I work at The Disney Store, and none of us at our store have heard anything about the selling of the stores since Kay wrote the letter to us for the CCL.
It doesnt make sense to have a cut over be so soon. September I can't see, thats only next month... but January/February, I can. I would think that Disney would at least hold off on the cut over until after the holiday season.
Disney just needs to keep the CM's updated. Stores are losing valuable CM's left and right because people dont know what the future has in store for them... and who can blame them for leaving? Some people make house payments and car payments from the money they make there. We recently had two managers quit, going to lower paying jobs for these reasons.
Its very frustrating not knowing whats going on... and then having guests come in and DEMAND to know. Guests either demand to know everything or they shove everything they know in your face and want to argue with you.
It really just gives me a lull in my heart when I think about the possible selling of the chain. To me its always been more than work... or a store, it's been a part of the magic that I can visit year round and enjoy and a second home to me. I'm just hoping for the best in the upcoming months.
Good Luck CM's! :wave: