Disney Sets World Wide BOx Office Record


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From Reuters Today:

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 3 — The Walt Disney Co. sailed into uncharted waters in 2003 with sea tales “Finding Nemo” and “The Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl,” leading it to a record $3 billion at global box offices, the film studio said Wednesday.

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General Grizz

New Member
NEMO (biggest?) = PIXAR
Freaky Friday = REMAKE

So yeah...in with the money. But I don't think that's necessarily a support for Eisner.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
NEMO (biggest?) = PIXAR
Freaky Friday = REMAKE

Disney did in fact do some remakes, original movies and movies based on very popular attractions but stayed away from the onslaught of sequels and Marvel Comic movies that every other studio did this year (especially summer). In fact, most in the industry have said Disney's phenomenal success at the BO office this year is because they took a different road than the others. And FF nor Pirates would have done as amazing as they did if they were not well-done, entertaining movies. The idea of a "remake" turns most people away anyhow. But a "excellent" remake will get people in the seats, and it did, obviously. And making movies that make money the way Pirates did shows me just how great the studio can be. Making money shouldn't be bad, its a sign of the strength of the movies being released. Although I don't give Eisner a lot of credit for the success of the movie-slate this year, giving him some credit in some areas wouldn't hurt, don't you think ;)

General Grizz

New Member
I know, and it's great. And I applaud Disney. . . But at the same token, I can't forgive Disney for owning "Bad Santa" and "Scary Movie III." That's just not comprehendible.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
I know, and it's great. And I applaud Disney. . . But at the same token, I can't forgive Disney for owning "Bad Santa" and "Scary Movie III." That's just not comprehendible.

Whether it matters or not, this record was broken without the movies made by Miramax/Dimension. Miramax totals are kept separate from the "Disney" totals. The record is solely from Disney pictures/Touchstone films. As a "family" unit, I don't necessarily think they should have to only make and do things that kids and their parents would enjoy. There are some people out there who like and want to see stuff like Bad Santa. I for one am NOT one of those people and too think it is inappropriate in some ways, but films like this please some people that are undeniably part of some "family" and I wouldn't condemn these people just because they do. Everyone has different tastes and likes and dislikes, that doesn't make them wrong because they don't believe like I do and I recoginze and appreciate that.

General Grizz

New Member
Oh hey again! :lol: Here... have a spot of tea! :D

And yeah..I for SURE am buying PoTC and Finding Nemo...the first films I've bought, minus Lilo and Stitch, since Beauty and the Beast, I believe!!

Now I don't think it's a matter of what's right and what's wrong: it's a matter of the company's responsibilty. The company is based on the family - that's the only unit Walt intended it for. Disney's ownings of "Viewers Choice" (ography) and Miramax/Deminsion go STRICTLY out of line with the founder's guidelines. . . and if you can SHOCK people that Disney owns these films, it's just "common knowledge" that Disney shouldn't do this.

Now, Miramax on its own? Fine. But Tinker Bell really has nothing to do with ______, drugs, and cursing.

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