film Production and Modern Film Production), 12 Interactive Exhibit elements, 30 information displays, Digital Audio System, LED Lighting Systems, Original Audio Narrations, Themed Signuage, 860 Exhibit Items, 1 Art Deco Production Studio Exterior Facade and 1 Art Deco Production Studio Themed exit area leading into a Gift Shop. The Journey of Film Production is located at exit of The Studio Backlot Tour near the entrance of Pixar Land across from The Television Production Center on the Northern Side of Disney Studios Texas.

====Attraction Information====
The Studio Backlot Tour: The Studio Backlot Tour is a 240 Acre Tram Ride/Walkthrough experience featuring 6 Special effects/Show Scene experiences, Special effects, Props, Sets, Digital Projector systems, Digital Audio Systems, LED Lighting Systems, landscaping, theming, themed signuage, 2 Interactive Film Production Themed Pre-Show experiences, 1 Film Production themed Interactive queue area, 1 Film Production themed Pre-show waiting area, Art Deco Film Production themed Covered Outdoor Walkways, Water features, 1 Art Deco Soundstage Themed Entrance Area, 1 Art Deco Film Production studio Themed Exit Area, 1 Art Deco Film Production themed Post-Show area, 1 Art Deco Film Production studio Themed Loading area, 1 Art Deco Film Production studio Themed unloading area, 1 7,000 Foot long Tram Route and 7 800 Person 5 car Trams with 4 200 person Tram Cars, 1 2 person Tram Driver Cabs, Digital On-board Audio System, LED Lighting Systems and 20 Digital T.V Monitors( All 7 Trams are Wheelchair Accessible). The Studio Backlot Tour is located in the back of Production Courtyard on the Northern and Eastern sides of Disney Studios Texas across from The Magic of Special effects, The ABC Television Experience and The Television Production Center. The Studio Backlot Tour is a 1 hour and 12 minute Ride/Walkthrough experience(25 minute Pre-show/Walkthrough+87 minute Tram Tour) with an hourly capacity of 3,800 guests per hour.
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==== Disney Studios Texas====
==== Disney Studios Texas Park====
==== Production Courtyard Countiued====
25. ABC Television Experience: Enter the Television Star Theater for a chance to learn and become part of your ABC Television shows.

26. The Television Production Center: Step inside the Television Production Center for a guided tour to learn and see how television shows are made.

27. The Magic of Special Effects:

28. Mickey's Soundstage Adventure/Fp+:
==== Restaurants====
=====Guest Amenities====
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