====Disney International Adventure Park and Resort====
====1st Gate====
====Disney International Adventure Park: Is a 980 Acre Theme Park with 93 Attractions, 17 Themed Lands, 50 Shops, 49 Restaurants, 14 Entertainment Experiences, 1 Central Lagoon and One 100 Acre Central Icon( The International Globe). Disney International Adventure Park is a hybrid park inspired by Epcot, Disney Sea, Disney America and Animal Kingdom.
====Disney's Seas of Fun: Is a 65 Acre Tropical Island Themed Waterpark Park with 38 Slides, 1 Lazy River, 1 Wave Pool, 4 Water Attractions, 7 Shops, 4 Restaurants, 2 Entertainment Experiences and 1 Central Icon( Mountain of Fun). Disney's Seas of Fun is located above International Harbor across from Disney Square.
====Disney's International Plaza Resort and Spa: Is a 60 Acre World Travel Themed Deluxe Hotel with 1,800 Rooms, 5 Shops, 4 Restaurants, 2 Pool Areas, 1 Private Entrance area for Disney International Adventure Park , 1 Spa/Fitness Center, 3 Resort Experiences, 1 Monorail Station and 1 Parking Lot/Transportation Plaza. Disney's International Plaza Resort is located on the East Side of Disney International Adventure Park.
====Disney's Ole Europe Resort: Is a 55 Acre European Themed Deluxe Hotel with 1,800 Rooms, 4 Shops, 4 Restaurants, 2 Themed Pool Areas, 2 Resort Experiences, 1 Spa/Fitness Center 1 Monorail Station and 1 5 Floor Parking Sturtucer/Transportation Plaza. Disney's Ole Europe Resort is located on the west side of Disney International Adventure Park.
==== Disney's Oriental Village Resort: Is a 120 Acre Asian Themed Moderate Hotel with 2,500 Rooms, 4 Shops, 4 Restaurants, 3 Themed Pool Areas, 4 Resort Experiences, 1 Central Lagoon, 1 Monorail Station, 1 Boat Dock and 1 Parking Lot/Transportation Area. Disney's Oriental Village Resort is located behind Disney International Adventure Park.
==== Disney's Cinematic Resort: Is a 110 Acre Film themed Value Hotel with 2,400 Rooms, 3 Shops, 2 Restaurants, 3 Themed Pool Areas, 3 Resort Experiences, 1 Boat Dock and 1 Parking Lot/Transportation Area. Disney's Cinematic Resort is located across from Disney Square.
====Entertainment Complex====
==== Disney Square: Is a 130 Acre International Themed Entertainment Complex with 100 Shops, 36 Restaurants, 3 Entertainment Venues, 1 Movie Theater Complex, 3 Upcharge Attractions, 1 Boat Dock, Two 5 Story Parking Sturtucers, 1 Monorail Station, 1 Bus Transportation Area and 4 Themed Areas. Disney Square is located next to Disney's Oriental Village Resort.
====Boutique Park====
====Disney's Cinematic Experience Park: Is a 200 Acre Movie Themed Boutique Park with 14 Attractions, 3 Entertainment Experiences, 8 Shops, 7 Restaurants and 1 Central Icon. Disney's Cinematic Experience Park is located next to Disney's International Creek Golf Course.
====Golf Course====
====Disney's International Creek Golf Course: Is a 120 Acre Golf Course with 18 Holes, 1 Two Floor Clubhouse, 4 Water Features, 6 Miles of Walkways and Landscaping. Disney's International Creek Golf Course is located next to Disney's Cinematic Resort across from Disney Square and International Harbor.
====Lakes and Rivers====
====International Harbor: Is a 100 Acre Lake surrounding Disney Square.
==== The Cinematic Lagoon: Is a 30 Acre Lake in the Center of Disney's Cinematic Resort.
==== The International River: Is a 5 Mile River System connecting Disney's Oriental Village Resort, Disney's Cinematic Resort, Disney Square, International Harbor and Disney's International Creek Golf Course.
====Disney's International Resort Monorail System: Is a 11 Mile Monorail System with 5 Themed Stations and 10 Trains.
====Disney's International Resort Boat System: Is a Central Boat System with 5 Themed Boat Docks and 11 Boats.
====Disney's International Resort Bus System: Is a Central Bus System with 12 Themed Bus Stations and 76 Buses.
====Disney's International Resort Transportation Hub: Is a Themed Transportation Hub located across from Disney International Adventure Park with 1 Themed Monorail Station, 2 Shops, 1 Restaurant, 2 Tram Stations and 1 Central Bus/Transportation Hub.
====The Disney International Adventure Park Parking Lot: Is a 100 Acre Surface Parking Lot with 32,000 Parking Spaces and 2 Tram Routes. The Disney International Adventure Park Parking Lot is located in front of The Disney International Resort Transportation Hub.
====The Disney International Adventure Park Pedestrian Bridge: Is a half mile Themed Pedestrian Bridge/Walkway connecting The Disney International Resort Transportation Hub and The Disney International Adventure Park Parking Lot with Disney International Adventure Park.
==== The Disney International Adventure Park Pay Toll Plaza: Is a 14 Lane Themed Toll Plaza serving the Disney International Adventure Park Paring Lot.
==== Disney's Seas of Fun Parking Lot/Transportation Area: Is a 15 Acre Themed Parking Lot/Transportation with 2,000 Spaces and 1 Central Bus Transportation Area. Disney's Seas of Fun Parking Lot/Transportation Area is located in front of Disney's Seas of Fun Waterpark.