Disney sells movie tickets on Facebook
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Disney has launched a new Facebook application called Disney Tickets Together, bringing a new twist to the social networking site. When guests use the program to purchase a movie ticket, it alerts your Facebook friends. It also asks if you want to send an invitation to them so they can purchase tickets as well. This program is going to be tested with the upcoming "Toy Story 3" film which will be in theaters June 18.
http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php...ok, Disney News - WDWINFO.COM&content=&lng=enhttp://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php...ok, Disney News - WDWINFO.COM&content=&lng=en
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Disney has launched a new Facebook application called Disney Tickets Together, bringing a new twist to the social networking site. When guests use the program to purchase a movie ticket, it alerts your Facebook friends. It also asks if you want to send an invitation to them so they can purchase tickets as well. This program is going to be tested with the upcoming "Toy Story 3" film which will be in theaters June 18.