Can anyone help? I am trying to remember the name of the Disney remix with all the ride sounds and sound from the park! I believe it was correlated by somone in Europe!
I think I know what you're talking about. The base track was the techno/choral song from "The Fifth Element" ("Diva Dance" by Eric Serra) wasn't it? If so I've heard it before and still have an MP3 of it around here somewhere. I think it was just called "Disneyworld Megamix" or something to that effect.
I remember seeing that when good 'ol Napster was still around. Nothing really spectacular about it.. just a bunch of popular ride songs (ie IASW, Davy Crocket) put together. I'm pretty sure it was called the "Disney World Megamix."
It is called the Walt Disney World Techno Mix. It is absolutly amazing...whenever you're in the need for a Disney fix just listen to this. I don't think you can buy it anywhere, you need to download it.
PS. There is also a It's a Small World TechnoMix and its cool too.