Disney Plans Ruined?


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Hey everyone,
This is once again Justin not trying to complement on Rollercoasters, but My uncle works at Disney and he told me a few months ago maybe March, That Disney was going to get a wooden roller coaster of some sort othere Disney Park like, DCA or Paris maybe... He didn't know who was going to manufactur it and he didn't even quite tell me what was going on... he just said "It was talked about." i was just wondering do u think that the plans could be ruined now, since that CCI went out of buisness? :( :(

I was just wondering if this would have been a CCI coaster or would it be ruined, I dont even know if this was going to be made but i heard something about it, And everywhere im hearing that Disney's Animal Kingdom might be getting a Wood Coaster Excavator, from other forums, And that does sorta sound like a wooden coaster name.... If it would have been PTC or CCI...


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Custom Coasters International, My friend lives down the road from them... I guess if Disney were to get any wood now it would be from Intamin or Vekoma, Because there was only 3maintained wooden builders, GCI,PTC,and CCI, and there all gone now... The only wooden builders left r Vekoma & Intamin, And thats mostly what Disney buys coasters from.


Active Member
Ok, I'm pretty sure that Disney is capable of building their own rollercoaster. They know what they're doing when it comes to this stuff, and they wouldn't let the closure of a coaster company stop them. If worst came to worst, they would hire another company. I personally wish that they would open up their own department to build rollercoasters, it would be cheaper and we would probably get a lot more of them.


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Yeah, But they would have to have a manufactuerer come in and do it, U cant just start building wood and choping it up and put it together to make a coaster... or for that matter any type of ride.

I think u have to have some license to manufactuer rides or some sort of type, But i do know alot of rides that Disney customized. But they do have to have a manufactuer come in and help, WDW imagineering and Arrow Dynamics developed Space Mountain...

They would probably have to have the same with all of their rides.


New Member
Originally posted by Justin
Because there was only 3maintained wooden builders, GCI,PTC,and CCI, and there all gone now...

Umm... GCI is not gone and PTC still makes trains for woodies. There is also RCCA, Coaster Works, and a few other smaller companies that makes wooden coasters. This all seems very vague, and what makes you think there was a CCI connection?


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What do u mean by Connection?

I heard from a friend that GCI was gone, cause the president who ran the company left. Sorry that this doesnt compell with all im saying, But RCCA is more like Premier Rides, cause they make trains for them. The other small companies r not likely to build rollercoasters like Gwazi or something. Normally just stuff like Out and back style. Even if PTC still made trains... And they didn't have a wooden coaster for the job than it would be no good.


New Member
Well, as far as I know nothing has yet been announced about GCI. And by connection, I mean why do you think this woodie was necessarily a CCI, when it could easily be any other company?


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I dont even think the wooden coaster is being planned anymore, It was talked about like a year ago... something like Excavator..

And it would probably be easier to do CCI. I really think if it would have been it would have been a CCI. They sell the most and their track desighns r most unique. GCI is actually almost the same concepts on every coaster. And RCCA would be harder cause they dont sell as much as CCI did.

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