Disney Quest


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Does anyone have any info on the Disney Quest in Chicago?Is it still there? I couldn't find anything on Disney.com and all I could find on a Chicago website was a pictue of it and that it's in the "tourists district". Thanks.


New Member
Original Poster
Thanks for the info!! I didn't think it was still open but my kids really like DQ at WDW and with living in the Midwest I though it would be a good way to get a Disney fix once in a while, so I thought I'd at least ask.


New Member
The initial plan was to role more of them out, particularly one in Phily... but after the Chicago venture proved to be a failure, the Orlando DQ was the only one kept open and further expansion was abandoned.

The problem is that they cost a lot to run for something in an urban/suburban environment. It is best suited for a major purely tourist spot like Downtown Disney.


New Member
It closed down because you had to pay $50 to get in and then more money to play anything.

If they had it like the current system today, I am sure the Chicago version could have done a lot better.


Active Member
I was wondering. How does the current system work at WdW. Do you pay to enter and then pay again to play. Or one entry fee and thats all folks.


New Member
I don't believe Chicago cost $50, nor did you have to pay again to play. I don't know where you heard that.

The main killer for Chicago's version was location. Expensive, not terribly accessible, real estate.


Active Member
DQ in WDW is great in my opinion. Its pay to enter and then you only have to pay again for the arcade games where you can win prizes. What is the Midway On the Moon thingy you speak of?


Active Member
Originally posted by AndyPretty
DQ in WDW is great in my opinion. Its pay to enter and then you only have to pay again for the arcade games where you can win prizes. What is the Midway On the Moon thingy you speak of?

Ok. Thank you Andy it helps my planning.

Sgt Tibs

New Member
I went to DQ Chicago a few times the first summer it opened. It was right next to the ESPN Zone. I agree that the location was a poor choice. It was too urban to have accessible parking, but too removed from the major shopping areas to have tons of foot traffic.

It was about $34, which I thought was reasonable to get a Disney fix in Chicago. The attractions were mostly the same as the Orlando DQ.

I also remember it was packed. I guess I should have waited until the crowds disappeared (but before DQ disappeared).... :)


Active Member
My theory on why DQ Chicago closed was location. Had a suburban location with plenty of parking had been chosen, I feel it would have done better. We visited DQ Chicago a few times including taking 8 13 yr. old boys for my sons birthday. The biggest problem we encountered was the parking, several blocks away. ESPN caters to an older crowd and does well because of the sports bar feel. Families I know just don't stay downtown past dark.


Well-Known Member
I live near Chicago and this is what I heard:

Disney Quest in Chicago closed because they thought it would be a major tourist attraction in Downtown Chicago.

They thought people would be going there 7 days a week, but it turned out that it was only full on weekends.

Apparently not enough people came during the week days to make it profitable enough for Disney.


New Member
What they should have done was pay for an expansion for Navy Pier and place it there.

Great parking, no good arcades on the pier, already a tourist spot.

Just imagine, after passing the Shakespear theatre you see that huge teal building expanding over the pier....

And at where it was, there is abosolutly no signs of its existance by the ESPN zone. Quite sad.

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